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Currently Listening... (March 2023 Edition)

These are albums that I'm currently enjoying. They may be classics that I'm revisiting or new gems I've recently discovered. (Ordered alphabetically)

- A star (⭐️) denotes a new discovery that I find exceptionally special!
- A flame (🔥) denotes an album that I've heard before, enjoyed, and am revisiting this month!

Created by: F3ynman | 02.03.2023

1. Adramelech - PsychoStasia
1996 death
2. Afsky - Om Hundrede År
2023 atmo black
3. Anaal Nathrakh - The Codex Necro
2001 brutal black
4. Bloody Panda - Summon
2009 drone doom
5. Count Raven - High On Infinity
1994 doom
6. Dark Fortress - Tales From Eternal Dusk
2001 black
7. Deep Purple - In Rock
1970 hard rock
8. Desolate Realm - Legions
2023 heavy / doom
9. Down - Down II: A Bustle In Your Hedgerow
2002 sludge
10. Ethir Anduin - Холод
2023 blackened doom
11. Falkenbach - ...Magni Blandinn Ok Megintiri...
1998 viking folk 🔥
12. Falkenbach - Ok Nefna Tysvar Ty
2003 viking folk ⭐️
13. Falkenbach - Heralding - The Fireblade
2005 viking folk
14. Full Of Hell - Suffocating Hallucination [Collaboration]
2023 noise / hardcore / sludge / doom --- Collab with Primitive Man
15. Funeral Mist - Hekatomb
2018 black ⭐️
16. Genghis Khan - Who Art In Hell
2023 heavy
17. Imperial Demonic - Beneath The Crimson Eclipse
2023 black ⭐️ --- [EP] ---
18. Insomnium - Above The Weeping World
2006 melodeath
19. Intronaut - Prehistoricisms
2008 post / sludge
20. Judiciary - Surface Noise
2019 hardcore
21. Judiciary - Flesh + Blood
2023 hardcore
22. Just Before Dawn - Precis Innan Gryningen
2013 old school death
23. Lamp Of Murmuur - Saturnian Bloodstorm
2023 black ⭐️
24. Leviathan - The Tenth Sub Level Of Suicide
2003 ambient black
25. Lord Belial - Enter The Moonlight Gate
1997 black 🔥
26. Megaton Sword - Might & Power
2023 epic heavy
27. Melechesh - Sphynx
2003 blackened thrash / folk 🔥
28. Miasma - Changes
1992 death
29. MMXX - Sacred Cargo
2022 doom
30. Necrophobic - Darkside
1997 meloblack 🔥
31. Necrophobic - Mark Of The Necrogram
2018 meloblack 🔥
32. Nothingness - Supraliminal
2023 death
33. Outlaw - Path To Darkness
2018 meloblack
34. Outlaw - Reaching Beyond Assiah
2023 meloblack
35. Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract
1993 black 🔥
36. Skeletonwitch - Beyond The Permafrost
2007 blackened thrash
37. Slimelord - Insurmountable Peril
2022 death doom
38. Thorns - Thorns
2001 industrial black ⭐️
39. Turbonegro - Apocalypse Dudes
1998 deathpunk
40. Urgehal - Goatcraft Torment
2005 black
41. Vitriolic Sage - 梦路
2023 black ⭐️
42. Virgin Steele - Invictus
1998 heavy
43. Weakling - Dead As Dreams
2000 black
44. Yoth Iria - Under His Sway
2020 Greek meloblack

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by F3ynman ]


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Comments: 3   Visited by: 27 users
08.03.2023 - 17:23
Something about this list was so cool to see! Plenty of records you recommended to me (GBK albums, ...Magni Blandinn..., some stuff I recommended too (Urgehal, Dark Fortress), and overall I love the general theme of "the many shades of black"
So imminently visible - this cloaked innocent guilt
Sentenced to a lifetime, a second of structured chaos
Trampled by the ferocious, raging crowds of solitude
I'm the soil beneath me soaking up the sustenance of my own death.
08.03.2023 - 18:35
Nocturnal Bro
Written by Qualeen on 08.03.2023 at 17:23

Something about this list was so cool to see! Plenty of records you recommended to me (GBK albums, ...Magni Blandinn..., some stuff I recommended too (Urgehal, Dark Fortress), and overall I love the general theme of "the many shades of black"

I like looking at your last fm page periodically to see what you've been listening to. We have very similar tastes.

And yeah, you're right about "the many shades of black". I've been on a black metal streak with all its variants: melodic; viking folk; bass-heavy Greek style; thrashy folk; Satanic; and worse than Satanic
27.03.2023 - 20:24
Nocturnal Bro
Man, this is turning into the month with the most albums that I've ever listened to.

Hits total: 498 | This month: 4