Milena gloom cookie StaffPosts: 4603  |
Milenagloom cookieStaffPosts: 4603 
Although I prefer longer reports, this was a pretty good one, Doc  the pictures are also pretty kickass, that dude did a good job.
7.0 means the album is good
Nergal Is God Account deleted |
Nergal Is God Account deleted
I was thinking about going down to Columbus to see this tour, being it ain't hitting Cleveland. After this, I just might! Love all three bands. I caught Warbringer last November in a snow storm. There was only like 35 people that showed up, so that made it pretty sweet. They definitely have a very powerful stage show.
Valentin B Iconoclast
Posts: 10096  |
I think people watched Symphony X expecting something else.. their last album (which they play live almost in entirety) is much more aggressive than even Paradise Lost and crosses the border into thrash metal at times, moshable and stunningly headbanging-worthy.
Fat & Sassy! ElitePosts: 3857  |
Basically how the show was in Philly too. Although, I found Symphony X to be less enjoyable than previous times, because they played almost their entire Iconoclast album. :/ But it wasn't a progressive show, so I guess it was more fitting to play the heavier, ballsy stuff.
Posts: 1108  |
Bad English Tage Westerlund
Posts: 62484  |
Tell me a Iced set list, what songs they played, because Im gong to gig in Luleå , did they played Birth Of The Wicked
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.
Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Bad English Tage Westerlund
Posts: 62484  |
Written by Valentin B on 05.03.2012 at 14:39
I think people watched Symphony X expecting something else.. their last album (which they play live almost in entirety) is much more aggressive than even Paradise Lost and crosses the border into thrash metal at times, moshable and stunningly headbanging-worthy.
Now you have reaosn come up to Luleå :p in august to see Iced Earth
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.
Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
Valentin B Iconoclast
Posts: 10096  |
Written by Bad English on 07.03.2012 at 00:19
Written by Valentin B on 05.03.2012 at 14:39
I think people watched Symphony X expecting something else.. their last album (which they play live almost in entirety) is much more aggressive than even Paradise Lost and crosses the border into thrash metal at times, moshable and stunningly headbanging-worthy.
Now you have reaosn come up to Luleå :p in august to see Iced Earth
I saw them in november and they were stunning, plus the plane price from here to Lulea (even to Stockholm) is insane (at least 400 euros return)... maybe some other year :p
Introspekrieg Totemic Lust ElitePosts: 2749  |
I enjoyed Symphony X's performance in Philly as a fan of Iconoclast, and I do remember some people just standing with their arms folded staring at us while we were doing air guitar and headbanging
It's a shame I had to leave halfway through Iced Earth's set, lots of energy there.
Posts: 5
Had kind of the opposite experience in Kansas City. There were quite a few Iced Earth only fans, but the show really took off when Symphony X hit the stage. However, because Symphony X was the closer, those who didn't want to hear them already left. Overall, it was actually the most energy I've seen in a crowd during a Symphony X concert. Also,  to Russel Allen for inviting the two 14 year old girls next to me to see him after the show.
Posts: 24  |
Written by Bad English on 07.03.2012 at 00:18
Tell me a Iced set list, what songs they played, because Im gong to gig in Luleå , did they played Birth Of The Wicked 
When I saw them in Houston, Tx on Feb 29 this is what they played: Dystopia, Angels Holocaust, Slave to the Dark, V, Stand Alone, When the Night Falls, Dark City, Damien, Anthem, Declaration Day, Days of Rage, Watching Over Me, Dante's Inferno, Iced Earth
The list was a fairly good mix of new songs and old classics, and yes they played all 17 minutes of Dante's Inferno. I was curious to hear how the old stuff would sound with Stu, he didn't disappoint. I have to say that Damien was the best song of the night, Jon doing the spoken part in the middle was pure fucking metal.
Posts: 14
Saw this tour last Friday night in Worcester, MA.
I think impressions are definitely colored by whomever closes the show which in my case was Iced Earth. That said . . .
Sym X is a band I've always felt I "should" like, I have picked up their last few CDs, but promising bits I hear never seem to turn into anything that makes a lasting impression on me. So I was curious to find out if seeing them live would make a difference. It didn't.
Right off the bat, it seemed like they were trying really hard to be HEAVY to stand up to the styles of their tour mates and it kind of backfired on them. The bass (from bass, drums and keys) was so overwhelming it drowned out virtually everything except Romeo's "squealiest" shreds and Allen's biggest wails. With their proggy style and multiple changes, I feel like dynamics are key to appreciating what Sym X does and dynamics were completely lost in that wall of bass. Way too many songs seemed to start with the exact same opening, finger-tappy shred section from Romeo, and the choruses to "Children Of A Faceless God" and "Electric Messiah" are among the only melodies I can recall rising above the din. Allen's stage presence also seemed to smack of a bit of self consciousness about coming off as "heavy" as the other two bands, with him throwing the horns every two seconds and yapping a lot about the "metal-ness" of metal. Personally I think Allen is a great singer, though, while I love his more crooning style, I find his aggressive singing to be kind of off-putting. My reactions aside, the serious Sym X fans in the crowd seemed like they were digging the performance.
In contrast Iced Earth ruled. Their sound was all but pristine and the loud and soft sections of their tunes came through clearly. Regardless of whether people think he's not the most innovative of players, Schaffer's rhythm guitar playing and his tone are simply otherworldly.
I was the biggest Stu Block skeptic, having never liked his vocals and thinking he came off as a bit of a punk-ass on stage the handful of times I saw him with Into Eternity but, as he did on the album, he proved me wrong Friday night. Great presence and he sounded great, handling the classics just as well as the Dystopia material. There was a bit of a sound problem where his mid and low range vocals seemed to cut out in certain spots, but otherwise an awesome performance. Overall great show by IE. Set list was identical to what Metal Freak notes above.