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Band - Album Year Rating
Abstract Spirit - Tragedy And Weeds
Funeral doom
2009 8
Abstract Spirit - Horror Vacui
Funeral doom
2011 7.9
Doomenicus - Sacred
2009 9
Catacombs - In The Depths Of R'lyeh
Funeral doom
2006 7.9
Mental Home - Mirrorland
Melodic doom, Melodic death
1995 8
The Wandering Midget - The Serpent Coven
2008 7.6
Hamferð - Evst
2013 8.3
Hamferð - Támsins Likam
2018 8
1000 Funerals - Butterfly Decadence
Funeral doom
2011 8.2
The Ruins Of Beverast - Exuvia
Black, Doom
2017 8.3
Gods Tower - The Eerie
Pagan folk, Doom
1998 8.6
Unearthly Trance - Season Of Séance, Science Of Silence
Doom, Sludge
2003 7.3
Unearthly Trance - In The Red
Doom, Sludge
2004 7
Tales Of Dark... - Fragile Monuments
Death doom, Gothic
2006 8.3
The Morningside - Moving Crosscurrent Of Time
2009 8.4
My Dying Bride - The Angel And The Dark River
Gothic doom
1995 8.8
Verwüstung - I First Saw You On That Snowy Night And Couldn't Shake An Overwhelming Feeling Of Sadness
Ambient black, Drone doom, Post-Rock
2012 7.5
Pallbearer - Foundations Of Burden
2014 8.3
Wedding In Hades - Elements Of Disorder
Death, Gothic doom
2010 8.2
Evoken - A Caress Of The Void
Death, Funeral doom
2007 8.4
Evoken - Atra Mors
Death, Funeral doom
2012 8
Morgion - Rabid Decay
Death doom
1991 6
Indesinence - Noctambulism
Death doom
2006 7.6
Nadja - Luminous Rot
Ambient Drone , Doom
2021 6
Atlantean Kodex - The Annihilation Of Königshofen
Epic doom, Heavy
2009 7
Atriarch - Dead As Truth
Blackened doom
2017 6.8
Porta Nigra - Fin De Siècle
Avantgarde black, Doom
2012 7.6
Ereb Altor - Nattramn
Doom, Pagan black
2015 8.1
Conan - Blood Eagle
Doom, Stoner
2014 7.6
The Wounded Kings - Embrace Of The Narrow House
2008 7.5