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Hidden Gems - 25 Albums You Might Have Missed

What follows are 25 very good albums that seem to have flown under the radar of MS users, as not a one has even 50 ratings. Pulled pretty much from tastes, so largely some death, doom, sludge, stoner, and thrash. So check 'em out, you might find a couple worth your while.

Created by: BitterCOld | 12.05.2015

1. ...And Oceans - The Dynamic Gallery Of Thoughts
49 - Intriguing progressive black meets industrial. Heard my first time on BlackMetalRadio and still enjoy a decade later.
2. (EchO) - Devoid Of Illusions
12 - Progressive Doom. The Italians drive all over the various territories of Doom Country in this release.
3. 5ive - Hesperus
7 - Instrume(n)tal post metal goodness.
4. Abske Fides - Abske Fides
22 - Brazilian Urban Jungle Doom. Not everything there is futbol, samba, and really painful dangerzone waxes.
5. Altar Of Betelgeuze - Darkness Sustains The Silence
34 - Extreme Doom meets Stoner meets Sludge for a rawking bad time.
6. Black Breath - Sentenced To Life
44 - Punk-influenced 80's flavored death metal from the land of Starbucks, heroin, and endless rain.
7. Eibon - Entering Darkness
21 - Blackened sludgedoom which oozes forth and drowns the listener in it's foul taint... but just enough mellow moments to allow you the occasional breath while it continues to constrict away, slowly sapping your life force.
8. Helmet - Meantime
30 - "Alternative" Metal from the early 90s, they use space to make crushing riffs.
9. Holy Terror - Terror And Submission
31 - rampaging 80's thrash. What they lacked in finesse they made up for in droves with boundless, raw kinetic energy, enthusiasm, and the fantastic vocals of Keith Deen.
10. Landmine Marathon - Rusted Eyes Awake
12 happy fun grinding death metal from the Valley of the Sun.
11. Lard - The Last Temptation Of Reid
8 - Ministry + former Dead Kennedys front man Jello Biafra = Industrial Metal with a wicked sense of humor.
12. Minsk - The Ritual Fires Of Abandonment
21 - 2015's The Crash & The Draw is great post-metal. This is a slight cut above.
13. Nortt - Galgenfrist
37 - Haunting funeral doom pushed nearly to the point of being ambient.
14. Ortega - 1634
15 - Ortega, the salsa, combines various elements - tomatoes, Serrano peppers, onions, lemon juice, red peppers, and garlic to create a spicy little number. Ortega, the band, do likewise, adding various elements of "post", doom, sludge, and the occasional black into one spicy number.
15. Portal - Swarth
40 - Portal. Australian for dense, dissonant, unforgiving death metal.
16. Procession - To Reap Heavens Apart
33 - Fantastic traditional doom release from the former Chileans. Crushing riffs and soaring vocals.
17. Profetus - Coronation Of The Black Sun
13 - The album opens reminding the listener "the outer body is a stinking cadaver, because it still lives in poison", and goes downhill from there. Glaciers advance faster than the songs on this album. Empty, reverberating drums, painfully slow guitar melodies, somewhat buried vocals, wrapped in a Yanni-paced organ? these guys sure put the "Fun" in "Funeral!"
18. Red Harvest - Internal Punishment Programs
20 - Claustrophobic yet crushing blackened industrial.
19. Saviours - Accelerated Living
9 - The Californians party hard and riff harder. A real F.G.T? that's Fucking Good Time to you and me.
20. Septic Mind - Начало [The Beginning]
4 - The beginning of the end. Catastrophic doom vile enough to kill all plant life within 10m.
21. Sleestak - The Fall Of Altrusia
21 - A cosmic stoner jam trip over the waterfalls and through the pylons.
22. Station Dysthymia - Overhead, Without Any Fuss, The Stars Were Going Out
20 - Crushing wall of sound extreme doom with tracks longer than the name of the album. And more punishing.
23. Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster - Exegesis
13 - Great post-metal in and of itself, with some of the best vocals in the genre. Actually sung, not that grating screamo horseshit that is all too common.
24. Teitanblood - Death
30 - Ugly raw blackened death with crunchy riffs galore.
25. Withered - Folie Circulaire
21 - A death metal band at its core, with a willingness to incorporate other elements - from black to post.

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by BitterCOld ]


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Comments: 7   Visited by: 112 users
21.08.2015 - 13:39
Tomas Piller
An intriguing list this is, i know only a few so far and already started with exploration.
Also great to see the amazing Holy Terror here, on the other way it's the only thrash which is unfair, let me throw some in:

Rigor Mortis - 1991 - Rigor Mortis Vs. The Earth
Fear Of God - 1991 - Within The Veil
22.08.2015 - 20:44
Gem Seeker
Cool list. Definitely agree with Holy Terror, Minsk, Red Harvest and Withered.
23.08.2015 - 01:27
Account deleted
Agrees with those I know but portal are death metal,or blackend death, not black metal.
29.02.2016 - 17:52
Alex F
^What Mahdi said. Portal are nowhere near simply "black metal", and a far more centered in death metal.
29.02.2016 - 18:32
The Ancient One
Corrected to appease, probably meant to type blackened death but trimmed it.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
05.10.2016 - 17:19
proofread free
I actually prefer To Open The Passages In Dusk to Profetus' debut, not saying that debut isn't as good, but the clean vocals in Burn, Lantern of Eve always gives me chiles (see what i did there? no? ok )
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
05.10.2016 - 17:36
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by InnerSelf on 05.10.2016 at 17:19

but the clean vocals in Burn, Lantern of Eve always gives me chiles (see what i did there? no? ok )

Coourtesy of our Chilean friend, Felipe of Procession, who lives in Sweden.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996


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