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A Year In Metal - 2019: Highlights Through The Eyes Of The MS Staff, Elites, And Official Contributors

Written by: ScreamingSteelUS
Published: January 25, 2020

It's almost time for the Metal Storm Awards, the time of year when we open the floodgates for every peasant in the fields to express their opinion about the best albums of the year (that they have already listened to). But first, we the citizens of MS Towers get to show off our favorite stuff from 2019 and talk about how metal (or not) our year was.

Below, you'll see the representatives of Metal Storm's staff, elites, and contributors listing off their favorites from the last year in a variety of categories. Feel free to share your own comments (and rankings), but keep in mind that the opinions you see here are the correct ones.



Favorite Album: A Swarm Of The Sun - The Woods
Best Home-Country Album: Goragorja - Akarma
Most Played Song: Body Count's "This Is Why We Ride"
Most Promising Band: Mairu
Best Concert: Well, among 50 gigs attended and more than 100 bands seen, I cannot decide for one only. So, the chosen top performers would be: Cult Of Luna, Mono, Messa, Amenra, Gaerea, Sleep.
Biggest Disappointment: Driving to a gig in Vienna (4,5 hours one way) for nothing. Cancelled just couple of hours prior the official beginning.
Metal Moment Of 2019:
And 2020?: Something totally unexpected: to attend a bunch of concerts/festivals and explore as much music as possible (2019 was pretty damn strong for me).


Favorite Album: Y'all don't want me to go off with a book report here, so I'll keep it short and say major shout outs to Skáphe and Wormlust, Laster, Waste Of Space Orchestra, Deathspell Omega, and Deafkids for dropping some supah hot fiyah in 2019.
Best Home Country Album: For one reason or another the majority of the albums I enjoyed in 2019 were foreign. Crowhurst's III was quite an impressive American effort though. Cheers Jay.
Most Played Song: It's got to be the magnificent "Self Portrait With Halo And Snake," from the aforementioned Crowhurst album.
Most Promising Band: For the first time in a while, in 2019 I was more impressed by my nonmetal discoveries than many of my metal ones, especially in the alternative hip hop department. I'm beyond happy to have crossed paths with Moor Mother, Worstworldproblems, JPEGMAFIA, and Moodie Black in particular, and will be watching them all closely for the foreseeable future.
Best Concert: Have A Nice Life playing all through Deathconsciousness at Roadburn 2019. Sublime in every sense of the word.
Biggest Disappointment: Color me easily pleased, but really nothing I can think of. Maybe GosT canceling a show I was going to see him at in Miami, but that's pretty minor.
Metal Moment Of 2019: Dancing with RaduP to the jammy psychedelic madness of Uran in the Main Stage at Roadburn.
And 2020?: No Roadburn this year unfortunately but hopefully a ton of great new discoveries both metal and non. On personal levels looking to read more classic sci fi, especially Philip K Dick and Robert A Heinlein, get deeper into Thelema, and finally start on my long planned dark fantasy trilogy.


Favorite Album: BUS - Never Decide, with honorable mentions to Duneeater - No Gas No Good, Officium Triste - The Death Of Gaia
Best Home-Country Album: Tool - Fear Inoculum
Most Played Song: Tie. BUS - "I Buried Paul" or smash hit of the summer, Nanowar Of Steel - "Norwegian Reggaeton"
Most Promising Band: BUS - Hellenic stoner rock/metal that has great riffs, swell grooves and can even conjure the weirdest of Syd-era Pink Floyd. Read about the album but wasn't remotely prepared for my first play through.
Best Concert: None.
Biggest Disappointment: Not sure if disappointment or drama, or just fucking life in general, but should be pretty obvious to anyone who has been vaguely active on the site, well, ever.
Metal Moment Of 2019: Does eating Piranha count as metal? Else running into a bunch of Brazilian craft brewers and Sepultura fans at a craft beer bar in Porto and being invited to their Brasilian Barbecue to discuss futebol, metal and beer while consuming beer and meat.
And 2020?: Fucking it all off for the first half of a Mid-Life Crisis Gap Year world tour and preparing to storm the craft breweries of Europe. (various destinations in Africa, Southeast Asia and Australia/Middle Earth to kick off 2021.)


Favorite Album: Devin Townsend's Empath until The Liberation came out (yeah, that new Disillusion album)
Best Home Country Album: S.U.P's Dissymmetry is good. But it was the only one I listened to anyway.
Most Played Song: Most of Empath, and for the end of the year the whole The Liberation (while Empath helped me hold through difficult moments, I found in The Liberation so many echoes of the turmoil I lived it's... well...), plus Clipping's "Club Down", "The Show", and "Blood Of The Fang"
Best Concert: Moodie Black + The Young Gods? Amon Amarth? Rotting Christ + Moonspell? I honestly don't know
Biggest Disappointment: 2019, with all its changes in life, priorities, and stuff, was the first year since joining MS during which I didn't care about new metal albums. The thrill of discovery is gone, now I get that more from non-metal stuff I guess, as I'm threading unknown territories (for me)... Also, what BitterCOld wrote, really.
Metal Moment Of 2019: scaring friends with music. They expected some extreme metal, they got Dälek instead Also, publishing my first solo book (only three short stories, but hey!)
And 2020?: Dark Tranquillity in the studio, Niklas Sundin's Mitochondrial Sun, Moodie Black, and already Thy Catafalque...


Favorite Album: Suldusk - Lunar Falls, Krezip - Sweet High, Monkey3 - Sphere, We Are The Catalyst - Ephemeral
Most Promising Band: Suldusk?
Best Concert: Black Mirrors were fantastic in Helsinki supporting The Vintage Caravan, Dualistic blew me away at Vivid festival in Kristiansand, Moonspell were rock solid in Tallinn, and IQ were just outstanding headliner at Midsummer Prog festival in Valkenburg
Biggest Disappointment: Having seen Pure Reason Revolution at their very last show in 2011 playing The Dark Third, I saw them play the same album at a reunion show at Midsummer Prog. It was a bitter sweet experience. It was great to hear the album played live again. However, in the end the performance wasn't as good as it could've been for only half the band came back and 8 years is enough to make the band rusty. Half a year later I'm still on the fence whether the reunion was worth it.
The real disappointment is not having enough time nor mind to listen to new music as much as I'd like to and have done in the past. I mean, I've not yet heard Opeth, Iamthemorning and Bent Knee - that says a lot.
Metal Moment Of 2019: Quit my IT job and enrolled into arts academy. Being a full time student for the second time in my life feels great.
And 2020?: Waiting for the new Green Carnation album. Hesitant about the Pure Reason Revolution one. Catching up with missed albums and trying to reprioritize what's important in my life.


Favorite Album: Cult Of Luna - A Dawn To Fear
Best Home-Country Album: Nothing UAE related this year, so will go with my best UK album: Esoteric - A Pyrrhic Existence
Most Played Song: Hath - Worlds Within
Most Promising Band: Sadly, nothing new really stood out for me this year. Lot's of good stuff, just nothing exceptional.
Best Concert: Tough call between Hamferð or SikTh at Wacken and Cult Of Luna or Heilung at Brutal Assault.
Biggest Disappointment: Missing the chance to catch Monolithe live in Dubai when they came here. The one damn time a doom band plays in this country & I couldn't make it
Metal Moment Of 2019: Getting to travel back to Europe once again to attend metal festivals & catching up with old friends.
And 2020?: Planning a return to Progpower Europe & travelling around Germany, Belgium & The Netherlands once again.


Favorite Album: Atlantean Kodex - The Course Of Empire. Full list of 2019's favourites over here. For non-metal, definitely Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Ghosteen.
Best Home-Country Album: Acid Death - Primal Energies and Order Of The Ebon Hand - VII: The Chariot.
Most Played Song: Suffering Hour - "Dwell".
Most Promising Band: Idle Hands, The Dark Silence Of Death & Fvneral Fvkk.
Best Concert: Candlemass with Johan playing almost the entire Epicus Doomicus Metallicus, and they even made a special t-shirt, which I am waiting for to arrive in the post. And The Cure killing it on stage for nearly two and a half hours. However...
Biggest Disappointment: ...they didn't play any song from Pornography.
Metal Moment Of 2019: They decided to make me staff here. They should have known better judging from my avatar but what's done is done now.
And 2020?: Same as last year: new My Dying Bride, please. It's finally coming!


