Genghis Tron - Cloak Of Love review
Band: | Genghis Tron |
Album: | Cloak Of Love |
Style: | Cyber grindcore |
Release date: | February 15, 2005 |
A review by: | Undercraft |
01. Rock Candy
02. Arms
03. Ride The Steambolt
04. Laser Bitch
05. Sing Disorder
In all my years as a reviewer I can't say I've given many 10's, as a matter of fact I only recall two 10's given by me to albums here at the site. Like I said before, a band only deserves a 10 if it redefines or invents a whole new genre. Originality is the name of the game here, and Genghis Tron has reached a level of originality in my books that I can only rate this album with the maximum score, 10.
Enough said, I know I just spoiled the whole point of the review (rating justifications usually go at the end) but nevermind, I'm just crazy today.
Yes! You read well the band info, what we have here is Electro Synthpop Grindcore, can you imagine that? I bet you can't, neither could I until I received this 5-song EP entitled "Cloak Of Love", debut effort of North American act Genghis Tron.
Genghis Tron music is chaotic, danceable, soothing, exhilarating and viciously sick. Think Depeche Mode marrying Brutal Truth, think Mr. Bungle fighting New Order, you got the picture? If not, the best way to explain this is: take a bowl and put in the mix some brutal riffing, rabid blast beats, trip-hop beats, electro & synthpop elements, mix very well and there you have it! Electro synthpop Grindcore.
The whole EP is a mystery, it's like a mathematical equation, filled with intrigues, changes, screams, shrieks, theatrical voices, and much, much variety. "Rock Candy" starts things quite brutal, the first 20 seconds you think you're in front of your typical Grindcore band, and then out of the blue, smooth passages with break beats, drum n' bass, all paired with Grindcore bits, are really disturbing because when you thought the storm was over... WHAM! there it goes again.
"Arms" follows the same path but with some jungle and drum n' bass (both are electronic music sub-genres) , the calm passages in this song are really something, also there's a guitar lead worth listening here. "Ride The Steambolt" is a rapid piece believe me, these guys won't leave you time to even think about the song. Several listens required. "Laser Bitch", one of my favorites, this begins like every synthpop song of the eighties, vocal effects, drum beats and catchy atmosphere in general. Until the chaos sets in. "Sing Disorder" is in my opinion, the most complex song in the EP, underneath the riffs, screaming and drumming you can find elements that you're not supposed to find, but still they lay there. A lot of IDM in this song. Headphones required.
We have here a milestone in Metal scene, a band that decided to do something different, a band that tried to mix two "unmixable" genres, and they succeeded in it. Truly a remarkable effort by these New Yorkers. Definitely the best release of the year so far. Highly recommended for those seeking new things in the Metal scene. If you despise Electronica, trip-hop, synthpop and Grindcore, still you must listen this. Or you will die. I'm serious.
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