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So I Heard You Like Opeth...

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"Which bands sound like Opeth?" It seems that perennial question has plagued fans and non-fans of the band alike since their inception. I have created this list in an effort to guide those hapless souls to the answer. Feast your eyes the exhaustive list of bands who take the word influence too literally (barring the obvious) for the better or...for you to decide. Enjoy and don't hesitate to recommend any bands fitting this description.

Links to all bands not currently featured on Metal Storm are provided below:
Orion (IN)

Created by: LeKiwi | 07.04.2015

1. Adeia - Serenity
2. Alley - Amphibious
3. Altesia - Paragon Circus
4. Anciients - Voice Of The Void
5. Aquilus - Griseus
6. Barren Earth - Curse Of The Red River
7. Dan Swanö - Moontower
8. Dark Suns - Grave Human Genuine
9. De Profundis - The Emptiness Within
10. Derelict Earth - Below The Empty Skies
11. Descend - Wither
12. Edge Of Sanity - Crimson
13. Farmakon - Robin
14. Forstenet - Ephemeros: Virvar
15. Guillotine (IND) - The Cynic
16. Gwynbleidd - Nostalgia
17. Ikuinen Kaamos - Closure
18. In Mourning - Shrouded Divine
19. Lascaille's Shroud - Interval 02: Parallel Infinities - The Abscinded Universe
20. Lunar - Theogony
21. Luna's Call - Void
22. Man Made Origin - False Consciousness
23. Martriden - Cold And The Silence
24. Naeramarth - The Innumerable Stars
25. Obsidian Tide - Pillars Of Creation
26. Orion (IN) - On the Banks Of Rubicon
27. Ørkenkjøtt - Ønskediktet
28. Perihelion Ship - To Paint A Bird Of Fire
29. Piah Mater - Under The Shadow Of A Foreign Sun
30. Pictura - The Equilibration Of Minds, Vol. I
31. Pressure Points - Remorses To Remember
32. Sikasa - Matter Earth
33. Spires - The Whisperer
34. Steorrah - II: Thin White Paint
35. Subterranean Masquerade - Suspended Animation Dreams
36. The Advent Equation - Limitless Life Reflections
37. Ubiquity - The Ascendant Travels Among The Stars
38. Vinsta - Wiads
39. Weight Of Emptiness - Withered Paradogma
40. Wilderun - Veil Of Imagination
41. Wills Dissolve - The Heavens Are Not On Fire...
42. Witherscape - The Inheritance
43. ------------------------------------------
44. Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse
45. Opeth - Still Life
46. Opeth - Blackwater Park
47. Opeth - Deliverance
48. Opeth - Damnation
49. Opeth - Ghost Reveries
50. Opeth - Watershed

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by LeKiwi ]


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Comments: 67   Visited by: 637 users
07.04.2015 - 05:01
High Fist Prog
- Alley
- Barren Earth
- Dan Swanö
- Dark Suns
- De Profundis
- Derelict Earth
- Descend
- Edge Of Sanity
- Farmakon
- Guillotine
- Gwynbleidd
- In Mourning
- Pictura
- Spires
- Steorrah
- The Advent Equation
- Witherscape
07.04.2015 - 06:11
A staff guy...
No Lascaille's Shroud on a list of Opeth-esque bands...? O_o tsk tsk
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

07.04.2015 - 13:11
While I think that the style of Opeth and In Mourning sound quite different to me, I like seeing In Mourning's Shrouded Divine featured in your list. Listened to it recently - such a great album! I probably will check out stuff from this list in the near future, since I enjoy a lot of music that goes in this direction.
07.04.2015 - 14:16
High Fist Prog
Written by psykometal on 07.04.2015 at 06:11

No Lascaille's Shroud on a list of Opeth-esque bands...? O_o tsk tsk

Damn it, I don't have that one in my collection

Edit: had a listen and it sounds more focused on prog melodeath than Opeth-esque extreme prog. Just my opinion anyway, but if someone else agrees I'll add it for that sake
07.04.2015 - 19:04
Account deleted
I agree on adding Lascaille's Shroud.

Good list. Surprised to find a lot of albums I like in here.
07.04.2015 - 19:33
High Fist Prog
Written by [user id=101272] on 07.04.2015 at 19:04

I agree on adding Lascaille's Shroud.

Good list. Surprised to find a lot of albums I like in here.

Just adding them now.

Glad to hear you enjoyed it - I'd especially recommend the more obscure bands.
07.04.2015 - 19:35
High Fist Prog
- Lascaille's Shroud
08.04.2015 - 02:33
A staff guy...
Written by LeKiwi on 07.04.2015 at 19:35

- Lascaille's Shroud

Does Brett not have the albums for free on Bandcamp anymore?
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

08.04.2015 - 02:39
High Fist Prog
Written by psykometal on 08.04.2015 at 02:33

Does Brett not have the albums for free on Bandcamp anymore?