Favorite Album: Sabaton - The Great War; Devin Townsend - Empath
Best Home-Country Album: Warforged - I: Voice; Idle Hands - Mana
Most Played Song: Sabaton - "The Red Baron"; Nanowar Of Steel - "Norwegian Reggaeton"; Cellar Darling - "Death"; Avantasia - "The Book Of Shallows"; Babymetal - "Da Da Dance"
Most Promising Band: Takafumi Matsubara and Rainer Landfermann (even though they've both been around for decades)
Best Concert: Demons & Wizards
Biggest Disappointment: Pretty much the whole year.
Metal Moment Of 2019: Interviewing Mirai Kawashima of Sigh
And 2020?: New reasons to live (the Violet Evergarden movies, Demons & Wizards, and Orden Ogan)


Favorite Album: Impossible to choose between Cult Of Luna's A Dawn To Fear and Esoteric's A Pyrrhic Existence. It was an ejoyable year overall with plenty of worthwhile and heavy contenders, but those two in particular stood out for me.
Best Home-Country Album: A mix of Unus by Necronomicon (CAN), Adore by Numenorean, and Heaven That Dwells Within by Wormwitch. Some decent, but largely passable, Canadian content this year, and rather disappointing in regards to métal noir québécois specifically.
Most Played Song: If it had to be limited to a strictly metal song from 2019, I'd guess a rotation of "Harvest The Stars" (Netherbird), "Ever So Bold" (Abigail Williams), and "Veiztu Hve" (Gaahls Wyrd).
Most Promising Band: A few Clandestine Cuts nominees come to mind -- namely Boreal Hymn, Consilium, and Windthrow.
Best Concert: Catching Cattle Decapitation in Toronto at the Opera House. Full Of Hell weren't able to make it due to their equipment being stolen, Author & Punisher wasn't there for whatever reason, and Atheist received a fairly bland reception due to a poor setlist and by-the-numbers approach, but openers Vitriol took advantage of the empty time slots to play their entire album and had a great time engaging with the audience. It turned out to be a far more intimate show than I was expecting, and Cattle Decapitation closed it out with everything they had.
Biggest Disappointment: First and foremost, learning of Marcel's passing. It was such an unexpected blow, and one that maintains its presence in varying ways. In addition to that, for me personally, losing touch with this site and the community after a self-imposed years-long sabbatical that really only served to deprive me of a significant source of pride, accomplishment, and happiness. That tandem of time lost and the reminder of what I left behind as a result gnaws at me constantly.
Metal Moment Of 2019: Returning to Metal Storm and finding it still intact, even with its many changes. Here's to another decade of debauchery and destruction
And 2020?: Further immersing myself in my writings, whether it be reviews or my novel, and getting back to properly exploring the vast expanses of the metal scene both in the digital and physical realm. Hopefully catching some prime live content in the form of Insomnium, Cult Of Luna, and whoever else partakes in this year's Decibel Magazine Tour.

Elites And Official Contributors


Favorite Album:
I can't point out just one:
Mgła Age of Excuse - they never change much, but with every release they perfect their sound.
Opeth In Cauda Venenum - after the infamous divorce with metal, Opeth seem to have finally found their direction.
Soen Lotus - it's great to see a band that gets better and better with each release.
Tool Fear Inoculum - this one is the most played album of 2019 for me.
Best Home-Country Album: Mgła Age of Excuse
Most Played Song: Mgła "Age of Excuse VI"
Best Concert: Metallica in Prague, 18th August. It was not my first time seeing them, but it was the best one. Honourable mentions: Riverside, Vader, Flotsam And Jetsam, Overkill, Anthrax.
Biggest Disappointment: Leprous Pitfalls. I did try hard, I swear. Malina was excellent, so I hoped this one would work for me too. But, after numerous attempts, I couldn't get into it.
Metal Moment Of 2019: Meeting Flotsam And Jetsam's Eric A.K and Michael Gilbert after their gig in my city.
And 2020: Ahab(!!!), Anthrax, Megadeth


Favorite Album: I'm still trying to process albums that came out in 2014
Best Home-Country Album: N/A
Most Played Song: "U Wear It Well" - RuPaul
Most Promising Band: N/A
Best Concert: Seeing Harm's Way a fourth time feels like a privilege. Favourite bands come and go, disband or disappoint, but not them.
Biggest Disappointment: I still haven't been able to forgive Rammstein for what they did to me after 2005
Metal Moment Of 2019: Moving from one continent to another, then moving from a city to another, then getting married, in the space of three weeks
And 2020?: Looking forward to befriending the squirrels and crows of my neighbourhood.


