Top 23 Albums Of The 1970s
Here are the 70s albums that have stood out and made the largest impact on me. To be as transparent as possible, I've labelled albums as 'nostalgia bias' where my memories of the band give it an advantage over others.
(Score is an average of each album's song ratings, full list located here. There are a ton of albums that I've rated 9/10 in the 'TBR' tab that may never make it to this list, be sure to check those out.) If you discovered any new albums or like the same sort of 70s metal, be sure to give this list a thumbs-up and leave a comment so more people can find these amazing bands! My other lists: Top 500 Albums (ordered & rated) Top 25 EPs (also ordered & rated) Top 200 Overlooked Albums (with genres) Top 200 Overrated Albums (trigger warning) So I Heard You Like Wintersun... (Time II find new bands)
Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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