Written by nikarg on 06.01.2020 at 16:08
I'm surprised you chose Grand Magus for #1 because I didn't find anything particularly outstanding about it. I certainly don't think New Organon was a disappointment. As for your first 17, I obviously agree with Atlantean Kodex, Crypt Sermon and Idle Hands but expected something better from Candlemass with Johan back in the fold and found Running Wild boring as fuck. Illimitable Dolor, Altar Of Oblivion, Ringarë, Amon Amarth and Ereb Altor indeed had good releases (although I liked Isole more this year). The split of Sun Of The Sleepless with Cavernous Gate was enjoyable, I didn't expect to like the songs of Cavernous Gate more. Finally, I don't know what you and Radu find so special about Seer, maybe I should give this band another chance.
And yeah, Manowar's EP is bloody awful, Eric Adams should stop participating in this joke that Manowar has become.
Hmmm I liked it IMO they are getting better at age, I think latest albums are better as old ones, or its just me? Maybe its environment where I an GM lives? It affects you a lot in all things.
Candlmass has good tunes its better as BS whit Ozzy in 13, good doom tunes, but then you need as Leffe write better music and it wont happen.
RW to me is tachy overwrite them selves in best grade and highest level.
New Orgabon was good album, but I was hoping more, maybe its not this day or something.
Isole latest was their best somehow IMO.
I like a lot Sun and all Uls works , Helrunar and also Årstids Lifsins a ot thats why that spliut is so high.
I am not sludge fan but I dound that band in 2018 on MA gave a try, it was coold, I dunno why I hardly listen sludge, I liked it a lot and I add it and get new album, for man who dont likes sludge ... its good.
sad that Thau Cross did not reaslise, 1th album was killer, best think Johan did to me lol
Eric needs go and pum his muscles and let the it go
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.
Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"
I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing