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Black Metal Cover Arts Which I Think Are Stunning And Interesting

I list the black metal artworks which are the most different and appealing, at least for my eyes, and give a brief excuse for a somewhat explanation of why I think it.
Edit: As suggested, I gave a link to the inages of the albums not feat. here non MS. For all the other ones... Well, one can always click on the album name.

Created by: Karlabos | 29.11.2013

1. A Forest Of Stars - A Shadowplay For Yesterdays
The more I stare at this cover, the more interesting I think it is. It's mysterious and eccentric , but still has a feeling of black metal in it, it matches their sound. Great work.
2. A Forest Of Stars - Opportunistic Thieves Of Spring
This was the first cover of an album by AFoS I saw, and it kept shouting "listen me", which I did without regrets. It has the dark atmosphere of those bm artworks with black and white forests, but in a softer, sincere way. I could say it also matches their sound on the album.
3. Abigail Williams - Becoming
I'm not even that much onto symphonic black metal, but I must state I heard this album just because it caught my attention. It's beautiful. The girl, the amount of red, even the logo is.
4. Ad Hominem - Dictator
It's not like i agree with the NSBM stuff, but something that I like about it is the way they transmit their "feeling of superiority" through the music, and in this case even through the artwork: A gigantic flag, with lots of red in it, with the highlighted word "Dictator". In my view it's the drawn version of their sound on the album.
5. Alcest - Le Secret
A somewhat old looking picture, plus the totally legible logo and EP name don't exactly sum what one would expect of a black metal album cover, however here it is: Intriguing, beautiful, and melancholic. It reveals what's to come by the listening experience, that is, a melancholic and non-usual version of black metal. At least was unusual when blackgaze weren't so overrated =p
6. An Autumn - Lost
Many DSBM bands try to transmit their hopeless feelings through a deteriorated landscape, but very few succeed. Another one I heard just because of the cover art.
7. Anubi - Kai Pilnaties Akis U?merks Mirtis
If there's a black metal cover art that shouts "avant-garde" is this one: The drawing style and colors create a somewhat happy atmosphere to balance the black metal hints given by the logo and the death figure. I like avant-garde, so I like this one.
8. Aquilus - Griseus
Now that's one that caught my attention. It's so moody and nostalgic and dark and... Light, at the same time. I can't even tell what it makes me feel.
9. Arcana Coelestia - Ubi Secreta Colunt
This cover art is majestic in all means: The angle of the picture makes it feel like the statue is looking down upon the viewer, the color contrast enlightens it even more, and even the way the logo is designed contributes to the atmosphere created by it.
10. Arcanorum Astrum - Прозрение
This one is mystical in a certain sense. Can't get enough of looking for this majestic and unreal landscape.
11. Astel Oscora - Eridan
I just... Like this one. It's surreal, however designed in a way that it looks real. Great work.
12. Bleeding Black - Personal Hell
I love this cover art. It's kind of cute, and avant-gardist in a certain way. As much of the other things here I gave a listen just because the cover art got me. I sure was NOT expecting it to sound like it does.
13. Blood Of Kingu - Sun In The House Of The Scorpion
I never really understood this one, probably it's among the reasons I like it so much. It has an ancient atmosphere on it, be whatever it is.
14. Blut Aus Nord - 777 - Sect(s)
The colors make this seem obscure, the humanoid figure makes it seem hellish, the highlighted triangles add to it a bit of mystery. Obscure, hellish and mysterious, yeah. This is Blut Aus Nord.
15. Carpe Noctem - In Terra Profugus
This cover is one of those misterious ones. I never heard Carpe Noctem before, but this one makes me feel like to.
16. Carthaun - Einheit
It may be among the "all black and white atmospheric forest" set of cover arts, but this one is odd. I on't know whether it's the white highlighting or the angle, the logo is interestingly odd as well. If there's an artwork that shouts atmospheric black metal is this. Unlike the sound, unfortunately.
17. Celtic Frost - To Mega Therion
Yeah, I like this one.
18. Chaos Moon - The Ouroboros Worm
Just... Look at it. Everything fits perfectly. I knew Chaos Moon because of their amazing sound, but after this one, I'm also a fan of their artist.
19. Clouds Collide - Until The Winds Stops Blowing
