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Order Of The Ebon Hand - VII: The Chariot review


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Band: Order Of The Ebon Hand
Album: VII: The Chariot
Style: Black metal
Release date: June 27, 2019
A review by: nikarg

01. Dreadnaught
02. Μόρες
03. Wings
04. Sabnock
05. Knight Of Swords
06. Αίαντας
07. Bael
08. The Slow Death Walk

Looking for some old-school Hellenic black metal but haven't came across any this year? Well, it seems that you've missed VII: The Chariot.

Order Of The Ebon Hand is one of the Greek black metal bands that emerged in the '90s with a sound familiar to those who are into the early output of acts like Rotting Christ, Varathron, Necromantia, Zemial, Agatus and Nergal. Formed in 1994, the band released their debut, A Mystic Path To The Netherworld, in 1997 and this album has now rightfully attained cult status within the Greek black metal underground. Personal differences and disputes led the band to a three-year hiatus, but they reformed in 2001 and released XV: The Devil in 2005. Fourteen long years later (you hear that, Tool?), the make-or-break third album has finally arrived and it is once again inspired by a Tarot card, just like its predecessor.

VII: The Chariot's beautifully dark cover art, created by Vamperess Imperium, depicts a knightly figure sitting in a chariot pulled by two warhorses, a black and a white one. In my mind the knight portrays the band's music, which is equally pulled by the black, raw and violent riffing as well as the white, melodic and atmospheric lead guitar and the hammond-like synths. The result is just the right balance between aggression and emotion, and the album has an occult, spiritual and haunted ambiance from start to finish.

Order Of The Ebon Hand call their music 'archetypal black metal' so it's unnecessary to say that they don't score very high on either innovation or originality. However, their music is quality riffs-driven and sparkled with swirling lead guitar work that captures your undivided attention from the doom-laden mixed with rock 'n' roll horror show opener, "Dreadnought", to the epic and apocalyptic closer, "The Slow Death Walk". In between, the stunning "Sabnock" features guest vocals by Sakis Tolis of Rotting Christ fame and I hope this participation serves as an example for him of how you can make great music without reinventing the wheel.

It has already been revealed in an interview that the next card in the deck for Order Of The Ebon Hand will be XI: Justice. Let's hope we won't have to wait another fourteen years for it, but for now you can experience the chariot charging at your inner demons right here.

"They fly into the rain
The fiery arcs of death
Setting the night alight"

Written on 28.09.2019 by Only way to feel the noise is when it's good and loud!


Comments: 3   Visited by: 42 users
28.09.2019 - 19:13
Are these the same guys that covered a Siouxsie & The Banshees track a while ago?
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
28.09.2019 - 19:24
Written by RaduP on 28.09.2019 at 19:13

Are these the same guys that covered a Siouxsie & The Banshees track a while ago?

Yeah, Spellbound in the previous album. Great stuff, although Siouxsie's version is untouchable.
29.09.2019 - 21:31
Troy Killjoy
This sounds right up my alley. Adding to the list of things that will take me 5 years to listen to.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."

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