glaurung - Album collection
L.A. Guns
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Mar 08
Page: 1
Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky was my introduction to black metal, so I threw myself into the deep end.
05:53 - M C Vice
Mayhem's best album
05:33 - no one
Honestly can't remember how I cam across mayhem just remember having Grand Declaration of War burned onto a cd
05:32 - Roman Doez
Silencer was my first contact with black metal but I really started appreciating it with dissection
05:24 - no one
Mayhem then I read Lords of Chaos which got me listening to burzum.
04:48 - Vellichor
Got a metal hammer sampler in ‘06 with Dimmu Borgir and Moonsorrow on it. Then I was reading about DB and looked up black metal and found Mayhem.
03:10 - Boxcar Willy
Nyktalgia for me
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