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Anno Domini 2011 (updated 20.01.13)

Thumbs up: +1
Even in 2012 (update: 2013), 2011 still isn't too hot a year for me. Still, new stuff keeps on coming, and 2012 itself is looking pretty good, so I'll forgive it. New in the new year is the lack of ratings. It's bothersome, especially since I've decided to sacrifice a few newborns and (retrospectively and retroactively) rate on RYM.

I was considering this list, but didn't end up getting anything from it. There's still time, I guess.
It's just that nothing here looks like it'll blow me away.

Oranssi Pazuzu | Kosmonument
Mournful Congregation | The Book Of Kings
Esoteric | 2011
YOB | Atma
Vintersorg | 2011
Absu | Abzu
ICS Vortex | Storm Seeker
Forgotten Tomb | Under Saturn Retrograde

Irrelevant note:
Now with (partially) rewritten comments and updates! Some might not even make sense due to reshuffling in ranks! All this and more for only $9.99!

The above note in now really and truly irrelevant for I have updated this on the date listed in the title. Or maybe not. If something makes no sense,
it's because this is the x-th time I've (partially) rewritten bits and pieces.
Just like the 2012 list, this is one alphabetical by tiers. The first tier is 4.0, and when
the alphabet resets, we're down by 0.5. So, #1 and #2 are 4.0, #3-11 are 3.5, then #12 and on
is 3.0, etc., till we finally come to the majestic Lulu, a rare 0.5.

Finally, the non-metal album of 2011 is PJ Harvey's This Is England.

"Like" it if you're reading this in 2111.