Favorite Album: Cult Of Luna - A Dawn To Fear, and it's a bit sad how little competition it had.
Best Home-Country Album: It was a toss-up between Esoteric - A Pyrrhic Existence and Bat For Lashes - Lost Girls, until a last-minute discovery of Sermon gave me something from the UK to be truly excited about in the form of Birth Of The Marvellous.
Most Played Song: Periphery - Reptile
Most Promising Band: Bees Made Honey In The Vein Tree were the coolest discovery for me this year. Also very excited to see where next Abigail Williams and Schammasch now go following their records this year.
Best Concert: Either Mastodon in January with Scott Kelly, or Cult Of Luna in November. As an event, ArcTanGent was brilliant, and stoked to go to the 2020 edition.
Biggest Disappointment: Either Fallujah - Undying Light or Leprous - Pitfalls.
Metal Moment Of 2019: Either playing my first gig as a metal musician, playing my first gig doing metal vocals, or playing a song I wrote live for the first time (three separate gigs).
And 2020?: Making my first appearance on Spotify, which should happen soon, and going to Roadburn and ArcTanGent festivals. Also buzzing for a new Sylosis album and concert. Outside of metal, looking forward to going to New Zealand for the first time in the spring.


Favorite Album: Lingua Ignota - Caligula and Carly Rae Jepsen - Dedicated among others, but strictly metal it has to be Wilderun - Veil Of Imagination
Best Home-Country Album: Sur Austru - Meteahna Timpurilor
Most Played Song: Caroline Polachek - "So Hot You're Hurting My Feelings", Carly Rae Jepsen - "Party For One" and Sharon Van Etten - "Seventeen"
Most Promising Band: Definitely Idle Hands
Best Concert: My first Roadburn, which included Sleep doing Holy Mountain in full as well as Have A Nice Life doing Deathconciousness in full, but also a bunch of other great performances I don't have the space to name; other than Roadburn, I have to mention The Cure and Dead Can Dance.
Biggest Disappointment: Dan Gilroy following Nightcrawler up with Velvet Buzzsaw.
Metal Moment Of 2019: Either Bloodbath under heavy rains or carefully moshing to Birds In Row because I was holding merch in my jacket. Or maybe entering the photo pit for the first time with media creds.
And 2020?: Another Roadburn obviously, at least a hundred more reviews, and hopefully finally interviewing Post Malone.


Favorite Album: Numenorean - Adore & Exulansis - Sequestered Sympathy
Best Home-Country Album: Disillusion - The Liberation, closely followed by Downfall Of Gaia - Ethic Of Radical Finitude
Most Played Song: Japanische Kampfhörspiele - "Kaputt" (just 2:23 minutes to guarantee several passes before I even had the first cup of morning coffee)
Most Promising Band: Exulansis & Eternal Storm
Best Concert: Sick Midsummer Festival in Scharnstein, Austria - beautiful scenery, really good food, laid-back atmosphere and Nocte Obducta + Bethlehem.
Biggest Disappointment: Unanimated - Empty promises in lieu of a new album.
Metal Moment Of 2019: Surviving a potentially fatal disease was the most "metal" thing I ever did.
And 2020?: New Igorrr, My Dying Bride, Dark Tranquillity, Hypocrisy... ...but I'd trade anything for a real reunion of Eucharist.


Favorite Album: Fen - The Dead Light
Best Home-Country Album: Spotlights - Love & Decay
Most Played Song: Alcest - "Sapphire"
Most Promising Band: Cartographs
Best Concert: Tool on Halloween night.
Biggest Disappointment: The end of one of my favorite post metal bands, Dirge
Metal Moment Of 2019: Helping Disillusion fund their new album. I made some new friends, got a lot of great merchandise and I felt I was with the band every step of the way.
And 2020?: New Lantlôs. My most anticipated album in half a decade.

Written on 25.01.2020 by I'm the reviewer, and that means my opinion is correct.


Comments: 30   Visited by: 242 users
25.01.2020 - 12:58
Favorite Album: Eluveitie - Ategnatos, Insomnium - Heart Like A Grave, Finsterforst - Zerfall, Rimfrost - Expedition: Darkness, Idle Hands - Mana
Best Home-Country Album: Stormlord - Far
Most Played Song: "A Cry in the Wilderness" by Eluveitie, "Back Again" by Aephanemer, "Zerfall" by Finsterforst
Most Promising Band: Idle Hands down
Best Concert: I attended 3 gigs, the best one has been Lacuna Coil with Eluveitie and Infected Rain in Bologna. It was a very intimate gig, and I was pretty close to the stage. The acoustic was excellent, and the bands did a marvelous performance.
Biggest Surprise: Wind Rose - Wintersaga and Turilli / Lione Rhapsody - Zero Gravity (Rebirth And Evolution). I didn't expect such a good Power metal from both of them. I was afraid for Wind Rose to fall too much in comedy, and Rhapsody to lack of originality (fortunately Turilli never disappoints). Thank you guys, I got really proud of my home country instead.
Biggest Disappointment: Within Temptation - Resist. I don't know why I expected something good from them. But it sucked... a lot.
Metal Moment Of 2019: I think it is the "Sonic Park Festival" in Bologna, where I attended 7 gigs under the sun burning at 43°C, from 1pm (Black Peaks, Eluveitie, Corrosion Of Conformity, Lacuna Coil, Testament, Amon Amarth, Slipknot).
Only the last two bands played with an acceptable temperature (Amon Amarth started playing at 8pm, with 35 °C circa)
And 2020?: I will be busy with my sport career, like 2019. I will attend the mighty Iron Maiden concert in Bologna Sonic Park (i hope it won't be as hot as last year). Lots of new interesting releases this year, the most appealing to me right now: Dark Fortress, Epica, Lamb Of God, Conception.
25.01.2020 - 19:25
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Less and less staffers has same music taste as I
I remember when this similar taste analyze option was invented based on collection
Marcel and Richard has equal as I. sad that Richard left, now seems only old Nick and SSUS. Troy pics up some good things as well
even few are bad.
has equal taste as I, others way far away specially Ilham's

This suppose to be year of come back, cording to Radu, but its year of tragedy because
we lost our fellow craft beer enthusiast and doom metal(not only) expert, such knowledge about all bands
Its rare ... we will miss you Marcel, have a drink on you now. Some stout

Troy was away , but you know he was doing under ice fishing in the North West Theritories
He tries catch Hooligan for food, because he
lost all his money to Franco Canadian poker tournament. But I know he is alive!

Brother Johan came back, seems he was in a jail because he did not pick up dog poop
But you know he is alive!

Ilham , Mary show their faces here on shoutbox, Belegur was online, no one came bavk as well ..year of the come backs?

Favorite Album: hard to tell, check out my list
Best Home-Country Album: I cant pick upone so this is how it goes in order: Grand Magus - Wolf God, Amon Amarth - Berserker, Månegarm - Fornaldarsagor and as loyality I add Ereb Altor - Järtecken
Most Promising Band - Hmmmm Ringarë
Best Concert - None
Biggest Disappointment - METAL STORM SERVER ERROR!!!! To many actually, hard to write about all, but musically check out my list :p
Metal Moment Of 2019 - Wrote something, and many new albums, pretty good number(232), IMO only one man had more from ms
And 2020? Same listening new albums, old bands, old albums, be in MS; dig in MA for new bands in my genres.
I gonna defent true metal, I am not a burner, I am defender
And yes 50 000, guess what I mean whit it? what I try to achieve?
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
26.01.2020 - 20:06
Troy Killjoy
that pic of me is from like 2010. What a little babyface.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
26.01.2020 - 21:06
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Troy Killjoy on 26.01.2020 at 20:06

that pic of me is from like 2010. What a little babyface.

Hehe you're 10 years older, I hope you have a beard now
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
29.01.2020 - 07:55
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
This thread isn't as active as it supposed to be.

Personally, ending of year 2019 was a huge blow for me - passing of my close buddy on 26th Nov to passing my mum on 25th Dec. Still recovering to those shocks turmoiled inside my core.

As opposed to initial years, I was pretty much active in 2019 when it comes to listening metal records - Sunn O))) - Life Metal, Suffering Hour - Dwell [EP], Funereal Presence - Achatius, Esoteric - A Pyrrhic Existence, Eluveitie - Ategnatos and Amon Amarth - Berserker were absolute favs.
29.01.2020 - 09:56
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Cynic Metalhead on 29.01.2020 at 07:55

This thread isn't as active as it supposed to be.

Not we have more staffers who should write and C and elite is dead as well. Little comments, ms is like this nowadays. I moss 2004-2010 period
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
29.01.2020 - 10:05
JoHn Doe
Written by Bad English on 29.01.2020 at 09:56

Written by Cynic Metalhead on 29.01.2020 at 07:55

This thread isn't as active as it supposed to be.

Not we have more staffers who should write and C and elite is dead as well. Little comments, ms is like this nowadays. I moss 2004-2010 period

well, if you moss that period, there you go...
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.
29.01.2020 - 11:05
Written by Cynic Metalhead on 29.01.2020 at 07:55

This thread isn't as active as it supposed to be.

Yeah, big fucking bummer
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
29.01.2020 - 20:55
@Abbatoir what gig was that? Mgla?
29.01.2020 - 21:20
Written by Cynic Metalhead on 29.01.2020 at 07:55

This thread isn't as active as it supposed to be.

I suppose people are waiting for the Awards to collectively tell us how shitty our taste is.
I kind of miss comments like those of VforIAmAVagina from last year.
29.01.2020 - 23:14
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by nikarg on 29.01.2020 at 21:20

Written by Cynic Metalhead on 29.01.2020 at 07:55

This thread isn't as active as it supposed to be.

I suppose people are waiting for the Awards to collectively tell us how shitty our taste is.
I kind of miss comments like those of VforIAmAVagina from last year.

Many of you have shity taste, but not you, you have best fron staffers
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
29.01.2020 - 23:31
Written by Bad English on 29.01.2020 at 23:14

Many of you have shity taste

I feel called out
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
29.01.2020 - 23:43
Written by RaduP on 29.01.2020 at 23:31

Written by Bad English on 29.01.2020 at 23:14

Many of you have shity taste

I feel called out

We all have shitty taste here, I'm surprised the site is still up.
30.01.2020 - 01:35
The Ancient One
Oh my god, i have shitty taste? oh noes, time to start listening to what the popular kids are.

er, on second thought, no.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
30.01.2020 - 07:28
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Written by nikarg on 29.01.2020 at 21:20

Written by Cynic Metalhead on 29.01.2020 at 07:55

This thread isn't as active as it supposed to be.

I suppose people are waiting for the Awards to collectively tell us how shitty our taste is.
I kind of miss comments like those of VforIAmAVagina from last year.

Written by VforIAmAVagina on 26.01.2019 at 19:29

Written by JoHn Doe on 26.01.2019 at 19:24

Written by VforIAmAVagina on 26.01.2019 at 19:15

Shit albums, especially that fuckhead BitterCOld
Oh! sorry, can't expect more from metalstorm ELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLITTTEESSS

Are you serious?
Why get so rude? Makes you look like a total douche, sorry...

Put your tongue on their glasses and lick all marshmallows out of their cocoa. However, I am sorry, that won't clean up all mess. But I am sure you get what you deserve

Written by VforIAmAVagina on 26.01.2019 at 19:32

Anybody knows MS staff have shit taste in heavy metal. they suck and they get worse every year. They are drowning in their shit

Oh, I miss Vagina.
30.01.2020 - 13:37
Meat and Potatos
Written by Cynic Metalhead on 30.01.2020 at 07:28

Oh, I miss Vagina.

Me too...

Oh, you're talking about that user guy...
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
30.01.2020 - 13:54
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by nikarg on 29.01.2020 at 23:43

Written by RaduP on 29.01.2020 at 23:31

Written by Bad English on 29.01.2020 at 23:14

Many of you have shity taste

I feel called out

We all have shitty taste here, I'm surprised the site is still up.

When it comes of new albums from last year many has taste what fitts not to me. Like i told ilhams is worst to my ears, but your are close, rest i can pic up something but old bands well its cool
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
30.01.2020 - 15:05
JoHn Doe
Written by Bad English on 30.01.2020 at 13:54

Written by nikarg on 29.01.2020 at 23:43

Written by RaduP on 29.01.2020 at 23:31

Written by Bad English on 29.01.2020 at 23:14

Many of you have shity taste

I feel called out

We all have shitty taste here, I'm surprised the site is still up.

