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Sonata Arctica - Pariah's Child

7.3 | 310 votes |
Release date: 28 March 2014
Style: Power metal


253 have it
38 want it

01. The Wolves Die Young
02. Running Lights
03. Take One Breath
04. Cloud Factory
05. Blood
06. What Did You Do In The War, Dad?
07. Half A Marathon Man
08. X Marks The Spot
09. Love
10. Larger Than Life
11. No Pain [Japanese bonus]

Tony Kakko - vocals
Henrik "Henkka" Klingenberg - keyboards
Elias Viljanen - guitars
Tommy Portimo - drums
Pasi Kauppinen - bass

Session musicians
Masi Hukari - spoken word, flute
Mikko Pathos Mustonen - orchestrations
Laura Hynninen - harp

Guest musicians
Mika Mylläri - trumpet
Jaakko Koskinen - spoken word
Sakari Kukko - saxophone

Staff review by
R Lewis
Sonata Arctica are back with a new album that, at least externally, relives the glory of the past times. A new album with the flavour of the old: old logo, old artwork style and old wolves' theme are back. What about the inside?

published 09.03.2014 | Comments (35)

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Comments: 58   Visited by: 839 users
29.03.2014 - 12:07
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by NorthernDickhead on 29.03.2014 at 08:52

What fucking true metal?

what sounds more as metal not pop music ... SA can be music on pop radio stations
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
30.03.2014 - 12:12
Written by Bad English on 29.03.2014 at 12:07

what sounds more as metal not pop music ... SA can be music on pop radio stations

How about you should stop trying to be tr0e Metalzer and open your mind. There is a lot of good music that can be played on any radio station. A WHOLE NEW WORLD for the basement dwellers

P.S you are the sexy princess
30.03.2014 - 14:30
So much trve kvlt here. I can almost taste the snobbery and elitism.

Trve Metal 4ever! Urh Urh
30.03.2014 - 22:50
Written by Bad English on 29.03.2014 at 12:07

Written by NorthernDickhead on 29.03.2014 at 08:52

What fucking true metal?

what sounds more as metal not pop music ... SA can be music on pop radio stations

Dude. You're being ridiculous. Stop acting like an elitist, and try to realize that not everything needs screaming, growling and fast as fuck/overly distorted guitars to be called good music. Cause as of now, that seems to be the only thing you would refer to as "music" at all.

I don't mind people calling it false/flower metal, but please try to understand that the world of music doesn't work like that. You should of course have your own opinions, but try to be more mature about them.
I sold my soul to any fool who'd buy it!
What's it gonna take to make you riot!?
30.03.2014 - 22:54
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by DeathSlyzer on 30.03.2014 at 22:50

Dude. You're being ridiculous. Stop acting like an elitist, and try to realize that not everything needs screaming, growling and fast as fuck/overly distorted guitars to be called good music. Cause as of now, that seems to be the only thing you would refer to as "music" at all.

I don't mind people calling it false/flower metal, but please try to understand that the world of music doesn't work like that. You should of course have your own opinions, but try to be more mature about them.

there are good PM bands as ; Black Abyss, Gamma Ray, Civil War and that new bandwhat album be out where some blind guardian guy is, cant remeber name
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
31.03.2014 - 06:17
Rating: 9
Written by Bad English on 30.03.2014 at 22:54

there are good PM bands as ; Black Abyss, Gamma Ray, Civil War and that new bandwhat album be out where some blind guardian guy is, cant remeber name

Sinbreed. Markus Siepen & Frederik Ehmke are part of it, also Herbie Langhans from Seventh Avenue.

About the album, yes, I enjoyed it and VERY MUCH! Was better than the 4 previous ones (yes, including Reckoning Night, that IMHO is under the three earliest ones, specially Winterheart's Guild my favourite ever). And I loved the cuasi-operatic moments sung by Tony in some songs
31.03.2014 - 11:43
Written by Bad English on 30.03.2014 at 22:54

there are good PM bands as ; Black Abyss, Gamma Ray, Civil War and that new bandwhat album be out where some blind guardian guy is, cant remeber name

Yeah, those bands are definitely good ones. It's all just a matter of what you can get used to. I never had anything against the super cheesy flower stuff to begin with. I think there's a certain irony to the cheesiness as well. It all depends on how far the band drags it.
I sold my soul to any fool who'd buy it!
What's it gonna take to make you riot!?
31.03.2014 - 13:20
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Written by DeathSlyzer on 31.03.2014 at 11:43

It's all just a matter of what you can get used to. I never had anything against the super cheesy flower stuff to begin with. I think there's a certain irony to the cheesiness as well. It all depends on how far the band drags it.

