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2012 Dreamy Albums Milena Considers A 7.5+ (update 26.12)

Other good lists with some melodic metal in them:
strade's - R'Vannith's - Unhealer's - Lkoturnindrin's

Will only add 7.5+ releases, so this won't be a gargantuan list... last year saw maybe forty or so releases I thought of as 7.5+'s, a lot of them rated only at the end of the year, and some not rated at all due to the extensiveness of pre-MSA listening sessions... if you want to stalk my "bad" ratings, they're all in my album votes.

Full streams are available for:
Favna Abisal
Unwritten Pages
Burning Circle
In The Silence
Distorted Harmony

Created by: Milena | 24.02.2012

1. Enochian Theory - Life... And All It Entails
10, atmospheric/melodic prog metal/rock, in vein of Riverside and Porcupine Tree, but nevertheless quite original. Strong concept, flow and vocals; I have no doubt this will be my album of the year - and one of my albums of the decade. [Reviewed it]
2. Dissona - Dissona
9+, prog/avant: intricate, theatrical, playful and diverse; for Leprous fans. [Reviewed by R'Vannith]
3. Big Big Train - English Electric 1
9+, progressive rock. There's just no words for this one, if you're into prog in any way do yourself a favor and google this very underappreciated band.
4. Headspace - I Am Anonymous
9-, prog metal. Experienced musicians gather to show us what prog metal is really about. [Reviewed it]
5. Beyond The Bridge - The Old Man And The Spirit
9-, excellent prog metal. Rich in everything, but yet subtle, powerful and uplifting. [Reviewed it]
6. Wintersun - Time I
9-, symphonic metal. Yes, I have a couple of issues with the album, mostly with the production. However, I really do not give a shit for how many years has it been in the making or how short it is. It's a beautiful, straightforwardly melodic album and I shall enjoy it accordingly. Come Time II! [Reviewed by Baz Anderson]
7. OSI - Fire Make Thunder
9-, prog/ambient. Strong output from Kevin Moore and Jim Matheos, in the trademark OSI heavy riffs vs. electronics style. Interesting textures and ideas, references of past works (Wind Won't Howl -> Radiologue and For Nothing -> the title track of Kevin's Graveyard Mountain Home) and the most delicious closer this year. It might be their weakest album yet, but it is still amazing, and has a quiet feel none of the ones before had. [Reviewed by Doc Godin]
8. Rush - Clockwork Angels
9-, "hard prog". I only listened to Rush up to Moving Pictures and this wasn't very high on my priority list, but I was blown away by how good it was.
9. Enslaved - RIITIIR
9-, progressive black. My first encounter with these lads, may it not be the last!
10. Frequency Drift - ... Laid To Rest
9-, eclectic prog. Female vocals, non-electric instruments, long melancholic tunes... more, please!
11. Kamelot - Silverthorn
8+, symphonic power metal. A "comeback" album of sorts, proving Kam is the most consistent power metal band out there. And it features one of my favorite singers - the only one who could make me stop mourning Roy's departure. Welcome aboard Tommy! [Reviewed with Ag Fox]
12. The Gathering - Disclosure
8+, alternative... something. The Gathering have set themselves on a beautiful path and I will be watching watching (and smiling thoughtfully).
13. Taranis - Kingdom
8+, melodic black/prog: to quote Lyrinan's staff pick text, a truly seamless blend of genres, with soaring vocals taking center place. [Reviewed by Troy Killjoy]
14. Kälter - Ubuntu
8+, progressive melodeath. Interesting, keyboard-heavy album with plenty of hooks and folky at times. [Review coming soon]
15. Burning Circle - Ruins Of Mankind
8+, prog/trad metal/symph, hook after hook after hook. They have this Symphony X/Pagan's Mind thing going on, and a lot of others as well. One of the rare bands from my home country I can be proud of. [Reviewed it]
16. Unwritten Pages - Fringe Kitchen
8+, prog/alternative. Energetic, youthful, catchy, cool. [Reviewed it]
17. Favna Abisal - Rerum Imaginaria
8+, dark avantgarde. Folky and black and electronic touches in a trippy prog pool. [Reviewed it]
18. Ørkenkjøtt - Ønskediktet
8+, avantgarde extreme prog. A little rough play that goes down well, amazing clean and harsh vocals in Norwegian, acoustic interruptions and crazy style switches within one song (Profeten's "extreme metal gone blues rock" is the best twist of the year). Plus, a horse playing a piano.
19. Devin Townsend - Epicloud
8+, pop dance metal explosion. I looooove you, I neeeed you, I've always been arouuuund you...
20. Threshold - March Of Progress
8+, classic prog metal. It seems that everyone's been playing the no-sweat-prog-metal game incredibly well this year, and Damian Wilson was right in the center of it, being a part of two excellent albums (the other one being Headspace).
21. Steelwing - Zone Of Alienation
8+, retro heavy metal: resurgence done right, with plenty of youthful energy. Mostly for Iron Maiden fans. [Reviewed it]
22. Christian Mistress - Possession
8+, retro heavy metal. Smokey female vocs and an occult vibe, perf music for when you're feeling witchy. [Reviewed by Doc Godin]
