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Convulse - World Without God review


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Band: Convulse
Album: World Without God
Style: Death metal
Release date: June 1991
A review by: Lucas

01. Introduction
02. World Without God
03. Putrid Intercourse
04. Incantation Of Restoration
05. Blasphemous Verses
06. False Religion
07. Resuscitation Of Evilness
08. Infernal End
09. Godless Truth
10. Powerstruggle Of Belief
11. Putrid Intercourse [demo] [limited re-release bonus]
12. Godless Truth [demo] [limited re-release bonus]
13. Resuscitation Of Evilness [demo] [limited re-release bonus]
14. Powerstruggle Of Belief [demo] [limited re-release bonus]
15. Countess Bathory [Venom cover] [live] [limited re-release bonus]
16. Incantation Of Restoration [live] [limited re-release bonus]

Convulse is one of those bands that's capable of being completely unknown and legendary at the same time. Unknown to almost the entire known population of the Milky Way, legendary among the few appreciators of the Finnish (Nokia) Death metal scene. World Without God is their gem.

It's '92 when World Without God is released and although I'm not sure of the exact release date, I'm pretty sure I spent most of the particular day pooping my diapers, delicately placing my meals everywhere but in my mouth and generally annoying the crap out of my parents in as many different ways as possible. Good times.

A world without god must be a pretty ghastly world, because that's the sound of World Without God. There's a lot of depth to their production - especially the bass seems to roar into infinity - which greatly benefits the albums enveloping aspects. You will be sucked into the vortex of crazy spaced-out riffs and gutturals with that typical lovely hoarse edge to them. It's a relentless attack on the senses, in pure old school Death metal fashion. Every song is a delight with the constant changes in pace, the shifting between simple headbanger riffs and the more complex mindfucker riffs, the Doom-influences that seep in from time to time... What a dark and depressing album. It grabs you and does not let you go, for the full thirty-eight minutes. It's consistently strong throughout the entire album, it's wonderfully rotten and deceased, it's a World Without God.

Relapse Records re-released this otherwise near unattainable underground gem. They threw in the Resuscitation Of Evilness demo as well. Thanks, guys! Now there's no excuse anymore: if you dig old school Death metal, if you dig rotten and extreme music, if you dig spaced-out sonic violence - get yourself some World Without God!

Rating breakdown
Performance: 9
Songwriting: 8
Originality: 8
Production: 8

Written on 02.03.2010 by If you're interested in extreme, often emotional and underground music, check out my reviews. I retired from reviewing, but I really used to be into that stuff.


Comments: 10   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 212 users
02.03.2010 - 15:17
I really enjoyed reading the review Sounds like the kind of Death Metal that I enjoy the most. Gonna check them out for sure Keep the reviews coming
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Weep and you weep alone.
02.03.2010 - 15:23
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Relapse is doing some nice work with re-releasing Convulse and also Nirvana 2002. I wonder who will be next in line.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.03.2010 - 15:54
Troy Killjoy
I remember ylside/yields posted a Youtube link a while back in the shoutbox and I fell in love with the music. Then I looked up and realized it was Convulse, and then felt ashamed for not listening to their music in such a long time... Easily an 8.5; nice review.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
02.03.2010 - 17:52
Rating: 8
X-Ray Rod
Going to check it out asap. Great to see reviews of older albums.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

02.03.2010 - 18:17
Account deleted
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.03.2010 at 15:23

Relapse is doing some nice work with re-releasing Convulse and also Nirvana 2002. I wonder who will be next in line.

And Rippikoulu was re-released by Svart Records. I'd like to see someone do Abhorrence's Vulgar Necrolatry.
02.03.2010 - 19:51
Rating: 8
A nice surprise to see on the front page of MS...
Excellent one from a great band.

The second album (Reflection) is awesome but in its own rock and rollish way. Both are recommended!

Written by Troy Killjoy on 02.03.2010 at 15:54

I remember ylside/yields posted a Youtube link a while back in the shoutbox and I fell in love with the music. Then I looked up and realized it was Convulse, and then felt ashamed for not listening to their music in such a long time... Easily an 8.5; nice review.

Yeah well trust me, I dont just post random shit.
03.03.2010 - 04:31
8.7 are you kidding me? This deserves at least 9.5/10. Easily one of the finest OSDM albums of all time along with Slumber'.
03.03.2010 - 10:02
Rating: 8
X-Ray Rod
Written by Hyperfluxe on 03.03.2010 at 04:31

8.7 are you kidding me? This deserves at least 9.5/10. Easily one of the finest OSDM albums of all time along with Slumber'.

I get the Death Metal part.... but what the heck does OS stand for?
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

03.03.2010 - 10:32
Rating: 8
Mr. Noise
OSDM = Old School Death Metal
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
03.03.2010 - 16:49
Rating: 8
X-Ray Rod
Written by Lucas on 03.03.2010 at 10:32

OSDM = Old School Death Metal

I'm such a n00b then... lol
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.


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