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Top Albums Of 2011

My top albums of the year, roughly in order.

Created by: Moose | 29.03.2011

1. Ouroboros - Glorification Of A Myth
Best Songs: Black Hole Generator, Sea to Summit, Disembodied Mind
2. Vektor - Outer Isolation
3. Xerath - II
Best Songs: Nuclear Self Eradication, Unite to Defy, God of the Frontlines
4. Vildhjarta - Måsstaden
5. Havok - Time Is Up
Best Songs: Scumbag in Disguise, Killing Tendencies, Prepare for Attack
6. Omnium Gatherum - New World Shadows
Best Songs: Deep Cold, Everfields, Watcher of the Skies (instrumental)
7. Sylosis - Edge Of The Earth
Best Songs: From the Edge of the Earth, Where the Sky Ends (instrumental), Procession
8. Animals As Leaders - Weightless
Best Songs: Do Not Go Gently, Somnarium
9. Last Chance To Reason - Level 2
10. Benighted - Asylum Cave
11. Demisery - Hive Of Mutation
Death Metal
12. The Human Abstract - Digital Veil
13. Born Of Osiris - The Discovery
14. Septicflesh - The Great Mass
Best Songs: Five Pointed Star, Pyramid God, A Great Mass of Death
15. Machine Head - Unto The Locust
Best Songs: I Am Hell, Locust
16. Revocation - Chaos Of Forms
Best Songs: Reprogrammed, Chaos of Forms, Cradle Robber
17. Devin Townsend - Deconstruction
Best Songs: The Mighty Masturbator, Planet of the Apes, Stand
18. Textures - Dualism
19. Uneven Structure - Februus
Amazing djent from France. Took me a few listens to fully appreciate.
20. The Black Dahlia Murder - Ritual
Best Songs: Moonlight Equilibrium,...
21. Paul Wardingham - Assimilate Regenerate
22. Fair To Midland - Arrows & Anchors
23. Riverside - Memories In My Head
24. Vader - Welcome To The Morbid Reich
25. Mastodon - The Hunter
26. Aeternum Sacris - (11-03-2011)
Japanese Ambient Doom Metal
27. The Morningside - TreeLogia (The Album As It Is Not)
28. Ghost Brigade - Until Fear No Longer Defines Us
29. Obscura - Omnivium
30. Christian Muenzner - Timewarp
Best Songs: Endless Caravan, Victory, Wastelands
31. Dream Theater - A Dramatic Turn Of Events
32. Fleshgod Apocalypse - Agony
33. Graveyard - Hisingen Blues
Best Songs: The Siren, Uncomfortably Numb, No Good Mr Holden
34. Sacred Ally - Reality Hammer
35. Lazarus A.D. - Black Rivers Flow
Best Songs: Through Your Eyes, Black Rivers Flow, The Ultimate Sacrifice
36. Nervecell - Psychogenocide
37. Lars Eric Mattsson - Aurora Borealis
A really talented guitarist that you probably haven't heard of. This album see's the combination of neoclassical guitar with orchestra..really beautiful and unique music.
38. Alchemy - Tales for the Unspoken
Best Songs: There You Stand, Say My Name, Downfall
39. Becoming The Archetype - Celestial Completion
40. Protest The Hero - Scurrilous
41. Essence - Lost In Violence

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 5   Visited by: 222 users
07.09.2011 - 03:43
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Havok's Time is up compulsorily deserves the number 1 place. Fuck yeah!!
08.09.2011 - 20:38
Account deleted
Nice list! By the way, can you give me some info about Alchemy? They look like something I'd like to check out in the near future.
09.09.2011 - 18:20
Written by [user id=109200] on 08.09.2011 at 20:38

Nice list! By the way, can you give me some info about Alchemy? They look like something I'd like to check out in the near future.

Cheers, I've noticed we seem to like a lot of the same music.
Um well tbh I think I might have put them on there as a reminder to myself to listen to them in more depth, after being impressed by what I'd heard..having done so, they are perhaps a little lucky to still be in my top albums of the year, but it's still a pretty good album with a few songs I really like. 'Melodic death with a little thrash mixed in' I'd call them, with some nice riffs and a pretty raw sound to it (especially the vocals).

This video-clip for the song 'Say My Name' will give you a pretty good idea what they're about:
09.09.2011 - 18:26
Account deleted
Written by Moose on 09.09.2011 at 18:20

Written by [user id=109200] on 08.09.2011 at 20:38

Nice list! By the way, can you give me some info about Alchemy? They look like something I'd like to check out in the near future.

Cheers, I've noticed we seem to like a lot of the same music.
Um well tbh I think I might have put them on there as a reminder to myself to listen to them in more depth, after being impressed by what I'd heard..having done so, they are perhaps a little lucky to still be in my top albums of the year, but it's still a pretty good album with a few songs I really like. 'Melodic death with a little thrash mixed in' I'd call them, with some nice riffs and a pretty raw sound to it (especially the vocals).

This video-clip for the song 'Say My Name' will give you a pretty good idea what they're about:

Yes indeed! What can I say? Great minds think alike. :p
Thanks for the insight as well. I'm most definitely going to check them out. Sounds promising, judging from the youtube link you provided.
Cheers mate!
05.03.2012 - 18:42
Alex F
Ouroboros was good, but i wouldn't say the best album of 2011

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