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Bewitcher - Spell Shock review


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Band: Bewitcher
Album: Spell Shock
Style: Blackened heavy metal, Blackened speed metal
Release date: September 27, 2024
A review by: AndyMetalFreak

01. Starfire Maelstrom
02. Lavish Desecration
03. Spell Shock
04. Out Against The Law
05. Dystopic Demonolatry
06. Seasons Of Foul Harvest
07. We Die In Dust
08. The Harem Conspiracy
09. Pagan Shadows
10. Ride Of The Ironfox
11. Starfire Maelstrom [single edit]

Here's Bewitcher, casting another blackened heavy Spell Shock.

The rough foundations of traditional heavy metal may have been firstly introduced by Motörhead, but bands such as Venom and Mercyful Fate then built on those solid foundations and, in doing so, introduced edgy Satanic themes, adding a touch of raw blackened speed to the equation. Modern-day bands have carried on this blackened-induced heavy/speed tradition, and, I can promise you, it's just as lively now as it was in the early days. Bands such as Midnight, Witchery, and of course Bewitcher have been thriving in this scene over the past decade and are showing no signs of slowing down either, as the Portland-based blackened heavy/speed trio Bewitcher are back with their 4th full-length album Spell Shock.

Bewitcher have developed quite an impressive reputation in the underground scene since their formation back in 2013, and so there's nothing that'll shock you about this latest album (if you're familiar with the band, of course). But, put you under a blackened speed spell they definitely will. The blasphemous trio of M. von Bewitcher (vocals/guitar), A. Magus (backing vocals/bass), and A. Hunter (drums) have returned to the scene 3 years after their previous offering, this time introducing legendary guitarist/songwriter Lars Frederiksen to the ranks in the hope Spell Shock will provide that extra kick and flare. And that it definitely does.

To put it bluntly, Spell Shock is 11 tracks of pure, classic, blackened heavy speed brimming with top-quality, traditional, catchy riffs, classic melodic solos, and the usual trademark aggressive, blackened, semi-harsh vocals, all driven by a rapid-paced, adrenaline-fuelled rhythm section. The album's highlight and leading single "Starfire Maelstrom" starts the album off in exactly this manner. Despite the style and structure being nothing new to this sub-genre, it's still a great and exciting opening song with one hell of a catchy main riff that will have you hooked right from the off, regardless.

There are many moments for traditional heavy metal fanatics to enjoy and appreciate throughout this whole album, but no song more so than the title track "Spell Shock", displaying outrageously groovy rhythm with ultra-melodic, headbangable riffs, exciting leads, and catchy, fist-pumping, shout-along chorus. The thrilling, groovy, headbanging action doesn't just stop on that song, though, as following it is "Out Against the Law", a simply-structured, no-nonsense, classic blackened-tinged, traditional heavy metal anthem, with another outrageously groovy rhythm, catchy riffs, and classic chorus.

"The Harem Conspiracy" and "Ride of the Ironfox" also bring that rough, old-school Motörhead sound, reaching that blackened spark first established by Venom, making the evil Satanic-theme sound like enjoyable groovy fun instead of anything sinister. What's striking is that between those two songs is a Medieval folkish witchcraft-tinged interlude "Pagan Shadows", which definitely breaks the mould from all the crazy headbanging action. Each song has its own significant riff melody, some more memorable than others, but there's always that constant infectious hook. Also, every song has a well-crafted traditional solo, however short it is. The rhythm section remains on top form throughout, keeping your fists clenched and pumping in the air, and your head nodding senselessly. What more can you ask for?

Bewitcher have always aimed to keep their style as traditional and rooted to its origins as possible, keeping those memorable riffs and hooks coming, and keeping that aggressive, blackened energy flowing, all whilst maintaining a respectable modern sound quality. They've been doing this remarkably well since their establishment a decade ago and have become masters in the art of modern, blackened, heavy/speed metal and aim to continue crafting top quality, headbanging releases just like the latest Spell Shock, which proves the band are still well and truly at the top of their game.

Rating breakdown
Performance: 8
Songwriting: 8
Originality: 4
Production: 7

Written on 29.09.2024 by Feel free to share your views.


Comments: 2   Visited by: 49 users
30.09.2024 - 03:15
Virtue and Vice
This is a great record, I like it a lot…
Invisible To telescopic eye,
Infinity. The star that would not die.

Slayer vs. Slayer: 1,000 MPH or Death

30.09.2024 - 09:32
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Damn, how could I miss this?!

Thanks Andy for the review. It's very well written. "Under The Witching Cross" was a one decent blackened thrash album and have few favorite songs out of it.

Let me put this in my bag.

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