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1992-  Greg Chandler - guitars, vocals
2003-  Mark Bodossian - bass
2007-  Joe Fletcher - drums
2022-  Mathew Barnes - guitars
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1992-1994  Stuart - guitars
1992-1994  Darren Earl - drums
1992-1996  Gordon Bicknell - guitars, keyboards
› 1996-2010  -//- guitars
› 2011-2019  -//-
1992-1997  Simon Phillips (I) - guitars
1992-2002  Bryan Beck - bass
1994-2007  Steve Peters - guitars
2003-2005  Andy Semmens - drums
2003-2009  Olivier Goyet - keyboards
2007-2009  Kristopher "Kris" Clayton - guitars
2009-2019  Jim Nolan - guitars
2012-2014  Jan Krause - keyboards
2020-2024  Simon Walcroft - guitars
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1997  Anthony - drums
1999  Keith York - drums
› 2002  -//-
2004  Trevor Lines - bass
2011  Mark Lockett - piano
2021  Daniel Rochester - bass
› 2022  -//- guitars
1999  Tom Kvålsvoll - vocals

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A Pyrrhic Existence was released on November 8 of last year. It is now January 15. I guess that's how long it takes me to fully digest an Esoteric album.
Review by Auntie Sahar ››
Being around for almost 20 years, Esoteric never were in a hurry to release as many albums as they could every 1-2 years. For some artists the burden of the aforementioned title is grandiose and they'd never exchange not even a bit of their quality...
Review by KwonVerge ››
Who needs a soul anyway?

For the last 16 years or so and with every consecutive release, Esoteric get just a little bit closer to finally condemning us all to hell, and I personally respect any band with a disposition this sunny. The Maniacal Vale is...
Review by jupitreas ››

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