SA has rich discographies with fairly good albums initially but I'm quite adamant not to come out of the rock who says "Sonata Arctica has become flower metal". There's a certain irony of cheesiness as well? Well, it could be but I never liked their work past 4 to 5 years. They have good fame, good label and fairly fan following but I believe SA has quite a boring band. Okay, the last time I've fun with SA was Silence. Good album indeed. After that, showers of extra cheesiness and average power metal were floored.
31.03.2014 - 21:07
Written by Cynic Metalhead on 31.03.2014 at 13:20

It's all just a matter of what you can get used to. I never had anything against the super cheesy flower stuff to begin with. I think there's a certain irony to the cheesiness as well. It all depends on how far the band drags it.

SA has rich discographies with fairly good albums initially but I'm quite adamant not to come out of the rock who says "Sonata Arctica has become flower metal". There's a certain irony of cheesiness as well? Well, it could be but I never liked their work past 4 to 5 years. They have good fame, good label and fairly fan following but I believe SA has quite a boring band. Okay, the last time I've fun with SA was Silence. Good album indeed. After that, showers of extra cheesiness and average power metal were floored.

I'm not exactly loving the new Sonata stuff either. However, I'm currently giving it a fair chance, as I might find more things to like about this by listening to it multiple times. The music is definitely intelectual enough to catch my interest, so we'll just have to see how this gtoes. And yeah, there's plenty of ironic cheesiness. I didn't say that this album had that factor, but you might have heard of this one band. They're still pretty unknown, but does the name Manowar mean something to ya? :p
I sold my soul to any fool who'd buy it!
What's it gonna take to make you riot!?
31.03.2014 - 22:05
Wandering Midget
Guys, stop the quote train please! The thread is getting annoying to read.
31.03.2014 - 22:52
Yeah, I tried to do something about that. But I didn't figure out how to only quote the last thing he said, and so it all went downhill from there.
I sold my soul to any fool who'd buy it!
What's it gonna take to make you riot!?
01.04.2014 - 09:06
Rating: 6
Written by Warman on 28.03.2014 at 11:25

Certianly better than that Stones Whatever It's Called, but nowhere near as good as the other albums except for Unia, possibly. I kinda liked Unia though and absolutely loved Days of Grays.

There's some great stuff here and there, but also a lot of boring passages.

This is pretty close to my opinion at the moment as well. Is this better than SGHN? Probably, but definitely not as good as Unia and to say this is better than The glorious Days of Grays is utterly ridiculous. I'm pretty disappointed, unfortunately.

However, SA albums also have a weird way of growing on you (it took about 50 listens before I loved Unia), so hopefully this will grow on me a bit more as well. For now, definitely a 6 at best.
01.04.2014 - 23:52
I adore SA. My opinion of this album will be totally irrelevant due to my blatant fanboy tendencies towards this group.

Having said that and getting it all out of the way, 'the fuck is going on with "X Marks the Spot"? I'm digging the more quirky and not so self serious attitude on some of the tracks, but oh man.

03.04.2014 - 21:33
Rating: 8
My hopes were exceeded throughout this entire album!
Definite highlights are the incredbile Blood, the atmospheric What Did you Do in the War Dad and Love.
I approve the rest, with second favorites are Cloud Factory and the Wolves Die Young.
Great stuff, Sonata, thank you so much.
06.04.2014 - 06:54
Rating: 8
Sounds like a combination of Winterheart's Guild, Reckoning Night, Unia, and Stones Grow Her Name. SGHN was supposed to be a return to the early days of Sonata before their songs got all complex. Pariah's Child seems like SGHN done right. There are some simple songs on here, but they are very speedy with plenty of double bass.

The keyboards return to prominence in this album. I loved The Days of Grays, but I hated how few keyboard solos it had. The keyboard playing is very consistent, and perhaps the best part of this album, of course, I'm biased being a keyboard player.