Created by: eponymous | 25.10.2011

1. Hell - Human Remains
There we go, the best album of 2011 is ancient NWOBHM. Gotta love dem metals.
2. SubRosa - No Help For The Mighty Ones
Doom/stoner/sludge/unusual. You need this if you like those in any combination.
3. Anubis Gate - Anubis Gate
I barely remember how I came upon this. It's very familiar sounding, it does the stuff I've come to expect from the subsubsubsub genre, but that's not bad as long as it delivers. And it does. Now if they would just cut down on the silly rhymes. Easy listening is easy. Therefore it has gotten up through the ranks.
4. Hammers Of Misfortune - 17th Street
Not as incredible as Fields/Church Of Broken Glass, but still a very good effort, featuring some of the year's best tracks. Not the best album of 2011, but probably my personal favorite.
5. Mastodon - The Hunter
After the initial few spins, I found myself listening to a few choice tracks instead of the whole thing a lot more often.
6. Septicflesh - The Great Mass
Previously unknown to me, Septicflesh have pleasantly surprised me. It didn't exactly sweep me off my feet, though. It's a touch too self-indulgent for that.
7. Unexpect - Fables Of The Sleepless Empire
Crazy in a familiar way (well, to those who like avantgarde).
8. Amebix - Sonic Mass
Decent throughout. Nothing stands out throughout. Virtually never listened to it past the first few times.
9. Amorphis - The Beginning Of Times
The last one was better, but it's enjoyable enough.
10. Anaal Nathrakh - Passion
Somewhat weaker than the excellent predecessor. Actually, make that a whole lot weaker, at least in terms of replayability. I sometimes listened to the previous one on repeat for the entire day. This one? Less than five times in total.
11. Animals As Leaders - Weightless
Good, if unmemorable, stuff.
12. Arkham Witch - On Crom's Mountain
My appetite for "retro" is appeased by this. Sonically it's much like The Lamp of Thoth, which isn't a big surprise considering the members. I didn't think much of it at first, since Lamp's Portents is a better record and I listened to them nearly back-to-back, but it has grown on me by now. Viking Pirates of Doom indeed.
13. Digamma - Guidance
Starts out strong, totally forgettable and annoying by the end.
14. Embers - Shadows
Decent. Pay-what-you-want on Bandcamp.
15. Enslaved - The Sleeping Gods
Not impressive coming from Enslaved. Luckily, RIITIIR delivered.
16. Fair To Midland - Arrows & Anchors
Surprisingly good nu metal. Yeah, yeah, "modern progressive rock" / "alternative metal" - it's all just nu metal. I'd insert a redneckspeak segment here, but since I' m not an Usian, much less a redneck, I'll just stop right here. Anyway, some awesome songs, and some rather boring ones make it a not-quite-great but pretty-damn-nonetheless experience.
17. Fleshgod Apocalypse - Agony
Listening to it isn't agony, but the hype is greater than the record. The clean vocals strongly remind me of someone, but I can't remember who it is.
18. Fluxious - Why So Serious?
Sort of like Digamma, only less annoying (but not less forgettable).
19. Graveyard - Hisingen Blues
For whatever reason, this is on Metalstorm, therefore a totally legit pick. Next I'll be putting various indie rock stuff on this list. Eh. Anyway, good album. Reminded me of Witchcraft, which is why I picked it up, but I'd venture to say it's a lot weaker than any of the releases of their fellow retro Swedes. Also, it's a different style of retro. One not very related or relevant to metal. Oh I just can't stop harping on the point. Dammit. Whatever.
20. Illuminatus - Glasnost
Solid. Due to nasty circumstances, I didn't spin it more than twice, so this rating might change.
21. Isole - Born From Shadows
Disappointment of the Year? Not really, we have Iced Earth for that, but certainly an unnecessary album. What I wouldn't say for another Throne of Void....
22. Machine Head - Unto The Locust
If Iced Earth takes the prize for Biggest Disappointment, MH takes it for Biggest Surprise. I barely forced myself to give it a listen, and was pleasantly surprised. The songs drag on for too long, though, but this is good enough to convince me to give the previous one a chance now.
23. Madam Trashy - Book Of Dead
My favorite "alternative metal" album of 2011. I decided to check out all of those inated in the Metalstorm 2011 Awards, provided I liked the sample chosen. Spellbound Dazzle and Lunatic Soul didn't make the cut, and I didn't even bother with iFlames, but 7 out of 10 albums is a good score methinks. Free on Bandcamp. So, you know, give it a chance. It's sort of hard rock / stoner rather than "alternative metal".
24. Milk White Throat - Milk White Throat
I think I found this on MS. Dunno. Decent effort, downloadable on Bandcamp.
25. Novembers Doom - Aphotic
This sounds exactly like I'd expect it to. Whenever I listen to it, I find myself thinking 'this is good stuff', but I never actively reach out for it. Can't say if it's the album or the style or even the mood.
26. Opeth - Heritage
Good. Starts stronger than it finishes, though.
27. Symphony X - Iconoclast
I'm sorry to report no icons were clast [my suggestion for the Greek "klas" original] during the making of this album, and it is very much in the realms of traditional and expected, therefore slightly grating on the nerves in its weaker moments but still providing enough punch to go with the vanilla. What?
28. Burzum - Fallen
About on par with the last one. I like the "clean" vocals. In fact, the clean vocals are the best bit in an otherwise pretty stale, unexciting mixture. Apparently the new one (Umskiptar) expands on this, so I'm looking forward to putting it on my 2012 list. [It's 2013 now, Umskiptar is less good than this. Oh well.] Warning: I consider this the cut-off point. Everything below is probably a waste of your time. Only Lulu will make you sorry for being able to percieve sound, though.
29. Byfrost - Of Death
It's fairly standard stuff for the (sub)subgenre. A few standout tracks make it slightly above average.
30. Charred Walls Of The Damned - Cold Winds On Timeless Days
About on par with the first one. Which makes me unhappy, because that one wasn't stellar either, and this now sounds stale. Maybe the next one, eh?
31. Czar - Vertical Mass Grave
Nothing stands out either way (good / bad). The textbook average album.
32. Enslaved - Thorn
Enslaved's weakest hour? Maybe I should listen to this thing again, but it just bored me to tears. Average average average.
33. Essence Of Nine - The Flight Of Sleipnir
Somehow it manages to drag in places, despite clocking in at under 40 minutes. I think I'd prefer if the vocals were a little more in the front. // Aaaaaand major downgrade. I once again cannot remember a single note off this. It's either super complex and intricate or just bland and forgettable. I'm betting on the latter.
34. Hedon Cries - The End Of The Path Is Nigh...
Death....downloadabe from the band themselves...okayish.
35. Krux - III
I somehow forgot about this. Krux has been very consistent - every new record has been weaker than the previous. Still nowhere near bad, though.
36. Metallica - Beyond Magnetic
Unlike Enslaved, Metallica making something average is good news heh. I never listened to anything but "Just a Bullet Away" after I went through it a couple of times. I really like that one.
37. Red - Until We Have Faces
Sort of like Fluxious and Digamma again, only worse. I'd still take it any day over IE's Dystopia.
38. Textures - Dualism
Apparently I don't enjoy djent all that much #1
39. Uneven Structure - Februus
Apparently I don't enjoy djent all that much #2
40. Unholy Cadaver - Unholy Cadaver
This really improved on subsequent listens, but it still doesn't gel completely in mind. Really, anyone who is not a huge Hammers of Misfortune / John Cobbett fan should give this a skip.
41. Alestorm - Back Through Time
Improvement over the last one, but still...perhaps it's time to drop the pirate gimmick.
42. Iced Earth - Dystopia
Oh how the mighty have fallen. This is basically Something Wicked Part III: The Weakest One Yet. And it's not the new vocalist's fault. Stu Block does a good job, sometimes sounding eerily barlowesque. Schaffer got lazy. The songwriting is poor, and it all feels so damn old in the heard before sense. Biggest disappointment of the year.
43. Ilenkus - Rule By Thieves
44. Saxon - Call To Arms
Much like the previous one - rather weak.
45. Pain - You Only Live Twice
Utterly bland and unmemorable. Worst crime an album supposed to be catchy can commit.
46. Secret Of Darkness - (In)Humanity
Lacking any distinctive characteristics. Dull.
47. Metallica - Lulu
This is not really a Metallica record. They're pretty much hired guns, playing Lou Reed's stuff. Unfortunately, it's pretty bad stuff.