23. Vertigo Steps - Surface/Light
8+, melodic prog. Soft, comforting, lots of replay value - kind of like In The Silence's older, more mature (and varied!) cousin. [Reviewed by BloodTears]
24. Beardfish - The Void
8-, prog rock. Another band that played the 70's card, but spaced it out. I prefer the proggier bits of the album though, Note is without a doubt the best epic track of 2012.
25. To-Mera - Exile
female-fronted fresh prog. Swiftly engaging. [Reviewed by Ivor]
26. Ne Obliviscaris - Portal Of I
8-, extreme prog. Like a row of good melodies shooting themselves in the head, one after another, splattering sonic blood of nice sparkly colors. A debut that gave everyone a good run for their money. [Reviewed it]
27. In The Silence - A Fair Dream Gone Mad
8-, melodic/atmospheric stuff. The album everyone and their mother went nuts over for a good reason, it first makes you think long and hard about the wrong things and then strokes your hair and hugs you. [Reviewed by Ag Fox]
28. A Forest Of Stars - A Shadowplay For Yesterdays
8-, avantgarde black metal. I want a top hat and a Victorian dress and a stage in my house so I could swirl and dance ridiculously while this is playing. What the fuck are those lyrics in the intro, man???
29. Distorted Harmony - Utopia
8-, "happy" prog metal. Nothing you haven't heard before, but has staying power, there's something special about this band and I hope they realize their potential.
30. Be'lakor - Of Breath And Bone
8-, melodeath. Majestic, lyrically splendid, emotional, somber. [Reviewed by Troy Killjoy]
31. Pharaoh - Bury The Light
8-, heavy power metal: an amazingly energetic, all-around awesome effort, metal in every sense of the word. Strong contender for the best power metal release of the year. [Reviewed by Doc Godin]
32. Algol - Complex Shapes
8-, melodeath. If Dan Swanö's contributions and endorsement mean anything to you, get on top of this asap.
33. Kristoffer Gildenlöw - RUST
8-, mostly acoustic proggy rock. Kristoffer's voice is eerily similar to his brother's. Beautiful vocal harmonies (courtesy of several guests on the album), soulful and sparkly songs - PoS should take a leaf out of his book if they are going to continue with their Road Salt style. Not that the Road Salts don't rule, they do.
34. Pictured - Strand Of Time
8-, melodeath. Not very original but amazingly fun, the only thing I'd change here are vocals (or the producer's take on them), but they're not a problem. [Reviewed by Doc Godin]
35. Allegaeon - Formshifter
8-, techy melodeath. Playful and fun, even though it loses me at times - nothing that a few more listens can't fix. [Reviewed by Doc Godin]
36. Harmaja - Marras
8-, acoustic rock/pop/I have no idea. Project of ex-Charon and ex-Poisonblack frontman, all sung in Finnish, all soothing and calm, though my favorite Harmaja album so far remains their debut.
37. Primal Rock Rebellion - Awoken Broken
8-, innovative heavy metal. The best Iron Maiden side-project in recent years *cough* BRITISH LION SUCKS STEVE, OKAY? *cough*
38. Barren Earth - The Devil's Resolve
8-, progressive/melodic death/doom/Amorphis!: this one will require further meditation, but it's on the similar level as the previous album. For those who haven't heard the previous album, basically, take a list of whatever band/genre the musicians involved have played, mix it all, and cram A LOT of that mass in. [Reviewed by BitterCOld]
39. Another Perfect Day - Four Songs For The Left Behind
EP, 8-, extreme prog/proggy death, and time very well spent on some bleak and odd shizz.
40. Words Of Farewell - Immersion
7+, melodeath. If 00's Dark Tranquillity and Insomnium had a baby, this is what you'd get.
41. Axel Rudi Pell - Circle Of The Oath
7+, heavy metal. Nothing big about this, just good vocals and good melodies. Good memories, too.
42. Oddland - The Treachery Of Senses
7+, and the only really good traditional Finnish prog album I've had the pleasure of hearing.
43. Lanfear - This Harmonic Consonance
7+, power/heavy metal. Solid all the way throughout. [Reviewed by Ag Fox]
44. Seax - High On Metal
7+, punky heavy metal. Indicative album name [Reviewed by wormdrink]
45. Accept - Stalingrad
7+, heavy metal. So far my only taste of "new" Accept - and so good.
46. Shear - Breaking The Stillness
7+, power metal. Female-fronted, reminds me of 80's music in a strange and good way. And I don't mean 80's metal exclusively either. [Reviewed by Ag Fox]

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by Milena ]


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Comments: 69   Visited by: 300 users
24.02.2012 - 00:25
Has enough to love already with four entries. I honestly have no idea how I missed the Taranis album. I loved Rengeteg, so I need to get on that...
My lo-fi synth project:
24.02.2012 - 00:27
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Steelwing, Dreamy?
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

24.02.2012 - 00:29
gloom cookie
Written by strade on 24.02.2012 at 00:25

Has enough to love already with four entries. I honestly have no idea how I missed the Taranis album. I loved Rengeteg, so I need to get on that...