Over all, I'm happy with this album. it takes me back to when I first heard Sonata Arctica. I hope they continue to build off this sound in their future albums.
10.04.2014 - 05:39
Rating: 9
SoUnDs LiKe PoP
Probably their best album since Reckoning Night.
I lift weights and listen to metal
11.04.2014 - 22:29
Rating: 9
Best SA album in years.... excellent release!
13.04.2014 - 01:07
I don't really come around claiming that some albums are overrated, but this one really is. A return to form? Better than Unia? Slow down people, this album is tricky, it has some good songs (Cloud Factory, Blood, Half A Marathon Man, What Did You Do in the War, Dad?), but most of them are bland, filler or completely horrible (Love, X Marks The Spot, Larger Than Life -and damn, they sure got this one right as I've never seen such a LOOOOOOONG directionless song in my entire life!-)

This is better than SGHN, but this is no Reckoning Night, Winterheart's Guild and not even Unia. It is a decently played version of SGHN, and this is what makes it better. It has some moments in a couple of songs that resemble the early era of the band and the middle one, but those are tricky and they are there to hide the many inconsistencies this album has.

And gosh, Tony Kakko is getting worse and worse. On 'Take One Breath' he sounds like he is struggling and on other songs it seems like he is playing with his voice rather than singing. I could never stomach his vocals for some reason (dunno, it always sounded bland to me the audible experience looses its magic) but this time, the guy sounds old and obsolete. His voice worked on the first 4, but not anymore. He reminds me of Roy Khan in his last years in Kamelot.

Plus, almost no riffage in this album. Ecliptica and all the other works were great because they had some riffage accompanied by cheesy yet attractive melody line. This one has the melody for the most part but it almost completely lacks catchy guitar riffs. And where they are, they are burried under the annoying keyboard lines (The Wolves Die Young).

So, if I were to make a classification, it would be something like this:

The Wolves Die Young - 6
Running Lights - 7
Take One Breath - 5
Cloud Factory - 8
Blood - 9
What Did You Do in the War, Dad? - 8
Half A Marathon Man - 9
X Marks The Spot - 2
Love - 1
Larger Than Life - 1

A 5.6 - Overall 6.
17.04.2014 - 23:12
I've been waiting for a Sonata Arctica album I could fully enjoy for like 10 years (Unia has its shiny moments but fails for me in context of the whole experience)... Finally, Pariah's Child does the job. Though I am sure the group can do even better in the future.
25.04.2014 - 04:17
Rating: 6
I think that advertising it as "a return to old SA" was an overstatement. yes it has a few good songs like Blood (seriously, AMAZING song) and what did you do in the war, dad, but this album doesnt get close to what the other ones accomplished in the POWER METAL scene. and i totally agree that most songs are decent and one can get used to them, but they just dont scratch the power metal itch. i rate it a 6 when it comes to power metal, if this was a different band, or a band labeled melodic metal, then i would be happy to rate it higher. it was an improvement over the last album, and kinda similar to TDOG, but it is exactly what tony said "the next step for SA, not a complete return to its old path". needless to say, this is just my opinion.
It wasn't long until they left their cave and wondered outside once more, amazed they realized that the world had not ended as they had fearfully believed during the night. In fact, the grass was greener, the air fresher and the sun had risen again.
25.04.2014 - 04:47
I'm not sure if they should be "returning to old SA". would be better if they would focus on "making the new SA actually sound good".
06.05.2014 - 04:32
Rating: 8
Stunning Cactus
A few absolutely killer tracks and then some absolute trash *cough* Cloud Factory *cough*.
18.05.2014 - 13:10
Rating: 7
I'm listening to the album now... I am torn between being a real fan and supporting them to the end, and punching a wall in frustration.
This album is clearly not what we've been expecting... Is that good or bad? Should a band keep its style or not? I've already been so disappointed by Stones Grow Her Name, that I only listened to it once. I have a strong feeling it's going to be the same with Pariah's Child.
25.05.2014 - 06:21
I know I will get stoned for this: but as a newcomer on the Sonata Arctica Fan Train, I am in love with this album. Blood and Larger than Life... just woah! Some of their older stuff is great, but Larger than Life really takes the cake for me (that whole story...woah [I'm channeling 90's epoch today.])
02.10.2014 - 05:17
Rating: 10
Another brilliant album....especially if you hear the songs live.
07.11.2014 - 04:48
Perhaps this doesn't quite live up to the Sonata Arctica of 10 years ago, but I reckon this is their most fun and pleasant album, which is surely a reason to choose Pariah's Child over the earlier material at least from time to time.
If you're 666 then I'm 777
18.01.2021 - 10:37
Heaven Knight
I began to love "Larger than Life"...but I can't help not to see the descent in overall quality, other songs are not much memorable and weaker than older stuff
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

26.11.2023 - 23:19
Rating: 4
Very confusing, irritating and hard to listen record for me. Sorry SA guys I used to like your records.

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