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MS Awards 2023 - Staff Picks!!

Written by: ScreamingSteelUS
Published: March 10, 2024

We draw the Metal Storm Awards season to a close with this last official retrospective of 2023: the staff picks, where we on Metal Storm's staff vote for our own favorite releases of the last year in a celebration that makes mockery of the public MSAs with its superior choices. We had a few ties this year, mostly some clean and easy wins, but black metal was interesting: we had a three-way tie between Urfaust, Pa Vesh En, and Moonreich that became a two-way tie between Urfaust and Pa Vesh En. I informed everybody beforehand that any unresolved ties would result in that category's staff pick automatically being given to Cyndi Lauper's 1986 classic True Colors, and we came very close to that coming true. Unfortunately a last-minute resolution declared the winner to be Moonreich anyway. Better luck next time, Cyndi.

2023 Metal Storm Staff Picks

Alternative Metal
Mutoid Man - Mutants

Ambient / Drone / Noise
Fvnerals - Let The Earth Be Silent

Avant-Garde / Experimental Metal
Thy Catafalque - Alföld

Black Metal
Moonreich - Amer

Death Metal
Sulphur Aeon - Seven Crowns And Seven Seals

Djent / Math Metal
Hypno5e - Sheol

Doom Metal
Wolvennest - The Dark Path To The Light

Extreme Doom Metal
Fires In The Distance - Air Not Meant For Us

Extreme Progressive Metal
Fleshvessel - Yearning: Promethean Fates Sealed

Folk / Pagan / Viking Metal
Ershetu - Xibalba

Gothic Metal
Thragedium - Lisboa Depois De Morta

Gridlink - Coronet Juniper

Hard Rock
Green Lung - This Heathen Land

Hardcore / Metalcore / Deathcore
Unfurl - Ascension

Heavy / Traditional Metal
Tailgunner - Guns For Hire

Industrial / Cyber / Electronic Metal
Health - Rat Wars

Melodeath / Extreme Power / Gothenburg Metal
Phlebotomized - Clouds Of Confusion

Melodic Black Metal
Wayfarer - American Gothic

Summer Haze '99 - Inevitable

Cursebinder - Drifting

Power Metal
Sacred Outcry - Towers Of Gold

Progressive Metal
Sermon - Of Golden Verse

Sludge Metal
Melancholia - Book Of Ruination

Stoner Metal
Bees Made Honey In The Vein Tree - Aion

Symphonic Metal
Genus Ordinis Dei - The Beginning

Thrash / Speed Metal
Hellripper - Warlocks Grim & Withered Hags

Fleshvessel - Yearning: Promethean Fates Sealed

Clandestine Cut
Chullachaqui - Oblivion

Here ends the 2023 cycle, with a black metal album winning the black metal staff pick as it should (although this result is less interesting, to be honest). We'll see you all next year.

Written on 10.03.2024 by I'm the reviewer, and that means my opinion is correct.


Comments: 7   Visited by: 113 users
11.03.2024 - 10:35
Off the back of a pretty even Staff Pick-MSA winner split in 2022 in terms of my own first choice albums, this is probably one of the most unbalanced cases of the Staff Picks aligning with my tastes more than the MSA winners - there's 10 of my personal favourites here vs. 2 in the MSAs (I also can't separate Hypno5e and TesseracT, so I'll say it's 10.5-2.5), plus me also getting a Staff Pick in CCs. Curiously enough, the only time where I found myself favouriting the 'big name runs away with it' MSA winner is Insomnium, whose win was met with a lot of disappointment in the results thread (which I can understand, as Moonlight Sorcery, Kalmah and Pronostic in particular were also all excellent albums).
11.03.2024 - 13:37
I'm just happy that Tailgunner got the staff pick for heavy metal as it was my AOTY without competition. I was really disappointed to see it finish second to last (not counting the very strange 17 write-in votes for Metallica. Heavy metal? Seriously?) but it got the vindication it deserved here instead.
Liebe ist für alle da.
13.03.2024 - 00:40
A Real Mönkey
Now these are results I can agree with.
Need a break from headbanging? Restore your street cred by visiting my hip-hop list!

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13.03.2024 - 08:58
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
"2022 Metal Storm Staff Picks"

It should be 2023.

or I should be missing something.
13.03.2024 - 13:43
Idk, maybe I am just wrong but I thought the Tailgunner album was really boring.
I'm back
14.03.2024 - 18:19
This is really damn close to my picks. The ones that weren’t picked here were usually my second choice
14.03.2024 - 22:20
Thrash Talker
Huge difference, except for best debut, alternative and hard rock. Nothing else is similar to me.
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here

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