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by eponymous ]


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Comments: 12   Visited by: 41 users
31.10.2011 - 16:17
Account deleted
Like yer list.
31.10.2011 - 17:47
Written by [user id=109200] on 31.10.2011 at 16:17

Like yer list.

Thanks. I've been visting your own once per day for a week now heh. I sort of owe you for Septicflesh - although they're rather prominently featured here, it was thanks to you putting that album at #1 I finally gave it a listen. So, thanks
31.10.2011 - 17:51
Account deleted
Written by eponymous on 31.10.2011 at 17:47

Written by [user id=109200] on 31.10.2011 at 16:17

Like yer list.

Thanks. I've been visting your own once per day for a week now heh. I sort of owe you for Septicflesh - although they're rather prominently featured here, it was thanks to you putting that album at #1 I finally gave it a listen. So, thanks

Glad I could be of assistance to you.
01.11.2011 - 10:29
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
The music for Lulu was written by Metallica so it is as much a Metallica album as it is a Lou Reed one. Lou only wrote the lyrics to it.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

01.11.2011 - 10:31
Troy Killjoy
Didn't Lou Reed help write some of the music too? Not that it matters, it's not like Metallica just sat around and Lou said "okay play this note" and the rest is history. They co-wrote the entire thing. Metallica and Lou Reed are both responsible for it.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
01.11.2011 - 10:35
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Troy Killjoy on 01.11.2011 at 10:31

Didn't Lou Reed help write some of the music too? Not that it matters, it's not like Metallica just sat around and Lou said "okay play this note" and the rest is history. They co-wrote the entire thing. Metallica and Lou Reed are both responsible for it.

Yep, but that means Metallica AREN'T just hired guns unlike what some people try to tell us
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

01.11.2011 - 11:52
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 01.11.2011 at 10:35

Written by Troy Killjoy on 01.11.2011 at 10:31

Didn't Lou Reed help write some of the music too? Not that it matters, it's not like Metallica just sat around and Lou said "okay play this note" and the rest is history. They co-wrote the entire thing. Metallica and Lou Reed are both responsible for it.

Yep, but that means Metallica AREN'T just hired guns unlike what some people try to tell us

As far as I know, you're in fact wrong. Metallica is credited with "arrangements". Here's a snip from Wikipedia (since I couldn't be bothered to google for whatever publication I read it in first):

"The collaboration was originally intended to be Metallica re-recording various previously unreleased tracks Reed had written over the years. Among these unreleased demos was a collection of songs composed for a play called Lulu?a theatrical production of two plays originally written by the German playwright Frank Wedekind. Reed shared the demos of these songs with the members of Metallica to help bring the "piece to the next level, and the group provided "significant arrangement contributions" to the material."

Even if we're both wrong, my wrongness is nearer to the truth.
01.11.2011 - 19:37
Troy Killjoy
Wikipedia: the answer to all life's questions.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
01.11.2011 - 20:13
Written by Troy Killjoy on 01.11.2011 at 19:37

Wikipedia: the answer to all life's questions.

Are you one of those people who feel they must have the closing argument? If so, sorry about this
01.11.2011 - 20:22
Troy Killjoy
Written by eponymous on 01.11.2011 at 20:13
Are you one of those people who feel they must have the closing argument? If so, sorry about this

Hardly, and I didn't realize we were arguing. :/
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
01.11.2011 - 20:30
Written by Troy Killjoy on 01.11.2011 at 20:22

Written by eponymous on 01.11.2011 at 20:13
Are you one of those people who feel they must have the closing argument? If so, sorry about this

Hardly, and I didn't realize we were arguing. :/

Oh come now, I was just joking. I don't believe there is really any point of contention, since we essentially agree about the (lack of) quality of Lulu. NHF and so on
01.11.2011 - 20:32
Troy Killjoy
Written by eponymous on 01.11.2011 at 20:30
I don't believe there is really any point of contention, since we essentially agree about the (lack of) quality of Lulu.

Exactly. I think it sucks, you think it sucks - it's all good.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."

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