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Wintersun - Time I

8.4 | 1205 votes |
Release date: 19 October 2012
Style: Extreme power metal


956 have it
576 want it

Disc I
01. When Time Fades Away
02. Sons Of Winter And Stars
    1 - Rain Of Stars
    2 - Surrounded By Darkness
    3 - Journey Inside A Dream
    4 - Sons Of Winter And Stars
03. Land Of Snow And Sorrow
04. Darkness And Frost
05. Time
06. [hidden track] [Mediabook & Mailorder edition bonus]

Disc II [DVD] [Mediabook bonus]
+ Time I Live Rehearsals At Sonic Pump Studios
+ Licks & Tricks
+ Sons Of Winter And Stars - Project Demonstration
+ Photo Gallery

Disc III [instrumental CD] [Mailorder edition bonus]
01. When Time Fades Away
02. Sons Of Winter And Stars
    1 - Rain Of Stars
    2 - Surrounded By Darkness
    3 - Journey Inside A Dream
    4 - Sons Of Winter And Stars
03. Land Of Snow And Sorrow
04. Darkness And Frost
05. Time

The biggest surprise of 2012
Top 20 albums of 2012: 14

Jari Mäenpää - guitars, keyboards, vocals
Teemu Mäntysaari - guitars
Kai Hahto - drums
Jukka Koskinen - bass, vocals

Guest musicians
Alpha Valtias Mustatuuli - vocals
Markus Toivonen - choirs
Mikko Salovaara - choirs
Sami Hinkka - choirs
Heri Joensen - choirs
Olli Vänskä - choirs
Mathias Nygård - choirs
Jukka-Pekka Miettinen - choirs

Additional info
  • Limited Mediabook (hard cover, wide format) CD+DVD
  • Limited Mediabook (hard cover, wide format) CD+DVD + Instrumental CD of Time I, Certificate (limited to 500 copies, exclusively available at Nuclear Blast)
  • Limited Mediabook (hard cover, wide format) CD+DVD + Signed photo card Jari Mäenpää (limited to 1000 copies, exclusively available at
  • Limited Mediabook (hard cover, wide format) CD+DVD + Wintersun logo shirt gray/black (exclusively available at Levykauppa Äx)
  • Limited Mediabook (hard cover, wide format) CD+DVD + Shirt (black) (EMP exclusive)
  • CD Jewel Case + Shirt (Nuclear Blast USA exclusive)
  • CD Jewel Case
  • Blue vinyl (180g vinyl in gatefold including poster)
  • White vinyl (180g vinyl in gatefold including poster. Strictly limited to 200 hand-numbered copies) (exclusive at Nuclear Blast mailorder)
  • Digital download
  • iTunes digital download with Time I booklet

Staff review by
Baz Anderson
One of the most highly anticipated albums of the last decade; Time I finally ends the eight year silence, but was the wait worth it?

published 22.10.2012 | Comments (220)

Guest review by
Bad English
Wintersun - is it real? Well, no, it isn't. We hardly see the sun; for four whole weeks, it never shines.

Allow me to copy the style of DerRozzengarten (the greatest reviewer ever), who knows how to write proper metaphors. Such music is never meant to explain northern life for people who have never actually walked on a frozen river or cleared snow from their car before work (I'm not taking a jab at the French, Dutch, or Danish, who usually overreact when they see 1 cm of snow). Imagine the pre-internet days: it's blizzard beasts, mid-winter, the sun never shines, just 22 hours of darkness and twilight in between. There is nothing to do, only good music, books, or finding a way to channel your creativity. Outside activities, aside from collecting firewood and cleaning snow? I don't think so (but wait a minute, Jari lives in the city anyway?). Anyway, the streets are dead and frozen, the horizon is dark, and night light is ablaze on the snow. All you can do is wait for spring and then summer to arrive slowly. I've done it all my life, still do, and we all did. It's typical northern madness!

published 20.12.2016 | Comments (10)

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Comments: 718   Visited by: 3702 users
25.12.2009 - 16:40
25.12.2009 - 18:48
Heaven Knight
"7 have it"?
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

25.12.2009 - 19:02
Rating: 10
Erotic Stains
I love Wintersun, but all the expectations and whining about when the album will be released is starting to annoy the shit out of me. I almost hope it will suck badly because of that.
25.12.2009 - 22:09
Baz Anderson
Well if it is anything like the last album, it'll be another overrated pile of mediocrity.
25.12.2009 - 22:58
In all honesty, i can imagine this album being terrible.
25.12.2009 - 23:10
Heaven Knight
I cant imagine this album being...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

26.12.2009 - 13:07
Rating: 10
Is this some kind of joke !! how can 7 have it???
26.12.2009 - 13:37
Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk
To Mega Therion
Written by Powerslavex on 26.12.2009 at 13:07

Is this some kind of joke !! how can 7 have it???