He sure does - why do you ask?
08.04.2015 - 03:21
A staff guy...
Written by LeKiwi on 08.04.2015 at 02:39

He sure does - why do you ask?

You said you don't have Lascaille's Shroud in your collection, so I'm just confused as to why not when you can acquire them for free.
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

08.04.2015 - 14:35
High Fist Prog
Written by psykometal on 08.04.2015 at 03:21

You said you don't have Lascaille's Shroud in your collection, so I'm just confused as to why not when you can acquire them for free.

Oh, I see what you meant now. I don't like the music so I deleted it
08.04.2015 - 14:58
A staff guy...
Written by LeKiwi on 08.04.2015 at 14:35

Oh, I see what you meant now. I don't like the music so I deleted it

:guffawguffawguffaw: Blasphemy!!! Of all the prog music you listen to and Lascaille's Shroud is the one you don't like?!
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

11.04.2015 - 10:39
Miss there few bands/albums, which are similiar to Opeth at some point, although this is very subjective matter and therefore arguable

Ne Obliviscaris - Portal of I - Progressive, but pretensious. The song "And plague flowers the kaleidoscope" is a killer

Alcest - Écailles the lune - Very poetic, the songs have slow gradation, mix of beautiful singing and child like screams (Neige said, that this album is about his childhood)

Agalloch - Ashes against the grain - Beautiful music, but personally I hate the vocals :\

Katatonia - Brave murder day - Yeah Akerfeldt did the harsh vocals on this one and the music is depressing, so I think it is pretty "must have"

Asgaut - Village - Bad production, but very interresting

Bel´akor - This is just a very interresting melodeath, but many people reccomend this to Opeth fans (try "Countless skyes" song)

Dissection - Storm of the lights bane - No clean vocals on this one, but the death cold atmosphere is great, besides, the acoustic songs on this and previous albums remind me the best from Orchid and Morningrise, try "Where dead angels lie"

Porcupine Tree - Fear of the blank planet - If you like damnation, this should be your first check

Forest of Shadows - Departure - It is doom, but you can find here and there some signs of progression

Rapture - Songs for Withering - Less complicated, more remindindg of Brave murder day era of Katatonia, but there are some good riffs, growls and clean singing

ReVolt - Seasons of Oblivion - Interesting album from Pakistan

Subterranean Masquerade - Suspended animation Dreams - Very refreshing music with Paul Kuhr on vocals - try "Wolf among sheep"

Uaral - Sounds of pain - Oh this is a hard one. Folk music from Chile with some metal elements can´t be similiar to Opeth! BUT the sad atmosphere, haunting acoustic guitars, deep, deep growl and disheartening clean vocals somehow put me in the same mood as while i listen to the Opeth´s earlier albums
11.04.2015 - 12:18
I'm curious, have you heard the new Wilderun album? Definitely got some really interesting Opeth vibes from that one.
Sometimes you just need to roll the dice and look away.
11.04.2015 - 12:21
Giant robot
^^ I dislike/am not interested in all the bands in that comment and yet I know they have very very little in common with Opeth.
11.04.2015 - 13:24
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
I don't like Opeth, henceforth this list doesn't interest me.

Sorry Lekiwi.
11.04.2015 - 15:15
Thank you for your ever so insightful input.
11.04.2015 - 17:40
High Fist Prog
Written by Lethrokai on 11.04.2015 at 12:18

I'm curious, have you heard the new Wilderun album? Definitely got some really interesting Opeth vibes from that one.

I'll check it out
14.04.2015 - 11:11
Written by Ilham on 11.04.2015 at 12:21

^^ I dislike/am not interested in all the bands in that comment and yet I know they have very very little in common with Opeth.

Sorry, I think I ruined your comment for you.
Sometimes you just need to roll the dice and look away.
15.04.2015 - 23:07
I've only listened to like half of what's on that list but... "Progressive Death Metal" as Opeth is usually labeled as, is kind of a weird genre IMO. You have Opeth and then you have bands with 10 minute songs featuring low-pitched growls and acoustic breaks. I mean, if a bands wants to go "progressive", as in trying to explore the limits of a genre, shouldn't they be experimenting with time signatures and harmony and trying to make something different than Opeth? What most of the bands in this vein also tend to forget is groove. The straight line double bass blast beat almost like programmed into the metronome won't cut it here. Neither will those power chords or Aeolian scales for that matter. Throw in a dim7 or a maj7 for gods sake.

Why is it that in the 70s you had bands like King Crimson, Yes and ELP (to name only a few) who all were "progressive rock" but still sounded WAY different?

