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1988-  David Blomqvist - guitars
1988-1998  Curt Robert Sennebäck - vocals, bass, guitars
› 2019-  -//- vocals
1988-2007  Fred Estby - drums
› 2019-  -//-
1991-  Matti Kärki - vocals
1991-1998  Richard Hans Cabeza - bass
› 2000-2004  -//-
› 2019-  -//-
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1998-2003  Magnus Sahlgren - guitars
2003-2011  Martin Persson - guitars
2004-2005  Johan Bergebäck - bass
2005-2011  Tobias Cristiansson - bass
2007-2011  Thomas Daun - drums
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1989-1991  Nicke Andersson - guitars
2000  Sharlee D'Angelo - bass
1998-2000  Sharlee D'Angelo - bass
1997  Keren Bruce - viola da gamba

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Wow! It's only the beginning of 2008 and we already have what could probably be the best Death Metal album this year? Let me reiterate that first word... fucking WOW!

Anyway, not so long ago we had the pleasure to hear a Dismember album called "The...
Review by Herzebeth ››
Every new Dismember albums is like a real event, and of course the release of "Where Ironcrosses Grow" follows the rule. But now, we must know if the band through this new album knew how to do something in the vein of their precedents releases....
Review by Jeff ››
There's no way an album named Death Metal could go wrong, Drilling drums, incredible vocals (understandable, not the usual low Growl) a guitar that must be executed by one of the most technical players Metal has seen, and some incredible bass-lines,...
Review by Herzebeth ››

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