No, it's not a joke! The album is out a few days already, but MS boycotts it and refuses to acknowledge its existence! Shame on you MS!:nono:

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, and they all stink.
26.12.2009 - 14:14
Heaven Knight
Written by Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk on 26.12.2009 at 13:37

No, it's not a joke! The album is out a few days already, but MS boycotts it and refuses to acknowledge its existence! Shame on you MS!:nono:

am i supposed to laugh or to facepalm?
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

26.12.2009 - 15:15
Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk
To Mega Therion
Written by Ellrohir on 26.12.2009 at 14:14

Written by Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk on 26.12.2009 at 13:37

No, it's not a joke! The album is out a few days already, but MS boycotts it and refuses to acknowledge its existence! Shame on you MS!:nono:

am i supposed to laugh or to facepalm?

Laugh? I felt that a stupid question deserved a stupid answer, so I provided one

Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one, and they all stink.
26.12.2009 - 17:36
Heaven Knight
Well the question isnt that stupid considering the fact, that unreleased albums cannot be "added into collection" in normal way...

maybe through the multiple additions form it is possible but i would consider that a glitch...

edit: yes, it is it, i tried it...using this page - - allows users to add even unreleased albums
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

27.12.2009 - 07:24
I don't know if this album's gonna be good, but it will be one of the most controversial of the next year, I'll listen it for sure, since I've being waiting for it for a very long time.
If this grand panorama before me is what you call God
Then God is not dead.
01.01.2010 - 18:03
Written by Baz Anderson on 25.12.2009 at 22:09

Well if it is anything like the last album, it'll be another overrated pile of mediocrity.

Amen to that!
06.01.2010 - 12:10
So we have the cover of the album. For the rest 12 months to go?
Bright Eyes, Blinded by fear of Life..
09.01.2010 - 02:13
Look, I think, that, the release date is somewhere in April 2010, Kai said that.. but I have a bad feeling about 2012 ... Ok that's a joke, I really hope, that, that's a true:


Kai said in an interview that they would try to get the record out by the end of the year, that interview was done in june.
Now it ain't released yet, but Jari also said that he had 3 months delay due to renovations at his appartment.
==> end of the year + 3 months = march/april
12.01.2010 - 01:01
Will Time be their Healing or their Death???

Time will tell.

12.01.2010 - 03:33
Raven ot
Uhmmm so it may sound obvious but its not even out yet DAMN IT!!! im pretty pissed. sick band but they need to get it together and release. this is beyond patience..
12.01.2010 - 12:55
Rating: 10
If you are going to say that Wintersun is medicore say that you THINK they are mediocre. The band obviously is extremely good judging by all the fans, it's just a matter of taste. Those who like Wintersun are typically those who have listened to and exhausted multiple genres. Their taste is not immature it is quite the opposite. I personally can't stand black metal for the most part, for example Emperor. But I can understand how someone would like them and I am glad. While not liking Emperor, I would still rate their best albums 9/10 or whatever because it is awesome black metal. You cannot deny this for the most part.

For those who love extreme power metal, Wintersun is a simply amazing. I love Wintersun, Jari gave me a reason to live. Wintersun is NOT mainstream, for those who like the genre combination, its absolutely perfect.

Upon first listening to Wintersun, I thought it to be average, but then I really listened and I loved it.

You may have your opinions about me and the kind of music I like, but look, I have heard and listented to a lot of music in my life. It's what I do, I'm sure you do too, but how is it that one band can, in my mind, dominate all other music ever heard in my life?

I think to say the band is medicore is a poor mistake on anyone's part.