Technically, if I had to recommend a band to someone who likes Opeth, it would be Gojira. But only because of their groove.
15.04.2015 - 23:23
High Fist Prog
Written by paragraph7 on 15.04.2015 at 23:07

I've only listened to like half of what's on that list but... "Progressive Death Metal" as Opeth is usually labeled as, is kind of a weird genre IMO. You have Opeth and then you have bands with 10 minute songs featuring low-pitched growls and acoustic breaks. I mean, if a bands wants to go "progressive", as in trying to explore the limits of a genre, shouldn't they be experimenting with time signatures and harmony and trying to make something different than Opeth? What most of the bands in this vein also tend to forget is groove. The straight line double bass blast beat almost like programmed into the metronome won't cut it here. Neither will those power chords or Aeolian scales for that matter. Throw in a dim7 or a maj7 for gods sake.

Why is it that in the 70s you had bands like King Crimson, Yes and ELP (to name only a few) who all were "progressive rock" but still sounded WAY different?

Technically, if I had to recommend a band to someone who likes Opeth, it would be Gojira. But only because of their groove.

I'm not trying to offer anything remotely unique with this list - I'm simply trying to answer the age-old question. People want to know what bands sound like Opeth, and this is the answer I'd take a more innovative band over these any day, but there's a point in a die-hard Opeth fan's life when all the want to hear is more Opeth.
15.04.2015 - 23:34
Written by LeKiwi on 15.04.2015 at 23:23

Written by paragraph7 on 15.04.2015 at 23:07

I've only listened to like half of what's on that list but... "Progressive Death Metal" as Opeth is usually labeled as, is kind of a weird genre IMO. You have Opeth and then you have bands with 10 minute songs featuring low-pitched growls and acoustic breaks. I mean, if a bands wants to go "progressive", as in trying to explore the limits of a genre, shouldn't they be experimenting with time signatures and harmony and trying to make something different than Opeth? What most of the bands in this vein also tend to forget is groove. The straight line double bass blast beat almost like programmed into the metronome won't cut it here. Neither will those power chords or Aeolian scales for that matter. Throw in a dim7 or a maj7 for gods sake.

Why is it that in the 70s you had bands like King Crimson, Yes and ELP (to name only a few) who all were "progressive rock" but still sounded WAY different?

Technically, if I had to recommend a band to someone who likes Opeth, it would be Gojira. But only because of their groove.

I'm not trying to offer anything remotely unique with this list - I'm simply trying to answer the age-old question. People want to know what bands sound like Opeth, and this is the answer I'd take a more innovative band over these any day, but there's a point in a die-hard Opeth fan's life when all the want to hear is more Opeth.

Yeah sure I get that. I wasn't really critiquing your list rather than rambling in general. But perhaps I meant to say that to some Opeth fans, like me, all the bands who are "trying to play the same music as Opeth" or trying to convey the same emotion, are going about it wrong. I was once recommended In Mourning as "really similar to Opeth" and I had to ask the guy if he'd listen to Opeth enough But you know.. there's the low growls... and acoustic guitars...

Anyway, I have to check your list more thorough when I have the chance.
15.04.2015 - 23:49
High Fist Prog
Written by paragraph7 on 15.04.2015 at 23:34

Yeah sure I get that. I wasn't really critiquing your list rather than rambling in general. But perhaps I meant to say that to some Opeth fans, like me, all the bands who are "trying to play the same music as Opeth" or trying to convey the same emotion, are going about it wrong. I was once recommended In Mourning as "really similar to Opeth" and I had to ask the guy if he'd listen to Opeth enough But you know.. there's the low growls... and acoustic guitars...

Anyway, I have to check your list more thorough when I have the chance.

Definitely with you on that. There's more to music than Opeth, some people just need time to get over the first phase of obsession

Let me know what you think anyway
17.04.2015 - 21:46
Erik M.
Have heard nearly half of the albums on your list and definitely agree with those being included. Plus, I like the concept and the fact that you finally have made a comprehensible short list, so a +1 is well-deserved.
17.04.2015 - 22:13
Erik M.
Written by qnick90 on 11.04.2015 at 10:39

Miss there few bands/albums, which are similiar to Opeth at some point, although this is very subjective matter and therefore arguable

Ne Obliviscaris - Portal of I - Progressive, but pretensious. The song "And plague flowers the kaleidoscope" is a killer

Alcest - Écailles the lune - Very poetic, the songs have slow gradation, mix of beautiful singing and child like screams (Neige said, that this album is about his childhood)

Agalloch - Ashes against the grain - Beautiful music, but personally I hate the vocals :\

Katatonia - Brave murder day - Yeah Akerfeldt did the harsh vocals on this one and the music is depressing, so I think it is pretty "must have"

