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Band - Album Year Rating
Contradiction - The Voice Of Hatred
Rapture - Silent Stage
Melodic death, Doom
2005 8.4
Nightrage - Descent Into Chaos
Melodic death
2005 7.9
Pain - Dancing With The Dead
Gothic industrial
2005 8
Swallow The Sun - Forgive Her
Melodic death, Melodic doom
2005 8.3
Hortus Animae - The Blow Of Furious Winds...
Symphonic black
2005 8.1
Satariel - Hydra
Melodic death
2005 8.2
Paradise Lost - Paradise Lost
2005 8
DevilDriver - The Fury Of Our Maker's Hand
Nu, Melodic death, Groove thrash
2005 8.2
Thunderstone - Tools Of Destruction
Power, Heavy
2005 8.1
Obtest - Iš Kartos Į Kartą
Pagan folk
2005 8.3
Hour Of Penance - Pageantry For Martyrs
Brutal death
2005 6.6
Mortal Love - I Have Lost...
2005 8.4
Burst - Origo
Progressive metalcore, Post-hardcore
2005 8.2
Demonic Resurrection - A Darkness Descends
Blackened death, Symphonic
2005 7.1
Taake - ...Doedskvad
2005 8.5
Dreamland - Future's Calling
Heavy, Power
2005 8.2
Teräsbetoni - Metallitotuus
Power, Hard rock
2005 8.3
Helloween - Hellish Videos
2005 8
Noumena - Absence
Melodic death
2005 8.5
Black Majesty - Silent Company
2005 8.2
Crimson Moon - Under The Serpentine Spell
2005 6
Galneryus - Advance To The Fall
2005 8.5
Glorior Belli - Ô Laudate Dominvs
2005 8.2
Detonation - Portals To Uphobia
Melodic death, Thrash
2005 8.2
Subway To Sally - Nord Nord Ost
Medieval folk
2005 7.7
Kadenzza - The Second Renaissance
Avantgarde black
2005 8.5
Isacaarum - Shibari Kata And Other Practices
Death, Grindcore
2005 9
Kiko Loureiro - No Gravity
Progressive, Power, Jazz
2005 8.5
Demise - Torture Garden
Melodic death
2005 6.8