Mmmm, I would have missed it too if Troy had not specifically told me to check it out... the music is fine, some pretty inspiring moments, and THAT MAN'S VOICE. I'm honestly scared to listen to Regneteg now, I hate missing out on huge things and it looks like it could be it
7.0 means the album is good
24.02.2012 - 00:29
gloom cookie
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 24.02.2012 at 00:27

Steelwing, Dreamy?

Oh well, not all can fit the description
7.0 means the album is good
24.02.2012 - 01:14
Darkside Momo
Written by Milena on 24.02.2012 at 00:29

Written by strade on 24.02.2012 at 00:25

Has enough to love already with four entries. I honestly have no idea how I missed the Taranis album. I loved Rengeteg, so I need to get on that...

Mmmm, I would have missed it too if Troy had not specifically told me to check it out... the music is fine, some pretty inspiring moments, and THAT MAN'S VOICE. I'm honestly scared to listen to Regneteg now, I hate missing out on huge things and it looks like it could be it

I honestly didn't get into Taranis that much, but I urge you to check Rengeteg ASAP. Much more avant-garde, in fact they're quite dissimilar. But Rengeteg is soooooooooooooooo beautiful...
My Author's Blog (in French)

"You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you"

"I've lost too many years now
I'm stealing back my soul
I am awake"
24.02.2012 - 01:19
gloom cookie
Written by Darkside Momo on 24.02.2012 at 01:14

But Rengeteg is soooooooooooooooo beautiful...

Oh, damn, I did miss something huge.

Commence freakout procedure
7.0 means the album is good
24.02.2012 - 03:29
I like the meme
Have to say Taranis wasn't that impressive for me, nice vocals though.
24.02.2012 - 10:25
gloom cookie
Written by R'Vannith on 24.02.2012 at 03:29

I like the meme

Here's the full picture for anyone who might have missed it
7.0 means the album is good
29.02.2012 - 22:52
Would you mind giving some words about the Taranis album, I am interested in that
29.02.2012 - 23:13
gloom cookie
Written by Windrider on 29.02.2012 at 22:52

Would you mind giving some words about the Taranis album, I am interested in that

I believe this review by Troy will give you all you need
7.0 means the album is good
01.03.2012 - 06:05
So you made it and didn't notify me, huh?
Well, I forgive you since you pointed out that awesome meme. Does it have a name or it's just a random creation?

Ok, make sure you don't go too fast with the list so I can keep up with you and give a listen to these records.
01.03.2012 - 10:47
gloom cookie
Written by Unhealer on 01.03.2012 at 06:05

So you made it and didn't notify me, huh?
Well, I forgive you since you pointed out that awesome meme. Does it have a name or it's just a random creation?

Ok, make sure you don't go too fast with the list so I can keep up with you and give a listen to these records.

I am indeed very sorry. Let me make it up to you furthermore by directing you to the loveliness that is Prog Dog... it is mostly about progressive rock but some of it can also be about metalheads

I won't go too fast... I'll listen to a lot of stuff in March but I don't think a lot will get in right away.
7.0 means the album is good
01.03.2012 - 14:45
Written by Milena on 01.03.2012 at 10:47

I am indeed very sorry. Let me make it up to you furthermore by directing you to the loveliness that is Prog Dog... it is mostly about progressive rock but some of it can also be about metalheads

God, what have you done. Now I can't stop browsing it This is great.
Prog rock is like my second area of expertise after metal, so I can relate to this prog dog a lot.

I guess you've already read the prog rock article in
01.03.2012 - 14:48
gloom cookie
Written by Unhealer on 01.03.2012 at 14:45

I guess you've already read the prog rock article in

Of course I have... I love Cracked as much as I love prog, rock or metal
7.0 means the album is good
01.03.2012 - 15:08
Written by Milena on 01.03.2012 at 14:48

Of course I have... I love Cracked as much as I love prog, rock or metal

You just can't stop being cool, girl.
If you have/find more of these prog jokes PM them to me. We always have a good laugh at them with my band and some friends.
01.03.2012 - 15:10
gloom cookie
Written by Unhealer on 01.03.2012 at 15:08

If you have/find more of these prog jokes PM them to me. We always have a good laugh at them with my band and some friends.

