Posts: 264  |
25.03.2022 - 12:56Rating: 7
Wow this is fucking good.
Bad English Tage Westerlund
Posts: 62492  |
This is different seems band somehow put small changes, but keeps own vibe alive. I wont be surprise album no. 3 are on progress and I also suspect this might be cool touring band.
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.
Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
AndyMetalFreak A Nice Guy ContributorPosts: 5599  |
25.03.2022 - 18:07Rating: 7
A solid melodic black metal album with a real epic feel to it, aswel as a dark sinister edge. Some of the melodies are ok, not too overdone, although for me melodic black has to have memorable riffs that hook me, and here I'm finding they don't seem to contain the right melodies to keep me hooked. Some of the solo's on the other hand are very good, something that usually lacks in black metal.
Some of the songs don't really do much for me, but the two I find stand out most for me are "Ensamvarg" and the title song. If anything I'm getting slight Marduk vibes from this as opposed to more melodic bands such as Dissection or Necrophobic, maybe that's just me
Jared Archon
Posts: 79  |
25.03.2022 - 18:36Rating: 7
Good, but a bit disappointing after how awesome The Funeral Pyre was.
Posts: 8  |
27.03.2022 - 06:23Rating: 7
This is pretty good, it doesn't reinvent the wheel by any means but it's an enjoyable listen.
In Bone Factory
Posts: 382  |
23.05.2022 - 13:51Rating: 9
Woow. My brain can't process my ears properly. Great album
The End Is Nigh ...
F3ynman Nocturnal Bro ContributorPosts: 3188  |
03.06.2022 - 14:16Rating: 9
F3ynmanNocturnal BroContributorPosts: 3188 
What is this!!! Have the Metal Gods descended from the heavens above to bestow Kvaen with abilities some would consider unnatural? Because it sure as hell sounds like it!
Just as the previous comment here said, I can't believe my ears! The guitar-work is pure ecstasy, a blending of Dissection, Necrophobic, and Wintersun! So fast, so catchy, the title tracks sounds like it could pass as a blackened thrash song, but there's so much more... beautiful melodic moments, sinister riffs, lighter melodies bordering on power metal (and by the way you can find all of this just in track 6, for example  )
The first track was great, but I was completely hooked after listening to the title track - so much excellent musicianship going on! And after that it just keeps going! Strap yourselves in, because once you get on this rollercoaster there's no going back: every fucking song delivers absolutely unbelievable guitar solos and every time my brain just goes numb as I keep mentally yelling at the album, "Are you kidding me?!"
I didn't expect a black metal album in 2022 to overwhelm me like this has done just upon my first listening. But this, with the addicting fast-paced energy, the world-class guitar solos,... and don't get me started on the piano playing in the last song!
This has shot up straight to #1 on my favorite 2022 releases. So majestic, so captivating, so many genres mixed together, genius musicianship, perfect chilling vocals... such consistent technical mastery and execution: every song is unique and yet every song seems to surpass the previous one - simply uncomprehensible.
I can't believe this. I don't give 10's lightly, and especially not to new releases. But this is unmistakable perfection. I think my brain has shut down. What just happened?
Edit: see my comment of The Great Below in the great below
Posts: 107  |
03.06.2022 - 22:43Rating: 9
Written by F3ynman on 03.06.2022 at 14:16
What is this!!! Have the Metal Gods descended from the heavens above to bestow Kvaen with abilities some would consider unnatural? Because it sure as hell sounds like it!
Just as the previous comment here said, I can't believe my ears! The guitar-work is pure ecstasy, a blending of Dissection, Necrophobic, and Wintersun! So fast, so catchy, the title tracks sounds like it could pass as a blackened thrash song, but there's so much more... beautiful melodic moments, sinister riffs, lighter melodies bordering on power metal (and by the way you can find all of this just in track 6, for example )
Well said man! this is indeed a lovely record. I remember when I listened to it I felt as though I had been taken into an audio movie. I need to listen to it more, there is much to explore
So imminently visible - this cloaked innocent guilt
Sentenced to a lifetime, a second of structured chaos
Trampled by the ferocious, raging crowds of solitude
I'm the soil beneath me soaking up the sustenance of my own death.