For me this picture illustrates the boredom and weariness of the everyday life, that's what shoegaze is supposed to be. Unlike DSBM, which pushes the sadness to the outer limits, it just makes the listener live with it, in a soft way.
20. Cragataska - Utanç
If I was to look at this cover and at the band logo and speak the genre, must say that depressive black metal wouldn't be among my first guesses. However after listening to it, you get that the art illustrates the music by itself: It's unusual and curious, however bearing its own melancholy and beauty.
21. Darzamat - In The Opium Of Black Veil
This is the cutest cover art you will ever see on a black metal album.
22. De Magia Veterum - The Divine Antithesis
I can't express how much I like this one. It's just magical, symbolical, occult. The inverted positions of both the angels and the Jesus figures fit perfectly in the theme of the album, also the unusual color (for a black metal album) abuse illustrate the unusual listening experience that is about to come.
23. Deathspell Omega - Fas - Ite, Maledicti, In Ignem Aeternum
Theatrical. That's the one word which summarizes what passes through my mind when I see this falling guy.
24. Dekadent - Venera: Trial & Tribulation
The art here may be somewhat simple, but is vigorous, and the atmosphere here is heartwarming and uplifting, just like their music. Opposite to the one created by most symphonic black metal bands.
25. Dødheimsgard - 666 International
Now this is a great picture. The blood-like slime on the floor is actually marmalade. =p Anyway, such cover also managed to make me hear the album.
26. Drottnar - Welterwerk
This is an artwork I like but can't explain why. (Oh, did I explain any?) It's probably... Everything. The right amount of orange used in the fire, blended with the dark, plus their majestic and well-positioned logo. Everything here catches my attention.
27. Drudkh - Пісні Скорботи і Самітно (Songs Of Grief And Solitude)
Actually it's not just this artwork by Drudkh that deserves attention, they have their unique style, vivid colors, among almost extinct ones all combined in a painting-like, historical figure. It gives the art a distinct melancholic atmosphere, which is a great graphic representation of their sound.
28. Drudkh - Eastern Frontier In Flames
This album hasn't even been released yet, but I already know I like at least one thing about it: The art. It's not surprise, I guess it stares t my eyes for the same reason as written above. it worked more than once, and it will work again.
29. Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
This one is classic. Cold and Dark, and again, just matching the music.
30. Fir Bolg - Towards Ancestral Lands
Another cover art which made me so curious I had to hear it. I has that tribal, south american feeling on it.
31. Fleurety - Department Of Apocalyptic Affairs
Among the objects that are most related to black metal, I don't think a grenade and a teddy rabbit are on the top of the list, the way they are put together here are just curious and appealing.
32. Forgotten Tomb - Love's Burial Ground
Man... Isn't this one mesmerizing. There's so much information happening here at once. A train station, a censored girl blended in the image as it was some kind of memory... It makes you speculate things. Like the picture told you a story by itself.
33. Forgotten Tomb - Springtime Depression
Another black and white cover art with an abandoned structure as the landscape. Except that this is one of those which actually succeed in being darkly beautiful.
34. Ghost Bath - Calling
The idea of a girl laying dead on a forest as a cover for a dsbm album was already used by Lifelover before, however this one is done in a more say, "sincere" way. Personally I like this one better.
35. Hail Spirit Noir - Pneuma
It looks like those Greeks aren't okay with just releasing one of the awesome albums of 2012, the album must have one of the most awesome cover arts as well.
36. Hakuja - Legacy
I must have some thing for those simple album arts. This one is actually minimal, however done in such a peculiar, beautiful way.
37. Jute Gyte - Discontinuities
Have I mentioned that I find painting/historical-like cover arts with people drawings on them entertaining?
38. Kanashimi - Romantik Suicide
Instead of some trees or an abandoned house, the cover of this DSBM album seems to faithfully illustrate just what the title says, however it is done in such a pure manner.
39. Krallice - Dimensional Bleedthrough
I never understood what this one is. It's a humanoid figure? Made of plants? Whatever. it is awesome and appealing. That's what matters.
40. Krallice - Krallice
This cover is also overwhelming. For me the logo seems to be floating above the roots on the picture, making part of it, rather than just being a second layer.