Asgaut - Village - Bad production, but very interresting

Bel´akor - This is just a very interresting melodeath, but many people reccomend this to Opeth fans (try "Countless skyes" song)

Dissection - Storm of the lights bane - No clean vocals on this one, but the death cold atmosphere is great, besides, the acoustic songs on this and previous albums remind me the best from Orchid and Morningrise, try "Where dead angels lie"

Porcupine Tree - Fear of the blank planet - If you like damnation, this should be your first check

Forest of Shadows - Departure - It is doom, but you can find here and there some signs of progression

Rapture - Songs for Withering - Less complicated, more remindindg of Brave murder day era of Katatonia, but there are some good riffs, growls and clean singing

ReVolt - Seasons of Oblivion - Interesting album from Pakistan

Subterranean Masquerade - Suspended animation Dreams - Very refreshing music with Paul Kuhr on vocals - try "Wolf among sheep"

Uaral - Sounds of pain - Oh this is a hard one. Folk music from Chile with some metal elements can´t be similiar to Opeth! BUT the sad atmosphere, haunting acoustic guitars, deep, deep growl and disheartening clean vocals somehow put me in the same mood as while i listen to the Opeth´s earlier albums

I have heard almost all of these albums and I like most of them too, but none of them are actually similar to Opeth. Not even Brave Murder Day even though it features Akerfeldt's vocals.
18.04.2015 - 03:18
High Fist Prog
Written by Erik M. on 17.04.2015 at 21:46

Have heard nearly half of the albums on your list and definitely agree with those being included. Plus, I like the concept and the fact that you finally have made a comprehensible short list, so a +1 is well-deserved.

I knew we'd come to some sort of resolution in the end
Written by Erik M. on 17.04.2015 at 22:13

I have heard almost all of these albums and I like most of them too, but none of them are actually similar to Opeth. Not even Brave Murder Day even though it features Akerfeldt's vocals.

Yeah, I'm with you and Ilham in that respect. Sorry, qnick90
19.04.2015 - 15:39
Erik M.
Written by LeKiwi on 18.04.2015 at 03:18

Yeah, I'm with you and Ilham in that respect. Sorry, qnick90

Obviously. I think almost no-one would agree with him seeing as those bands are so different from Opeth in many aspects (most aren't even prog, FFS). And it might be a stretch but the new Enslaved reminds me of Opeth at times. What do you think?

Btw, I listened to Gwynbleidd - Nostalgia and it's probably the most similar band to Opeth I've ever heard. And it's a great album as well. It definitely beats Opeth's latest 2 or 3 albums, without a doubt.
20.04.2015 - 05:47
High Fist Prog
Written by Erik M. on 19.04.2015 at 15:39
And it might be a stretch but the new Enslaved reminds me of Opeth at times. What do you think?

Btw, I listened to Gwynbleidd - Nostalgia and it's probably the most similar band to Opeth I've ever heard. And it's a great album as well. It definitely beats Opeth's latest 2 or 3 albums, without a doubt.

I loved the album, but hearing that comparison I'll definitely check it out again soon and let you know. I've always thought Enslaved and Opeth held some distinct similarities though

Glad to hear you enjoyed Nostalgia - it's a great album indeed. I can't say the same about the comparison to Opeth as I quite enjoyed their last two albums
20.04.2015 - 11:45
Written by LeKiwi on 18.04.2015 at 03:18

Written by Erik M. on 17.04.2015 at 21:46

Have heard nearly half of the albums on your list and definitely agree with those being included. Plus, I like the concept and the fact that you finally have made a comprehensible short list, so a +1 is well-deserved.

I knew we'd come to some sort of resolution in the end
Written by Erik M. on 17.04.2015 at 22:13

I have heard almost all of these albums and I like most of them too, but none of them are actually similar to Opeth. Not even Brave Murder Day even though it features Akerfeldt's vocals.

Yeah, I'm with you and Ilham in that respect. Sorry, qnick90

Yep, but it is closer than, let´s say... Justin Bieber, right? Well the difficult thing about bands similiar to Opeth is that Opeth changed their style so much, they are completely different band now than they were in 1995, so Gwynbleidd are similiar to their early era, but they have nothing to do with Opeth´s contemporary music. And in terms of similarity I more thought, that Opeth fans might like this bands, so I just took it more as a reccomendation...
26.05.2015 - 20:18
I made an account here so I could post here.

Btw, I LOVE your Tasty MetalStorm list. Been cranking that stuff for over a week. Too bad Luke Kelly is really bad with his liner notes on what plugins he used for Holligans. DAMN IT

But... on to the point of my post:

The MOST Opeth sounding band that I've ever heard is this:

ikuinen kaamos

Specifically their EP Closure.

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