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The Black Lodge 2020 List

Top 30 in alphabetical order plus some honourable mentions, the top 3 EPs and the best split. Here in the Black Lodge we had some other 20 album that could get in, but the gates in Twin Peaks woods slammed down in flickering flashlights...
The comments are from my delirious tulpa...

Created by: Evil Cooper | 21.01.2021

1. Above Aurora - The Shrine Of Deterioration
A roaring polish BM, slow-paced and menacing
2. Acherontas - Psychic Death - The Shattering Of Perceptions
Occult BM less aleatory than their previous works, much more focused and acrimonious
3. Akhlys - Melinoë
It is difficult to picture something more evil, malevolent and occult than this
4. Ars Magna Umbrae - Apotheosis
Intricate labyrinths of black matter, masterfully managed
5. Blaze Of Perdition - The Harrowing Of Hearts
One of the brightest stars of Polish BM gives a gothic tinge to its music and shines
6. Death. Void. Terror. - To The Great Monolith II
Chaotic and otherworldly hymns for a lost planet
7. Fange - Pudeur
Nihilistic sludge with some acid flavour and industrial clangor
8. Icare - Khaos
Grinding rage that somewhere opens up to something different, some kind of melancholic desperation
9. Kall - Brand
Sounds like an indie rock group victim of its own despair
10. Kevel - Mutatis Mutandis
A surprise made of portentous, but still sophisticated post-sludge
11. Kły - Wyrzyny
Reminding the great Furia, an intelligent, calculated, marvellous BM never obvious in its twists and turns
12. Lares - Towards Nothingness
A precious blend of black, post and psychedelic metal, with great songwriting
13. Medico Peste - ב :The Black Bile
Ferocious black rock, a sort of alternative black metal that doesn't lose a bit of aggressiveness
14. M.S.W. - Obliviosus
Metal music is rarely so intense and intimate as this stuff is (and you forgot its imperfections)
15. Necropolitan - Thee Ignoble Radiance
Malicious, cacophonic lullabies for deranged parricides (from the evil guys of An Axis of Perdition)
16. Odraza - Rzeczom
Innovative and yet solid BM, with hallucinated folk and dark rock elements
17. Oranssi Pazuzu - Mestarin Kynsi
The masters of psychedelic BM go on with their triumphant experimentations
18. Ossaert - Bedehuis
One of many interesting works from the Dutch scene, with unpredictable melodic glimpses
19. Panzerfaust - The Suns Of Perdition - Chapter II: Render Unto Eden
The devastating force of death and black focused on a dreadful war chant
20. Primitive Man - Immersion
Nothing moves, everything just crushes you (and your ears) to the ground. Let's suffer!
21. Regarde Les Hommes Tomber - Ascension
It hurts and screams and fights against the darkness, in a very intense post-sludge opus
22. Relic Point - Self Punishment
One of the heaviest albums of the year: prolonged grimness without hope
23. Serpent Column - Kathodos
A rushing hike into the darkest chaos, with some secret orientation upon even darker stars
24. Skáphe - Skáphe³
To sink into the abyss and get out victorious and bloodthirsty
25. Sweven - The Eternal Resonance
Progressive DM, extraordinarily rich and articulate in its texture
26. Temple Nightside - Pillars Of Damnation
A plumbeous nightmare, with no melody and no light
27. The Ocean - Phanerozoic II: Mesozoic / Cenozoic
Elaborate songwriting, great sound textures, punchy vocal lines. As always.
28. Ulcerate - Stare Into Death And Be Still
It was one of the most hyped album of the year and didn't disappoint. Pure metallic heaviness
29. Wake - Devouring Ruin
Controlled violence with a subtle progressive vein
30. Wayfarer - A Romance With Violence
Refined, polished BM, with that western aftertaste which is perfectly balanced with the heaviness
32. Almyrkvi - Almyrkvi / The Ruins Of Beverast [Split]
Just the best split, with two amazing bands in great shape (waiating for 2021)
33. BEST EPs
34. Cosmovore - Into The Necrosphere
A dry, concese, brutal death metal master class
35. Omination - The Pale Horseman
Just one chant of occult ritual doom, immediatly catchy
36. Throane - Une Balle Dans Le Pied
Just one song but, man, what a song! This is BaN and DSO in a metallic coitus
37. HONOURABLE MENTIONS (Not in the top 30, but for some reason notable)
38. Napalm Death - Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism
They are old and still fighting, some dinosaurs can still be frightening
39. Sightless Pit - Grave Of A Dog
While trap-metal flares up, here you find some experimentation that is worth your patience
40. Neptunian Maximalism - Éons
Metal music can be many different things and be played in many different ways (and with many different instruments) (1)
41. Ottone Pesante - DoomooD
Metal music can be many different things and be played in many different ways (and with many different instruments) (2)
43. Psychonaut - Unfold The God Man
44. Chained To The Bottom Of The Ocean - The Vestige

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 1   Visited by: 19 users
23.01.2021 - 15:51
Nice list, dude. Neat and simple with good taste and nice descriptions.

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