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My Top 50 Metal Albums Of 2019

This is a work in progress. Not official until around January 1, 2020. Most of these albums were listened to in August as I lost interest during March. I did not really listen to anything between then to the beginning of August. I've missed out on a lot but I'm hoping to come across that hidden gem few know about. Anyways, enjoy the list. I've checked a few lists on here and they may or may not have been influential. My ratings go as high as 100.0%. You have to at least get a 60.1% to make it on this list.

Created by: quieted_darkness | 26.08.2019

1. Pensées Nocturnes - Grand Guignol Orchestra
(97.7%) Avant-Garde Black Metal/Dark Cabaret, Avant-Garde/Smooth Jazz, Circus March, Folk Metal with Depressive Black Metal, Operatic, and Latin Music Influences - France
2. Inculter - Fatal Visions
(96.5%) Thrash Metal
3. Ossuarium - Living Tomb
(96.3%) Death Metal
4. Anti-Hero - Rolling Thunder
(93.3%) Thrash Metal
5. Suffering Hour - Dwell
(92.7%) Blackened Death Metal
6. Ataraxie - Résignés
(91.9%) Funeral Doom/Death Metal
7. Molten Chains - In The Antechamber Below
(90.8%) Blackened Heavy Metal with Progressive Influences
8. Funereal Presence - Achatius
(90.2%) Avant-Garde Black Metal
9. Ossuary - Supreme Degradation
(90.0%) Death Metal
10. Charnel Altar - Charnel Altar
(89.9%) Death/Black/Doom Metal
11. Superstition - The Anatomy Of Unholy Transformation
(88.8%) Death Metal
12. Cerebral Rot - Odious Descent Into Decay
(88.5%) Death Metal
13. Windswept - The Onlooker
(88.2%) Black Metal
14. Critical Defiance - Misconception
(86.6%) Thrash Metal
15. Vulture - Ghastly Waves & Battered Graves
(85.6%) Speed/Power Metal
16. Hellripper - Black Arts & Alchemy
(85.3%) Black/Speed/Heavy Metal
17. Encoffination - We Proclaim Your Death O' Lord
(84.7%) Death/Doom Metal
18. Leather Glove - Perpetual Animation
(84.4%) Death/Sludge Metal
19. Traveler - Traveler
(83.8%) Heavy/Speed Metal
20. Deathspell Omega - The Furnaces Of Palingenesia
(83.6%) Avant-Garde Black Metal
21. Akrotheism - Law Of Seven Deaths
(83.3%) Black Metal
22. Drastus - La Croix De Sang
(82.9%) Black Metal
23. Hornwood Fell - Damno Lumina Nocte
(82.6%) Avant-Garde Black Metal
24. Krypts - Cadaver Circulation
(82.1%) Death Metal
25. Voidsphere - To Exist / To Breathe
(81.8%) Atmospheric Black Metal
26. Musmahhu - Reign Of The Odious
(81.7%) Black/Death Metal with Doom Metal Influences
27. Iron Griffin - Curse Of The Sky
(81.3%) Heavy Metal
28. Blood Incantation - Hidden History Of The Human Race
(81.1%) Progressive Death Metal
29. Vastum - Orificial Purge
(80.7%) Death Metal
30. Fetid - Steeping Corporeal Mess
(80.0%) Death Metal
31. Abyssal - A Beacon In The Husk
(79.8%) Death/Black/Doom Metal
32. None - Damp Chill Of Life
(78.3%) Atmospheric/Depressive Black Metal
33. Undeath - Sentient Autolysis
(78.3%) Death Metal
34. Grimdor - The Chamber Of Mazarbul
(78.2%) Black Metal
35. Mortal Scepter - Where Light Suffocates
(78.0%) Blackened Thrash Metal
36. Haunter - Sacramental Death Qualia
(77.7%) Progressive Death/Black Metal
37. Alkymist (CAN) - Wreckage Of The Raging World
(77.6%) Atmospheric Black/Doom Metal
38. Epitimia - Нить (Thread)
(76.1%) Atmospheric/Post-Black Metal
39. Pestilent Death - Chapters Of Depravity
(75.6%) Death Metal
40. Diabolic Night - Beyond The Realm
(75.3%) Black/Speed Metal
41. Panopticon - The Crescendo Of Dusk
(75.1%) Atmospheric Black/Folk Metal
42. Volahn - El Tigre Del Sur
(74.8%) Black Metal
43. Esoteric - A Pyrrhic Existence
(74.6%) Funeral Doom Metal
44. Fatal Agent - Re-Animated
(74.4%) Thrash Metal
45. Disentomb - The Decaying Light
(73.8%) Brutal Death Metal
46. Mgła - Age Of Excuse
(73.7%) Black Metal
47. Cosmic Putrefaction - At The Threshold Of The Greatest Chasm
(73.6%) Death Metal
48. Spellbine - The Death Of Crann Bethadh
(73.3%) Black Metal
49. Teitanblood - The Baneful Choir
(73.0%) Death/Black Metal with Dark Ambient Influences
50. Father Befouled - Holy Rotten Blood
(72.8%) Death Metal

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by quieted_darkness ]


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Comments: 5   Visited by: 48 users
28.10.2019 - 01:40
Thrash Talker
Great list there and Kudos for Inculter and Critical Defiance those are sickening albums +1
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
26.11.2019 - 03:16
Is there a mathematical way you arrive at the percentages or are they arbitrary?
29.11.2019 - 05:07
Written by Neachy on 26.11.2019 at 03:16

Is there a mathematical way you arrive at the percentages or are they arbitrary?

I'd say it's arbitrary. I listen to an entire album then I decide what score I am going to give it between 100.0 - 0.0. It just helps separating albums that would otherwise score the same two digit score if I didn't have the extra decimal. Also thanks for your Hornwood Fell pick. I would have otherwise probably of never found out about them.
07.03.2020 - 04:51
I apologize to anyone who was looking forward to seeing this list complete. I have different hobbies and sometimes I just put music on hiatus for a little while. I was hoping to make it a strong list of my Top 50 albums but it didn't happen. I don't know if I'll go back or not. I'm hoping 2020 will be a better year.
07.03.2020 - 16:01
Troy Killjoy
Written by quieted_darkness on 07.03.2020 at 04:51

I have different hobbies and sometimes I just put music on hiatus for a little while.

I don't think anyone faults you for that. Not everyone eats, sleeps, and breathes music, let alone metal specifically. I used to be that guy in my early 20s but since branched out into more things that divide my attention and go through a hiatus or two like you.

I'll try to get back on the wagon this year as well.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."

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