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Thumbs up: +13
Song Puzzles: One Song In Several Parts On Different Albums

Some stories, themes or concepts are presented not just in one single song but are split in separate tracks that (often) share the same title but are distinguished by a number of the corresponding part…

1.After Forever - Prison Of Desire
2.Agathodaimon - Higher Art Of Rebellion
3.Agathodaimon - Phoenix
4.Alestorm - Sunset On The Golden Age
5.Alestorm - Curse Of The Crystal Coconut

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Created by Plattner on 28.05.2023

Thumbs up: +3
Top Metal Albums Each Year I Have Been Alive, 1990

A little list series where I list my top 20 favorite metal albums every year starting from the year I was born in.

1990 is the year where my all time favorite metal album came out, I had to make some…

1.Judas Priest - Painkiller
2.Bathory - Hammerheart
3.Megadeth - Rust In Peace
4.Obituary - Cause Of Death
5.Queensrÿche - Empire

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Created by Handala on 19.06.2022

Thumbs up: +1

November = Doom Metal
Listening to as many albums as possible in said genre during said month and listing them here as I go. Suggestions welcome.

1.Witchfinder General - Death Penalty
2.Reverend Bizarre - In The Rectory Of The Bizarre Reverend
3.Trouble - Psalm 9
4.Solitude Aeturnus - Into The Depths Of Sorrow
5.Orodruin - Ruins Of Eternity

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Created by Daddy Pig on 01.11.2019

Thumbs up: +1
Top 10 Heavy Doom Metal Albums Of The 80's

Yes, I know, Black Sabbath... But they was completely before their time.

1.Black Sabbath - Paranoid
2.Saint Vitus - Born Too Late
3.Trouble - Psalm 9
4.Candlemass - Nightfall
5.Candlemass - Epicus Doomicus Metallicus

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Created by Mrtvozornik on 27.12.2018

Thumbs up: +16
Brimbly-Brambly Bucka-Bucka Woozle-Wuzzle It's A Doom List.

This is a list of the doom albums I have listened to.

The list starts with a handful of what I'd call my favorite doom albums. The first few of those count among my favorite of all time, with Paranoid,…

1.Black Sabbath - Paranoid
2.Warning - Watching From A Distance
3.Kypck - Черно
4.Woods Of Ypres - Woods 5: Grey Skies & Electric Light
5.Heaven And Hell - The Devil You Know

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Created by ScreamingSteelUS on 24.01.2015

Thumbs up: +2
My Top Albums Of The Decade: 1990's (On Going)

1.Death - Human
2.Opeth - Still Life
3.At The Gates - Slaughter Of The Soul
4.Dismember - Like An Ever Flowing Stream
5.Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk

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Created by Red_Travis on 11.02.2012

Thumbs up: +9
Best Metal Albums of Decade 90s

The choice of albums was made according to aesthetic criteria, taking into account only musical merits of the recordings.
Neither popularity among fans nor commercial success (or unsuccess) of the albums…

1.Anacrusis - Screams And Whispers
2.Megadeth - Rust In Peace
3.Death - The Sound Of Perseverance
4.Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
5.Death - Symbolic

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Created by Vasil de Shumen on 03.02.2012

Thumbs up: +23
Top 50 Doom/Gothic Metal Albums

1.Black Sabbath - Master Of Reality
2.Black Sabbath - Paranoid
3.Katatonia - Discouraged Ones
4.My Dying Bride - The Angel And The Dark River
5.Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath

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Created by saw_you_drown on 05.06.2011

Thumbs up: +2
1990- Favourite Albums

1.Judas Priest - Painkiller
2.Trouble - Trouble
4.Pantera - Cowboys From Hell
5.Death Angel - Act III

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Created by guitargangster on 31.07.2010

Thumbs up: +2
Urs' Top 10 Of 1990

Overall year rating:

1.Judas Priest - Painkiller
2.Megadeth - Rust In Peace
3.Bathory - Hammerheart
4.Death - Spiritual Healing
5.Artillery - By Inheritance

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Created by Urs Blank on 06.03.2010