I have this circle of people on tumblr with whom I share prog rock and especially prog metal jokes with, but they're mostly in the line of "John Petrucci is a bear" kind of silly
7.0 means the album is good
01.03.2012 - 15:32
Written by Milena on 01.03.2012 at 15:10

I have this circle of people on tumblr with whom I share prog rock and especially prog metal jokes with, but they're mostly in the line of "John Petrucci is a bear" kind of silly

Anything is welcome.
You just reminded me of the John Petrucci parodies/voice overs on youtube, it's been ages since I don't watch those.
02.03.2012 - 23:43
Account deleted
Art thee going to limit this list to prog and the ilk? for that wouldst be awesome
03.03.2012 - 00:03
gloom cookie
Written by [user id=114127] on 02.03.2012 at 23:43

Art thee going to limit this list to prog and the ilk? for that wouldst be awesome

Well not limit, but that's my taste basically... random prog, heavy, melodeath, gothic and power hybrids. Last year I've been known to check out the occasional extreme metal release but I just prefer doing this systematically... no new extreme metal until I'm well versed in the basics, and I will not meet the basics until I checked everything interesting from my "main" genres I guess. Might sound pretty stupid but that's how I roll really
7.0 means the album is good
03.03.2012 - 00:39
Account deleted
Written by Milena on 03.03.2012 at 00:03

Well not limit, but that's my taste basically... random prog, heavy, melodeath, gothic and power hybrids. Last year I've been known to check out the occasional extreme metal release but I just prefer doing this systematically... no new extreme metal until I'm well versed in the basics, and I will not meet the basics until I checked everything interesting from my "main" genres I guess. Might sound pretty stupid but that's how I roll really

Please keep this proggy, my proggerfly.
03.03.2012 - 00:45
gloom cookie
Written by [user id=114127] on 03.03.2012 at 00:39

Please keep this proggy, my proggerfly.

Don't worry, I'll stalk every progger I know of and check out everything they recommend, and a lot of stuff they don't In the meanwhile, have yourself some Dissona if you already haven't... pretty damn good.
7.0 means the album is good
03.03.2012 - 00:50
Account deleted
Written by Milena on 03.03.2012 at 00:45

have yourself some Dissona if you already haven't... pretty damn good.

will do
08.03.2012 - 15:42
Spirit Molecule
spirit molecule
Heh, thats a really small list

Check our Karnivool's Sound awake if you haven't already. I'm sure it will be on there soon enough.
If you never wake up from a dream does it become reality?

Last fm
Don't click here
08.03.2012 - 18:10
gloom cookie
Written by Spirit Molecule on 08.03.2012 at 15:42

Heh, thats a really small list

Check our Karnivool's Sound awake if you haven't already. I'm sure it will be on there soon enough.

Like I said, it's a work in progress suggestion noted, I'll really try to listen to anything and everything in my "range" this year.
7.0 means the album is good
13.03.2012 - 04:14
China was a neat
This should fit your taste perfectly well.

13.03.2012 - 08:28
gloom cookie
Written by 3rdWorld on 13.03.2012 at 04:14

This should fit your taste perfectly well.

I take it you haven't listened to much Dream Theater in your lifetime? this is kind of intriguing but not stunningly original. Will have to listen to the whole thing to be sure.
7.0 means the album is good
22.03.2012 - 05:11
China was a neat
Written by Milena on 13.03.2012 at 08:28

I take it you haven't listened to much Dream Theater in your lifetime? this is kind of intriguing but not stunningly original. Will have to listen to the whole thing to be sure.

This is one of the few songs in the album, that are in the vein of Dream Theater, the others are modern prog a la Devin Townsend.
12.06.2012 - 17:54
The Old Man And The Spirit by Beyond The Bridge is "dreamy", might be something for you to check out, if you haven't already.
EDIT: Forgot to read the part where you said you stopped working on this one
12.06.2012 - 23:13
gloom cookie
Written by Zap on 12.06.2012 at 17:54

Forgot to read the part where you said you stopped working on this one

I'll probably pick it up again. I have around 30 must-check albums for prog only, not to mention the other genres, and there's always a lot of listening due for preparing the Awards properly. Last year I did it all in December because I was very conveniently bumped to Elite back then... it would have been nicer to just spread out this year. But yeah, due to studying and other unrelated issues, I've only heard, like... 25 2012 albums :O
7.0 means the album is good
13.06.2012 - 14:50
Written by Milena on 12.06.2012 at 23:13

I've only heard, like... 25 2012 albums :O

Well, if it's any consolation I have heard about the same number of albums And I've bought 3... (though that would have been more if I could get stuff easier)

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