Posts: 1347  |
06.06.2022 - 09:18Rating: 8
Written by F3ynman on 03.06.2022 at 14:16
I'd better check this one out!
F3ynman Nocturnal Bro ContributorPosts: 3188  |
16.06.2022 - 21:51Rating: 9
F3ynmanNocturnal BroContributorPosts: 3188 
Written by F3ynman on 03.06.2022 at 14:16
I hate having to go and take back some previous comment, but I think I should do it in this case.
I was too hasty in giving this album a 10. I'm trying to reserve 10s to life-changing albums and personal all-time favorites. And this album here frankly hasn't drastically altered my life  - so it gets a simple 9.
Now, don't get me wrong - this is still a phenomenal piece of music and is for sure one of my favorite releases of 2022.
But I just wanted to reel in my enthusiasm and stick to my personal rating system. After all, it's not better than every album I've given a 9 to. So that's why I think it deservedly gets a rating of 9 instead of 10.
Posts: 966
26.06.2022 - 16:25Rating: 9
If i dont delete a song from the playlist, it means i will be giving itva 10/10... I gave it for the debut album. Unfortunately i deleted one song from this album because it was hampering the continuity. Still these guys are classic stuff.
In the beginning I was made of clay. Then I bit the apple and they changed me to metal 🤘
Posts: 1
14.02.2023 - 14:38Rating: 9
This was a surprise when it popped up on my Spotify earlier in 2022. Now that I had to time to digest it, what a fantastic album! I agree with a previous commenter that I leave 10s for life changing albums so giving this a 9.
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist StaffPosts: 21306  |
20.02.2023 - 16:27Rating: 8
Written by metalbrat on 26.06.2022 at 16:25 Unfortunately i deleted one song from this album because it was hampering the continuity.
Curious to know which song didn't make the cut for you. For me the weakest track is "Your Mighty Has Fallen" but I can also see people being turned off by "In Silence" because of its tempo not flowing well with the rest of the album.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
Posts: 966
20.02.2023 - 17:34Rating: 9
Written by Troy Killjoy on 20.02.2023 at 16:27
Written by metalbrat on 26.06.2022 at 16:25 Unfortunately i deleted one song from this album because it was hampering the continuity.
Curious to know which song didn't make the cut for you. For me the weakest track is "Your Mighty Has Fallen" but I can also see people being turned off by "In Silence" because of its tempo not flowing well with the rest of the album.
'In Silence' was the culprit who took away my one point.
In the beginning I was made of clay. Then I bit the apple and they changed me to metal 🤘
Troy Killjoy perfunctionist StaffPosts: 21306  |
20.02.2023 - 17:38Rating: 8
Written by metalbrat on 20.02.2023 at 17:34
'In Silence' was the culprit who took away my one point.
I figured as much based on your comment about continuity. I think a track like that would work a lot better as an outro, but I suppose having to skip one song out of eight on a 40-minute album isn't the worst problem one can have.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
Posts: 966
20.02.2023 - 17:58Rating: 9
Written by Troy Killjoy on 20.02.2023 at 17:38
but I suppose having to skip one song out of eight on a 40-minute album isn't the worst problem one can have.
True but Kvaen missed a chance of getting back to back 10/10 from me.
In the beginning I was made of clay. Then I bit the apple and they changed me to metal 🤘
Posts: 157
15.03.2023 - 03:41Rating: 8
Loved this. "In Silence" is my favorite track, followed "Sulphur Fire" and "Ensamvarg". I have very limited experience with melodic black metal but this kind of catchy meloblack with multiple influences sound really good. Also giving props to how the album kicks you right in the face with the first track.
Posts: 2150
18.01.2024 - 16:38Rating: 8
Really good black metal. In silence is my favourite track too.
Leeches everywhere.