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1999-  Wroth - guitars, vocals
1999-  Zhaaral - guitars, vocals
2022-  Yhs - bass
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1999-2019  Zorgh - bass, vocals
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One plus one makes two. One plus one... Can it make one? Darkspace strips down its formula; the negatives add up, and yet the cosmos remains as cold and unforgiving as ever.
Review by X-Ray Rod ››
So, one of the biggest ambient black metal bands released their new album this year. Time to lose some words on that. Darkspace from Switzerland continue their journey through the dark space (no pun intended as it's the actual name of their albums)...
Review by Windrider ››
With their first two albums "I" and "II" the mysterious trio Darkspace quickly made name for themselves. Both albums where hymns to utter space, but focused on different aspects. Whereas "I" was faster and denser, "II"...
Review by Lucas ››

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