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Haken - Fauna

7.8 | 220 votes |
Release date: 3 March 2023
Style: Progressive metal


67 have it
18 want it

01. Taurus
02. Nightingale
03. The Alphabet Of Me
04. Sempiternal Beings
05. Beneath The White Rainbow
06. Island In The Clouds
07. Lovebite
08. Elephants Never Forget
09. Eyes Of Ebony
10. The Last Lullaby [Japanese bonus]

The Best Album Artwork Of 2023

Ross Jennings - vocals
Peter Jones - keyboards
Richard "Hen" Henshall - guitars, keyboards
Charles "Charlie" Griffiths - guitars
Ray Hearne - drums
Conner Green - bass

Staff review by
Fauna signals a lyrical departure for Haken; their first album without an overarching story, it’s comprised of unconnected songs sharing a theme of animal-human behavioural parallels. Considering their previous multi-album concept arc resulted in them releasing an album called Virus during a global pandemic and having its release disrupted by said pandemic, one can understand why they may not have wanted to give fate a chance to be tempted this time around.

published 06.03.2023 | Comments (14)

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Comments: 19   Visited by: 534 users
10.12.2022 - 00:07
Very much looking forward to this
10.12.2022 - 00:23
Where's the monkey guy to comment on this?
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
10.12.2022 - 01:12
A Real Mönkey
Written by RaduP on 10.12.2022 at 00:23

Where's the monkey guy to comment on this?

I was always here, my evolved brethren.

At any rate how’d Haken get a photo of my great grandphather?
Need a break from headbanging? Restore your street cred by visiting my hip-hop list!

Tha Swagnum Opus: A Selection Of Hip-Hop For The Curious Metalhead
10.12.2022 - 02:39
Rating: 6
Theory Snob
Haken are a great band, but I feel they've going downhill for a while. The performance is still top-notch, but it doesn't seem to have the... bling-bling (?) it used to.
"I am too stupid to be human, and I lack common sense." - Proverbs 30:2
"Music? Well, it's just entertainment, folks!" - Devin Townsend

Best 2024 Albums
Album Release day (March 03, 2023)
03.03.2023 - 08:29
Rating: 7
This is pretty entertaining in most parts and I got some Gojira vibes here and there. Some unnerving simpler moments keep me from enjoying this fully though. Taurus is my favorite song here.

I like the idea and art style on the album cover.
03.03.2023 - 17:07
Rating: 9
I honestly didn't care for the singles on their own, but after listening to the album, I realized that this was one of those albums that sounds better played together than the songs sound on their own

What I found more ironic about that is that this is a rare occasion where a Haken album ISN'T a concept album.
06.03.2023 - 07:06
Rating: 6
Just like the old lady said to her husband, I only wish it was a little harder...
Black Crown Initiate have ruined a lot of bands for me...
07.03.2023 - 06:51
Rating: 10
Nicko's Nose
What an absolutely fantastic album! Has potential to dethrone The Mountain as my favorite of their albums.

Edit: It has.
07.03.2023 - 12:11
Rating: 8
Tbh if you compare it to their other album ratings on MS this should be at least an 8.3
08.03.2023 - 07:05
Rating: 10
Nicko's Nose
Written by IceBelowThHearth on 07.03.2023 at 12:11

Tbh if you compare it to their other album ratings on MS this should be at least an 8.3

Yeah it makes no sense for it to be their lowest rated album.
11.03.2023 - 20:38
Rating: 9
Sempiternal Beings is amazing, song of the year for me so far.
15.03.2023 - 02:11
Rating: 10
Nicko's Nose
So this is their worst album? 🤨
23.03.2023 - 13:03
Rating: 8
Ace Frawley
The Spaceman
Really enjoying this album, certainly my favourite of theirs. I'm surprised by the overall low rating it has received thus far on MS, but clearly not as preferred as the rest of their discography by the masses here.
The sun shines over The Fool...
23.03.2023 - 13:37
Other than Taurus and Elephant Never Forget which are great songs, I really didn't enjoy this one that much.
01.04.2023 - 00:03
Rating: 9
This is their best album since Affinity.

Haken brings back much of the progressive originality that was lost during the Vector/Virus era, when they were in danger of sounding like just another technical metal band. The production quality has been stepped up a notch as well. Their virtuosic musicianship is phenomenal as always.
03.04.2023 - 03:03
Rating: 9
High Fist Prog
Written by Nicko's Nose on 08.03.2023 at 07:05

Yeah it makes no sense for it to be their lowest rated album.

Here's an interesting discussion on the topic of declining album ratings in general.
05.04.2023 - 23:02
Rating: 9
The instrumentals and vocals are fantastic in this album, and right up there behind Mountain and Affinity. It def does seem like they brought their creativity back around. But I can't say I'm a big fan of the lyrics, of which I haven't been very crazy about for all the albums after Affinity
06.04.2023 - 10:54
Rating: 8
A Nice Guy
Great prog record, I can't say if it's their best it's probably not but the songwriting is still fantastic, it has such an uplifting sound, it's very well crafted, and the musicianship is wonderfully performed.

Again plenty of influences I hear from Tool and Dream Theater to Yes, but "Elephants Never Forget" screams out Gentle Giant to me.
18.05.2023 - 03:45
Rating: 8
Haken has Hakened out a truly Hakenish album. Sempiternal Beings, Lovebites and Eye of Ebony and quintessential Haken songs.
Leeches everywhere.

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