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Steel Prophet


1983-  Steve Kachinsky - guitars
1989-1995  Jon Paget - guitars
› 2015-  -//-
2004-  Glenn Cannon - bass
2011-  James "Jimmy" Schultz - drums
2019-  Roberto Dimitri Liapakis - vocals
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1983-1985  Harry Blackwell - drums
1983-1987  Gary Stocking - vocals
1986-1996  John Tarascio - drums
1987  Wayne Faircloth - bass
1987-1988  Dave Brooks - vocals
1988  Scott Lindsenbardt - vocals
1988-1989  Nick Mantis - vocals
1988-1989  Domenic Chavira - guitars
1988-2004  Vince "Du Juan" Dennis - bass
1989-2002  Rick Mythiasin - vocals
› 2007-2017  -//-
1995-1996  Horacio Colmenares - guitars
1996-1999  Pete Parada - drums
1996-2000  John Pons - guitars
1999  Patrick Magrath - drums
2000-2002  Jim Williams - guitars
2001-2004  Karl Rosqvist - drums
2003-2004  Pete Skermetta - guitars
2003-2004  Nadir D'Priest - vocals
2004  Kevin Cafferty - drums
2004-2007  Tim Thomas - guitars
2004-2011  Gene McEwen - drums
2005-2007  Bruce Hall - vocals
2017-2002  Russ Friend - vocals
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1997  Brian Craig - drums
1999  Kevin Cafferty - drums
1997-1999  Bernie Versailles - guitars
1999  Roy Z - guitars
2019  Evan K - guitars

Latest reviews

Just look at the album artwork for Steel Prophet's Omniscient. Skulls, guns, and the word "steel" in the band name. It's nothing too surprising, as far as metal goes. In a lot of ways, the cover is sort of like the music itself.
Review by Mattybu ››

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