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Seventh Wonder


2000-  Andreas Blomqvist - bass
2000-  Johan Liefvendahl - guitars
2000-  Andreas Söderin - keyboards
2011-  Stefan Norgren - drums
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2000-2010  Johnny Sandin - drums
2002-2005  Andi Kravljaca - vocals
2005-2023  Tommy Karevik - vocals
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2006-2010  Jenny Karevik - vocals

Latest reviews

Considering there was an 8-year wait between the last two Seventh Wonder records, that it’s only taken an additional 4 years for The Testament to be released makes its arrival almost feel sudden; let’s hope the trend continues and it’s only 2 years until the next one.
Review by musclassia ››
In 2008, Seventh Wonder released Mercy Falls, a near-perfect concept album seemingly written and performed by demigods, including the coolest prog singer the world had discovered since Roy Khan in Conception. Just like Roy Khan before him, Tommy Karevik...
Review by Milena ››
Seventh Wonder might sound like just another addition to the Power Metal scene for you, but don't let yourself be fooled. Seventh Wonder doesn't have much in common with the already mentioned genre since their music is pure and great Progressive...
Review by Malcolm ››

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