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Tiamat - Amanethes review


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Band: Tiamat
Album: Amanethes
Style: Atmospheric gothic metal
Release date: April 18, 2008
A review by: Ivor

01. The Temple Of The Crescent Moon
02. Equinox Of The Gods
03. Until The Hellhounds Sleep Again
04. Will They Come?
05. Lucienne
06. Summertime Is Gone
07. Katarraktis Apo Aima
08. Raining Dead Angels
09. Misantropolis
10. Amanitis
11. Meliae
12. Via Dolorosa
13. Circles
14. Amanes
15. Thirst Snake [digipack bonus]

"It's been a long time but we are back again..." A quote from an opening track "The Temple of the Crescent Moon" of the new Tiamat album "Amanethes" says in short what needs saying. After five years Tiamat have returned with an album full of new material. Predictable is not a word to be used to describe this band and their music. Although, unpredictable ain't the right one either. However, with Tiamat a few surprises may easily be in store for a listener. There were for me at least.

As much as I like most of Tiamat albums I was rather put off by the opening of the album. "The Temple of the Crescent Moon" and "Equinox of the Gods" are, in my opinion, somewhat uncharacteristic of the band. Being quite fast, rich with pounding drums and Johan trying to revert back to rasping vocals of the early albums but making it sound different – that's a combination that on the first listen made my face sag. Although, the guitars, keyboard atmosphere and the songs on the whole have Tiamat written all over them, it was not the Tiamat I was expecting.

However, from there on it went uphill and along the paths my mind was prepared to handle. The following songs not only serve the listener with excellent deep voice of Johan Edlund in the vein of the ultimate best of Gothic Metal but also great composition. Furthermore, a real surprise came with "Will They Come?" Something rang in me deeply, something familiar to the bones. It didn't take me too long to figure out that the beginning of the song had all the components – the structure, the atmosphere, and the feeling – that made "Aégis" by Theatre of Tragedy an outstanding album. Different voice, different musicians, different song but there's something there that gets you right inside.

What makes "Amanethes" an enjoyable album is the pleasant variation of the songs. It makes the album seem fresh, not fresh as in new but fresh as in blooming green. True, I didn't like the first songs on the first listen but I've found out that on the whole they do fit and are good. Let's say it was more a matter of prejudice and a slight shock. So, as I said, the variation is the key here. While album ranges from slumbering atmosphere that's been describing Tiamat since "Wildhoney" to the more aggressive side that I don't recall in such context, it's quite a tight bundle. Furthermore, I find that the band have made far better and creative use of their instruments than they've done for quite some time. It's been a while since they really played the songs out to the fullest.

To wrap it up, I have to say that "Amanethes" shows life flowing in the band. In a way, release of this album is perfect for Spring. It has that feeling of new life to it. On the other hand, with exceptions of a couple of tracks, it could as well be the high Summer and a yellow sunset by the sea, especially if you listen to "Meliae." Or it could be "Raining Dead Angels" if you prefer something gloomy and stormy. Whichever view you like, the fact remains that this album can capture it's listener when really listened to. This album here is a first step in a bit different direction and is probably not yet as fine tuned as it could be. However, Tiamat's past has shown such changeover albums to be lasting in time. Time will show if this one will last as well.

Written on 03.05.2008 by I shoot people.

Sometimes, I also write about it.

And one day I'm going to start a band. We're going to be playing pun-rock.


Comments: 15   Visited by: 264 users
03.05.2008 - 23:18
Rosetta Stoned
I just have to get it! I haven't seen anything else but great reviews and it even got 5/5 in the Swedish "Kvällsposten" (like the Swedish "Times")
I saw them live about 11 monts ago and it sure was one of the best concerts I've been to. I really enjoy this band.
04.05.2008 - 00:20
i got this cd and its so good!!!!
04.05.2008 - 01:52
Nice album for Tiamat fans. Good enough. 7/10
04.05.2008 - 05:33
Doit Like Bernie
I have to get this album!
04.05.2008 - 13:21
Account deleted
i think its unfair if we give under 9 for this album! how much albums of a band can be new and fresh? this is a fresh album as hell! when i heard it,i thought that its not Juhan! so why u thing its not fresh as well Ivor?
its not just a good album its Brillliant and yes its not perfect so i give it a 9.6
04.05.2008 - 13:35
Lost To Apathy
Interestingly enough, I think the first 2 tracks are the best. It's a good album, but Prey was much better.
You don't make up for your sins in church. You do it in the streets. You do it at home. The rest is bullshit and you know it ~ Mean Streets
04.05.2008 - 14:27
Rating: 8
Angel of Lust
Agree, the first 2 tracks are amazing!
The entire album is very good too, though not to compare with Wildhoney of course...

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear,
and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
04.05.2008 - 16:16
Written by [user id=31891] on 04.05.2008 at 13:21

so why u thing its not fresh as well Ivor?

Either you didn't read well enough or you are missing the point in a bit more complex use of English language. Read again - I did say it was fresh. As for the rating, I don't need to justify it, in my opinion the review reflects it.

Written by Passenger on 04.05.2008 at 13:35

Interestingly enough, I think the first 2 tracks are the best. It's a good album, but Prey was much better.

I can't say I totally agree on the matter of the first two tracks. These two songs are good, I grant you that. However, they could've been somewhere in the middle of the album, to give a chance for the listener to be ready. As I said, it was sort of like a bucket of cold water for me. Other than that there's nothing wrong with them.

04.05.2008 - 17:57
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Sniff, although I like Amanethes more than most of their albums before this, this is once again another Tiamat album making me long back to the good old days Of Wildhoney, Clouds and earler.
Why don't bands ever stop on their creative highpoints?
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

04.05.2008 - 20:09
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 04.05.2008 at 17:57

Sniff, although I like Amanethes more than most of their albums before this, this is once again another Tiamat album making me long back to the good old days Of Wildhoney, Clouds and earler.
Why don't bands ever stop on their creative highpoints?

Yeah, can't argue, "Wildhoney" is out of reach, that's a pearl. However, this creative highpoint you refer to is a crossover period when the band went from one kind of music to another, peaking with "Wildhoney." The period of change is, in my opinion, the most interesting era of many different bands, Tiamat's just another example in this sense. It is worth to note though, that something is happening slowly and the band is going in an interesting direction as you seem to like this album more than the previous ones.

05.05.2008 - 15:10
finally tiamat returns !!! and just when i was listening to "a deeper kind of slumber" like insane these weeks.gotta check it out instantly *runsrunsruns*
i'm super, thanks for asking
07.05.2008 - 10:13
Account deleted
"fresh as in blooming green" sorry i didnt see it
25.05.2008 - 12:51
I wonder do they still keep psychedelic element on this album like in the song Cain on Prey, the previous album?
13.07.2008 - 15:49
Rating: 9
This is one of the most diverse albums i've ever heard.
I feel it manages to combine all that was good in recent Tiamat, yet retain SOME of the heaviness they once had.
the production is great, enhances the dynamics without taking away from the atmosphere.
No doubt Tiamat put more effort to this release than any other.

Written by FAITH & MUSIC on 25.05.2008 at 12:51

I wonder do they still keep psychedelic element on this album like in the song Cain on Prey, the previous album?

Well, psychedelics are toned down on this album in favor of some acoustics in order to achieve a darker yet tranquil feeling.
Katarraktis Apo Aima still has some of their renowned psychedelic edge.

I hope this clears some of the doubts u may have about this album
22.12.2009 - 17:21
Liver Failure
Good. Not a big deal as I was expecting, but good enough.

The two first tracks surprised me as well, but I still did not like them. From ''Until The Hellhounds Sleep Again'' to on, the album gets a lot better.

member of the true crusade against old school heavy metal, early 80s thrash, NWOBHM, traditional doom, first and second wave black metal, old school death metal, US power metal, 70s prog rock and atmospheric doomsludgestoner. o/

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