41. Kroda - Похорон Сонця (Fimbulvinter)
Folk black metal bands have tried before to insert a nature picture, add a frame to it and edit by making the colors and the logo design to successfully fit. Kroda must have thought: "Amateurs..."
42. Kvelertak - Meir
This one must be known for pretty much everyone, as it's done by the same artist who does also Kylesa's, Pig Destroyer's, ... album covers. Well, a big artist deserves big recognition. (=
43. Loss Of Self - Twelve Minutes
One of my favorites. It has the creepy atmosphere, given by the choice of colors, the unusual choice of picture and the modern way it is drawn gives away their experimental side. The position of the guy makes the atmosphere heroic rather than just bleak. Do I need anything else to describe what they sound like? xD
44. Lunar Aurora - Seelenfeuer
Just take a look at this. If every black and white forest themed black metal album cover was as delightful as this one, I wouldn't complain about the excessive amount of it.
45. Mamaleek - Kurdaitcha
I don't really pay much attention in pictures exploring the grief of the poorness, but this one is well done, not to mention that I didn't expect such appeal as a black metal album cover, which is curious. This dreariness and difference also summarize what these guys sound like.
46. Master's Hammer - The Jilemnice Occultist
Everything here is so... Intriguing, and... unrelated. To black metal at least. If there's an artwork shouting "experimental" is this one, even if this album isn't that much experimental as their subsequent ones. This cover art sure invites my ears to it.
47. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
I was wondering if I would add this one or not... I thought I didn't like it enough... Then I thought it was very appealing, and finally thought: If it makes me wonder if I like it or not, then it probably speaks to me in a certain way.
48. Mgła - Presence
That face is fear itself. Expressive stuff.
49. Mondstille - Am Ende...
This is just perfect. A dark landscape where the light concentrates only on what's important: The girl holding hands with the death, who guides her on her departure... Forever. Even the Mondstille logo placed over the moon (Mond=moon in German) is poetical.
50. Morpheus Tales - Secular Noir
Somehow I love these kinds of covers with figures composed by just lines. I'm sure there must be some appropriate of name of this kind of art, but I lack the knowledge
51. Murmuüre - Murmuüre
This one is just... Different. It has a skull among roses, however it's not supposed to be frightening, neither funny. I guess it's telling us to just accept the death as it is. Both original and BMish of it.
52. Mystic Forest - Romances
I guess it's a thing of uniquely weird raw/ambient black metal bands to always have an uniquely weird album cover art, and also a characteristic logo. They never cease to amaze me though.
53. Oranssi Pazuzu - Oranssi Pazuzu / Candy Cane [Split]
This one is fascinating. I could never begin to tell what it is, but I know that every bit of color and texture here created contributes to make it look realistic. Among all the Oranssi Pazuzu's cover arts I like this one the best.
54. Oranssi Pazuzu - Muukalainen Puhuu
This album art is what made me into Oranssi Pazuzu. It's stunning, it carries the misanthropy of the outer spaces on it, the unlikeliness of the astronaut fills me with curiosity and the logo disposed as a bird with its wings opened adds to its atmosphere of freedom. Prove that the picture doesn't need to centralize the focusing object to be perfect.
55. Oranssi Pazuzu - Valonielu
You may have figured out that I like Oranssi Pazuzu's artworks. Yeah, that's about right. This one seems avant-gardish, but comparing to the cover arts of stoner metal bands, you may find resemblances. Once again illustrates the music contained on the album.
56. Progenie Terrestre Pura - U​.​M​.​A.
This art is an intense trip. Among all the beautiful colors and the sci-fi objects, what captivates me the most is the man at the right side, lonely, looking down upon the river, accompanied only by the beauty of technology. That man is me when I'm hearing this album.
57. Raventhrone - Endless Conflict Theorem
Really, if it was just the band logo as the cover art, I probably would have put it here, anyway. Look at it, it's mystical. But not satisfied with only the awesome logo design, they also put a great picture. An undefined object, circled by a circle (no way!) of Hebraic looking characters, everything enhanced with a magical blue shading.
58. Reverence - Inactive Theocracy
It isn't surprise the fact that industrial black metal bands use pictures of futuristic abandoned landscape to reflect their hope-taking industrial interpretation of black metal. But this one by Reverence works the most for me.
59. Sigh - Imaginary Sonicscape
This is so... Not a black metal cover art. I love the color choices, also the cute and simple art design of the figures, I love the way the name of the band is written vertically, on the right side, in transparent and legible, as it was a pop CD or something. I absolutely love everything.
60. Sigh - In Somniphobia
I just... Don't even have words.
61. Sigh - Infidel Art
If i'm not mistaken this is the first avant-garde black metal album by sigh, and this art makes the term avant-garde very clear. It has this characteristic japanese feeling on it, and I also think of it about these 6 tracks. Probably because it's Sigh's characteristic sound =P.
62. Sigh - Scenes From Hell
What's with these guys and their amazing choices for artwork? this one seems tragic, however with a hint of humor on it.
63. Smohalla - Nova Persei
I like it how misterious and abstract are Smohalla's artworks. At first glance I thought it was some spacial landscape, but looking better to it I can see two eyes on a head composed by different figures, and looking at it even better I can see that it's probably nothing solid at all.
64. Smohalla - Resilience
Yeah, I said I like Smohalla's artworkS, with a plural "s" on the last word. This one is as abstract as it can get. I like the play of colors and the red shadings on this one.
65. Spite Extreme Wing - Vltra
This is one of those I would never guess it's black metal if I didn't know it. It's so colorful and... Positive. And it's funny how the focus is on the background, which I believe it's a planet, or the sun, or something. Nice one.
66. Terra Tenebrosa - The Tunnels
This one is just a black and white photo of a band member among the woods. But isn't this photo admirable? The angle, the shading, and especially, the way "The Cuckoo" is positioned, like it was in sort of an above position. Black metallers visuals often are on the edge of the ridiculous, but it's not the case here. The mask and clothes suit these guys thoroughly.
67. The CNK - L'Hymne À La Joie
This is probably one of the most cliche covers on the list: Drawn caricatures of the band members above the band logo, and yet somehow it fits the album art in a so good way.
68. The Meads Of Asphodel - The Murder Of Jesus The Jew
The message passed by the image here is dark and anti-christian, as it should be, but the way it is done is so peculiar. The drawing style makes it look rather than evil and frightening, something fun and enjoyable. I guess it transmits perfectly what to expect of their music.
69. Todesstoß - Todesstoß
I must state that this guy has a great taste for cover arts, he makes me want to list all his albums here. This one though is special. The stupidly bright and carefree landscape gives away how lighter this album sounds among regular black metal albums. The humanoid figure carrying its own (head?) as a space disk looks like a reference to open-mindness, but that's just a mild guess.
70. Todesstoß - Heikane Lowentotrin (Traumorgane Kreationen)
Another one from this guy. This time it's one of his "darker" kind of album arts. Still avant-gardist though.
71. Transcending Bizarre? - The Misanthrope's Fable
You might be slightly suspicious that I like avant-gardist covers. Well, who wouldn't? They are beautiful after all, and weird, bizarre. Transcending bizarre =P
72. Unurakum - Black Winter Storm
I don't know if by this cover the artist wanted to express his experimental approach, or it was just to mock the whole "black and white misanthropic forest themed covers of black metal bands, with evil monsters lurking in the dim landscape". Judging by their sound it's probably the latter, either way, it's a nice and original cover.
73. Verdunkeln - Weder Licht Noch Schatten
I don't know why I like this one, it just... Catches my attention. Does it really have to be an explanation?
74. Vukari - Matriarch
This kind of art looks like sludge, or even progressive metal's album arts, although it doesn't really have nothing sludgey or progressive here. But the simplicity and symmetry work for me.
75. Wolves In The Throne Room - Celestial Lineage
Surreal in a certain way. This shot shows how sentimental nature can be.
76. Yellow Eyes - Hammer Of Night
It seems that a requirement to play post black metal is to have an amazing cover as artwork recently. All of this is stunning, and the obvious reference to the name band on the color usage gives it a distinct aspect.
77. Yoga - Megafauna
Just what is that thing on the top of this cover art? I don't know... But it's haunting... And I just can't stop staring at it.

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by Karlabos ]


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Comments: 24   Visited by: 232 users
07.12.2013 - 22:39
Erik M.
Nice list you got here, but not seeing the cover art of the non-MS albums is a bit annoying. You might want to add links so people can actually see that artwork.

Also, I never understood why people label Aquilus as black metal. To me it's always been mainly progressive metal.
07.12.2013 - 23:14
Written by Erik M. on 07.12.2013 at 22:39

Nice list you got here, but not seeing the cover art of the non-MS albums is a bit annoying. You might want to add links so people can actually see that artwork.

Also, I never understood why people label Aquilus as black metal. To me it's always been mainly progressive metal.

Yeah, that's a good idea. I guess I'm gonna do that later.
I don't know, Aquilus sound like sympho-black for me. At least on Griseus album.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
07.12.2013 - 23:19
Erik M.
Written by Karlabos on 07.12.2013 at 23:14

Yeah, that's a good idea. I guess I'm gonna do that later.
I don't know, Aquilus sound like sympho-black for me. At least on Griseus album.


Aquilus is neoclassical progressive with quite a few folk elements and is totally not symphonic black. Compare it to symphonic black bands such as Dimmu Borgir (middle-era albums), Emperor, Graveworm and Limbonic Art and you'll hear the difference.
08.12.2013 - 06:17
Account deleted
No In The Nightside Eclipse or At The Heart of Winter? They're classic winterscape covers.
08.12.2013 - 15:39
Written by Erik M. on 07.12.2013 at 23:19


Aquilus is neoclassical progressive with quite a few folk elements and is totally not symphonic black. Compare it to symphonic black bands such as Dimmu Borgir (middle-era albums), Emperor, Graveworm and Limbonic Art and you'll hear the difference.

There you are. Added the links. I originally imagined I would put the white links we can make on comments, but as we can just copy paste the url, I did it only for the ones missing here.
Yeah, you may be right about Aquilus, it may be much more folk influenced, but still... I guess I'm gonna let this one here because of what you said earlier:
Lots of people still consider this one a black metal album =P

Written by [user id=101272] on 08.12.2013 at 06:17

No In The Nightside Eclipse or At The Heart of Winter? They're classic winterscape covers.

Added Emperor's one. I can't believe it escaped me hehe
But I don't like very much the Immortal one. I don't know... It looks like a power metal cover.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
08.12.2013 - 17:55
Erik M.
Written by Karlabos on 08.12.2013 at 15:39

There you are. Added the links. I originally imagined I would put the white links we can make on comments, but as we can just copy paste the url, I did it only for the ones missing here.
Yeah, you may be right about Aquilus, it may be much more folk influenced, but still... I guess I'm gonna let this one here because of what you said earlier:
Lots of people still consider this one a black metal album =P

Nice. I also agree with Lit. about Emperor's debut as it's indeed a total classic album and classic cover art. Yeah, it sucks that you can't add clickable links to the list itself. Pretty damn annoying to me that this isn't possible. Also, while that Immortal album has a nice cover, I have to agree with you it seems more of a power metal cover than a black metal cover.

Fine by me if you want to keep Aquilus in the list. I just wanted to say what I said.
08.12.2013 - 18:05
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
I have never understood why people think Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse has such great cover art. It comes across as extremely childish and amateurish to me.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

08.12.2013 - 18:08
Erik M.
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 08.12.2013 at 18:05

I have never understood why people think Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse has such great cover art. It comes across as extremely childish and amateurish to me.

So which BM albums do have great cover art according to you?
09.12.2013 - 03:50
Boxcar Willy
The Dødheimsgard - 666 International pic is form an accident at a marmalade factory.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

09.12.2013 - 13:34
Written by Boxcar Willy on 09.12.2013 at 03:50

The Dødheimsgard - 666 International pic is form an accident at a marmalade factory.

Oh! Nice, didn't know that.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
09.12.2013 - 14:15
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Pretty good list, I find black metal to often have some of the best album artwork in metal as a whole (ok, I'm a bit biased )
The artwork for Blood Geometry is one of my definite favs. Just has the look of some giant, divine temple reaching high to the sky, and
the grand feel of the artwork reflects the heavy, monumental doom feel of the album. The left side of the temple is crumbling too, which might be a nod to the track on the album "The Temple Is Falling."
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

09.12.2013 - 14:19
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
Also, The Murder Of Jesus The Jew is definitely not anti-Christian. If you're in for a very enlightening read, check out Metatron's explanation of the lyrics. Most of the band's lyrics center around themes of Jewish history, mythology, and how Jesus was deified. TMOJTJ basically just recounts Jesus' life, and "Jew Killer" refers to Pontius Pilate.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.