When it comes of new albums from last year many has taste what fitts not to me. Like i told ilhams is worst to my ears, but your are close, rest i can pic up something but old bands well its cool

So people that like different things than you have shit music tastes?
Be happy people have put up with you for so long around here and stop with your nonsense (to put it nicely).
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.
30.01.2020 - 15:57
Written by JoHn Doe on 30.01.2020 at 15:05

So people that like different things than you have shit music tastes?

Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
30.01.2020 - 16:00
JoHn Doe
Written by RaduP on 30.01.2020 at 15:57

Written by JoHn Doe on 30.01.2020 at 15:05

So people that like different things than you have shit music tastes?


The question was for BE/K7, if he understands it.
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.
30.01.2020 - 16:13
Written by JoHn Doe on 30.01.2020 at 16:00

The question was for BE/K7, if he understands it.

I doubt it
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
04.02.2020 - 11:18
Ball Fondlers
Written by nikarg on 29.01.2020 at 23:43

Written by RaduP on 29.01.2020 at 23:31

Written by Bad English on 29.01.2020 at 23:14

Many of you have shity taste

I feel called out

We all have shitty taste here, I'm surprised the site is still up.

Oh, that's why it keeps crashing
04.02.2020 - 11:21
Written by Ball Fondlers on 04.02.2020 at 11:18

We all have shitty taste here, I'm surprised the site is still up.

Oh, that's why it keeps crashing

Internet is clearly punishing our bad taste
04.02.2020 - 16:05
Witch Hunter Gen
Written by Troy Killjoy on 26.01.2020 at 20:06

that pic of me is from like 2010. What a little babyface.

I'm a long time lurker, and I come back for the awards each year. When I saw your face I almost shit my pants. I'm glad your back Troy, I think its time I paid a bit more attention too....
Written by Dangerboner on 02.11.2009 at 08:11

Everything he doesn't like is metalcore. Britney Spears, Elton John, Michael Moore, and green beans are also metalcore, in case you guys didn't know.

05.02.2020 - 16:14
Written by RaduP on 29.01.2020 at 11:05

Written by Cynic Metalhead on 29.01.2020 at 07:55

This thread isn't as active as it supposed to be.

Yeah, big fucking bummer

To be honest, as a very frequent MS user (I must check in at least 20 times a day or more), I only noticed this thread now. It's not in an eye catching position on the MS front page (kind of bottom right corner with a couple scroll downs).

In fact, I recall commenting my anticipation of the staff picks in the thread of the MS awards last year, only to have it presented to me by another user. I missed the boat then too. By a couple of months.
05.02.2020 - 16:18
The again, I'm still of the mindset that the layout of old (we're talking pre 2010 era [perhaps earlier...when was the big change?]) was superior in terms of visual/accessibility features.
09.02.2020 - 20:54
The Ancient One
Written by MetalManic on 05.02.2020 at 16:18

The again, I'm still of the mindset that the layout of old (we're talking pre 2010 era [perhaps earlier...when was the big change?]) was superior in terms of visual/accessibility features.

we had less features/options/bells & whistles back then, which is part of it. we've spread out and improved in a lot of areas, but that improvement has come at the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) cost.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
09.02.2020 - 22:25
Written by BitterCOld on 09.02.2020 at 20:54

Written by MetalManic on 05.02.2020 at 16:18

The again, I'm still of the mindset that the layout of old (we're talking pre 2010 era [perhaps earlier...when was the big change?]) was superior in terms of visual/accessibility features.

we had less features/options/bells & whistles back then, which is part of it. we've spread out and improved in a lot of areas, but that improvement has come at the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) cost.

Makes sense
22.02.2020 - 21:00
Dark Phoenix
Written by Bad English on 29.01.2020 at 09:56

I moss 2004-2010 period

Hey there!
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
22.02.2020 - 22:51
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by AnGina-- on 22.02.2020 at 21:00

Written by Bad English on 29.01.2020 at 09:56

I moss 2004-2010 period

Hey there!

I miss you as well dear
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing

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