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Mind Odyssey Albums Ranked

Thumbs up: +1
Created by: majormalfunction | 21.03.2025

1. Mind Odyssey - Signs
1999 Rating: 8 Top picks: In The Picture, Men of No Return, Golden Age
2. Mind Odyssey - Nailed To The Shade
1998 Rating: 7 Top picks: Apollo 13, In the Dark, Nailed to the Shade
3. Mind Odyssey - Time To Change It
2009 Rating: 7 Top picks: Higher Ground, Under the Moonlight, Riding and Ruling
4. Mind Odyssey - Keep It All Turning
1993 Rating: 7 Top picks: Possessed By You, Because of You, Illusions
5. Mind Odyssey - Schizophenia
1995 Rating: 7 Top picks: Schizophenia, Evolution, Computer Madness

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 2   Visited by: 7 users
21.03.2025 - 14:57
Solid band, i haven't given them a listen in a while, i need to change that.
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.
22.03.2025 - 06:58
Written by John_Doe on 21.03.2025 at 14:57

Solid band, i haven't given them a listen in a while, i need to change that.

It was the same for me.. not sure if I had listened to their latest one before, pleasently suprised how well all their albums hold up.
Everything's twice as bright with money in your hands

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