About Time's release date, I simply don't care. Caring and worrying about it makes it worse. We already have the album we love, all this anticipation will make us dissapointed regardless of how good the album is simply because we are longing for something unknown, and we base our expectations off the original album. The new album will not be the self titled album, it has to be different.
12.01.2010 - 20:15
Written by Baz Anderson on 25.12.2009 at 22:09

Well if it is anything like the last album, it'll be another overrated pile of mediocrity.

I don't want to offend you or anything, but I was wondering how someone who is a staff member on this wonderful site (that I just joined) and post reviews that I agree with most of the time (there's still a few notable Exceptions) could post such a close minded comment? I mean, you have the right to like, love, hate, dislike or to be indifferent to an album or a band, but be at least a little more objective!
In my opinion, you can't say:'This is a pile of overrated mediocrity' and not give reasons why you said so. The same goes for you review of Ex Deo's first album where you destroyed it while not giving any valuable reason for writing such an harsh note to it. Wintersun's debut album was a good album while it is far from deserving a perfect note to me, but I would never label Jari Maenpää's work as mediocre since it's an obvious fact that he is a pretty good musician.
There is no reason to believe the second album will not be better than the first even if it's release has been delayed. There is no reason to believe that it could not be a bad album either...Just be patient and wait til' it is released, then we'll be able to judge. There's plenty of good bands you can listen to while your waiting for it! Please, stop being overly negative and/or impatient.
12.01.2010 - 20:39
Baz Anderson
Written by Winterthrone on 12.01.2010 at 20:15


Welcome to the site, I am glad you enjoy it and most of my reviews.

My post was not supposed to be a fully descriptive review of the Wintersun album. I posted my opinion, that's all, and like I say - if the second album is like the first, I'm not going to like it much. I'm not predicting it will be, just saying if it is...
Talented musician? Yes. Good band? They're ok. Overrated? Yes. This is just my opinion - I have mine, you have yours, we're both happy.

Of course I'll listen to the new album with an open mind. I'll have it from the label before any of you, so I will have a good chance to make my mind up before it comes out and I write a review for it. (Assuming it is actually released...)
12.01.2010 - 22:22
Baz Anderson
Also, this is aimed at Wes. By posting what I thought - by default that makes it my subjective opinion, surely? What else can I have but my own subjective opinion? I can't speak for the people who like the album, and I am not trying to. I simply posted my own opinion - forums would be a little dull if everyone thought the same, right?
21.01.2010 - 19:43
Rating: 10
Metal slave
Omg when?
15.02.2010 - 16:39
Rating: 8
The Shooter
15.02.2010 - 18:37
Account deleted
Wintersun is very overrated. It always feels like melodic death for the masses to me. People should try out bands like Insomnium, Kalmah and Be'lakor...
15.02.2010 - 20:54
Rating: 7
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
I really hope this turns out to be a huge disappointment. Nothing would make me happier than watching all the irrational Wintersun fanboys get their balloon popped.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
15.02.2010 - 21:03
Troy Killjoy
There's going to be 624 people on this site completely distraught whether or not this is even released. I'll be distraught if this wins any other MS award than "biggest letdown". Their debut was irritating, just simple melodic death metal with tedious keyboards and hints of folk metal, I expect this will be in the same vein. Wintersun are to Britney Spears as Britney Spears is to Britney Spears.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
21.02.2010 - 23:20
Mormon Storm
Written by Stars Will Fall on 12.01.2010 at 01:01

Will Time be their Healing or their Death???

Time will tell.

21.02.2010 - 23:42
Written by Baz Anderson on 25.12.2009 at 22:09

Well if it is anything like the last album, it'll be another overrated pile of mediocrity.

I don't think Wintersun is mediocre but it's extremely overrated.

And I agree with Doc Godin: lots of Wintersun fans act like irrational fanboys.
"Why would we fear death, when life is so much more frightening?"
24.02.2010 - 10:57
There's something extremely irritating about a lot of Finnish bands; their fans! I've seen this with Wintersun, CoB, Ensiferum and more... very immature fanboy acts (I'm not claiming everyone is, I'm just stating my observation)

I'm with you guys on the overrated bit, definitely. Just listened to it again, might just lower my rating some more...
24.02.2010 - 11:44
Lactation Cnslt
Written by Wes on 12.01.2010 at 12:55

The band obviously is extremely good judging by all the fans, it's just a matter of taste.

Britney Spears is obviously extremely good judging by all the fans, it's just a matter of taste. Cute little rant though

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