09.12.2013 - 18:44
Written by Auntie Sahar on 09.12.2013 at 14:19

Also, The Murder Of Jesus The Jew is definitely not anti-Christian. If you're in for a very enlightening read, check out Metatron's explanation of the lyrics. Most of the band's lyrics center around themes of Jewish history, mythology, and how Jesus was deified. TMOJTJ basically just recounts Jesus' life, and "Jew Killer" refers to Pontius Pilate.

Well, but it still looks anti-christian for someone who hasn't read the explanation hehe.
I guess lots of bm bands do that: Make some allusions to anti-christianism, be it in the cover art, or song titles, lyrics... But after all they're talking about other stuff.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
09.12.2013 - 20:20
Carpe Noctem - In Terra Profugus is one of my favorite album artworks of recent memory.
I always thought that Negura Bunget's Om was really interesting as well
Ævangelist is probably more death metal than black, but whatever is on the cover of De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis is creepy as hell.
09.12.2013 - 21:07
Written by MetalDoomMaster on 09.12.2013 at 20:20

Carpe Noctem - In Terra Profugus is one of my favorite album artworks of recent memory.
I always thought that Negura Bunget's Om was really interesting as well
Ævangelist is probably more death metal than black, but whatever is on the cover of De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis is creepy as hell.

That Carpe Noctem one looks appealing, thx for the recommendation (=
The Aevangelist one is indeed great, but as you said, I think they're more death metal.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
10.12.2013 - 06:30
Written by Karlabos on 09.12.2013 at 21:07

That Carpe Noctem one looks appealing, thx for the recommendation (=

Yeah, no problem. Awesome list, I absolutely can not get enough of good artwork like the ones on this list. You should really give that Carpe Noctem album a listen if you haven't already, it's definitely one of my favorites.
10.12.2013 - 13:42
Gem Seeker
Interesting list, I agree with many choices.
10.12.2013 - 17:00
X-Ray Rod
Written by Boxcar Willy on 09.12.2013 at 03:50
The Dødheimsgard - 666 International pic is form an accident at a marmalade factory.

Written by Karlabos on 09.12.2013 at 13:34
Oh! Nice, didn't know that.

It wasn't an accident. It was done on purpose. The band payed the factory quite some money in order to get the rights to use it.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

10.12.2013 - 17:39
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 10.12.2013 at 17:00

It wasn't an accident. It was done on purpose. The band payed the factory quite some money in order to get the rights to use it.

Seems kind of a waste of money. You'd think the effect would be more grand than that.
12.12.2013 - 22:51
Dude Check out Wildernessking, seriously amazing artwork on their debut! Also the album is fantastic
16.12.2013 - 13:23
Todtgelichter? (Angst, 2010) perhaps too basic...
death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon!

he's not the kind you have to [url=../bands/album.php?album_id=28982]wind up[/url] on Sundays
19.12.2013 - 12:20
High Fist Prog
I like this list but that Yoko d'Holbachie cover you have for this list (had to look up where that image was from ) makes me looks like there's a worm between their masks or they're sucking each other's brains...I dunno...don't like it
19.12.2013 - 13:37
Written by 1Yossarian1 on 12.12.2013 at 22:51

Dude Check out Wildernessking, seriously amazing artwork on their debut! Also the album is fantastic

Written by Syk on 16.12.2013 at 13:23

Todtgelichter? (Angst, 2010) perhaps too basic...

Thx for the suggestions, but somehow those two didn't catch my attention that much...
Doesn't mean I won't like the next recs though (: Keep'em coming.

Written by LeKiwi on 19.12.2013 at 12:20

I like this list but that Yoko d'Holbachie cover you have for this list (had to look up where that image was from ) makes me looks like there's a worm between their masks or they're sucking each other's brains...I dunno...don't like it

Yeah, it's weird. But it's interesting nonetheless.
because it looks like there's a worm between their masks or they're sucking each other's brains, I like it
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
30.03.2015 - 14:22
Auntie Sahar
Drone Empress
I'm disappointed in you for putting Muukalainen Puuhuu and Valonielu on here for Oranssi Pazuzu, but not Kosmonument
The art for Kosmonument has by far been their best yet if you ask me, and best reflects that "sonic vortex" feel you often get from their music.
I am the Magician and the Exorcist. I am the axle of the wheel, and the cube in the circle. “Come unto me” is a foolish word: for it is I that go.


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