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Includes every full-length and EP from 2012 I listened to. Ordered alphabetically. More albums will be added, and the ratings are subject to change.

Created by: Oaken | 13.08.2012

1. A Forest Of Stars - A Shadowplay For Yesterdays
Atmospheric Black Metal [9.0] Victorian black metal done with class and grandeur.
2. Addaura - Burning For The Ancient
Atmospheric Black Metal [8.0] Warm and welcoming, yet fast and relentless. Promising band.
3. Agalloch - Faustian Echoes
Atmospheric Black Metal [7.5] Features Agalloch becoming more black metal. With lyrics on Faust
4. Agruss - Morok
Atmospheric Blackened Death Metal [9.5] AOTY. The amount of emotion in this is gigantic. Not only that, but it's also a marvelous slab of blackened death.
5. Alkerdeel - Morinde
Blackened Sludge Metal [6.5] Warning: EXTREMELY RAW. Not for everyone. Apparently not for me too.
6. Anaal Nathrakh - Vanitas
Industrial Blackgrind [9.0] Showcasing war in its aural form, this fantastic record redefines "brutal".
7. Ash Borer - Cold Of Ages
Atmospheric Black Metal [8.5] A harrowing, grim experience. Ash Borer have taken it to a new level.
8. Blut Aus Nord - What Once Was... Liber II
Industrial Black Metal [8.5] While retaining their sound, BaN played it faster this time.
9. Blut Aus Nord - 777 - Cosmosophy
Industrial Black Metal [9.0] With the grandeur cranked up to the max, this is my favorite 777 album.
10. Crescent Moon - The Wall Of Light
Death/Doom Metal [8.0] With this debut, I think they became the best Syrian band around.
11. Deathspell Omega - Drought
Avant-Garde Black Metal [5.0] A chaotic mess. I dunno why, but to me this was wankery.
12. Dodecahedron - Dodecahedron
Avant-Garde Black Metal [8.0] Interesting stuff. Black metal for fans of tech death.
13. Dordeduh - Dar De Duh
Atmospheric Black/Folk [9.0] So rich with wondrous textures. A magnificent experience of great music.
14. Dråpsnatt - Skelepht
Pagan Black Metal [7.5] Pagan, cold and furious. Just like black metal is meant to be.
15. Drudkh - Вічний Оберт Колеса (Eternal Turn Of The Wheel)
Atmospheric Black Metal [7.0] Horrendous guitar tone notwithstanding, this is a fine effort.
16. Enslaved - RIITIIR
Progressive Black Metal [9.0] Enslaved are indeed the success kid of metal. It's not easy to make a masterpiece when your last album was AOTY.
17. Esoterica - Idololatriae
Atmospheric Black Metal [6.0] I didn't like the production on this one. At all.
18. Evoken - Atra Mors
Funeral Doom Metal [9.0] Doomtastic. Liked the fascinating leads on tracks two and three.
19. Faal - The Clouds Are Burning
Blackened Doom Metal [9.0] Like Evoken, this is doomtastic, atmospheric and transcendental.
20. Gnaw Their Tongues - Eschatological Scatology
Experimental Black Metal [6.5] The constant torrent of noise makes this stand out, but kills it at a lot of moments.
21. Gorod - A Perfect Absolution
Technical Death Metal [8.5] Delicious. Tech death with soul and variety.
22. John Haughm - +46 17' 36​.​30", -124 4' 20​.​13"
Experimental [7.0] It's just a single, but it is incredibly promising.
23. Khors - Wisdom Of Centuries
Atmospheric Black Metal [8.0] A short, sweet treat of Ukrainian black metal.
24. Lunar Aurora - Hoagascht
Atmospheric Black Metal [8.0] The masters of the black art have finally returned.
25. Lustre - They Awoke To The Scent Of Spring
Ambient Black Metal [7.0] Minimalist, monotonous, repetitive...
26. Nachtmystium - Silencing Machine
Atmospheric Black Metal [8.5] The Lepers Of Destitution might just be my favorite song.
27. Netherion - Sphere Of Terror
Death Metal [7.5] Decent death metal from Syria, nothing special.
28. Nontinuum - The Stars You Gathered, The Stars I Destroyed
Atmospheric Black Metal [8.0] Similar to Woods Of Desolation and Austere. Legit.
29. Oak Pantheon - From A Whisper
Blackened Post-metal [8.0] Promising stuff. A fest of post-metal mastery.
30. Om - Advaitic Songs
Stoner Metal [7.5] Interesting middle-eastern vibe. Gets tedious fast though.
31. Reverence - The Asthenic Ascension
Industrial Black Metal [8.0] Cold and sharp. Spot-on French black metal.
32. Skagos - Anarchic
Atmospheric Black Metal [7.0] It took me some time to get into this. I still prefer Ast.
33. Skogen - Eld
Atmospheric Black Metal [8.5] Powerful black metal. APOKALYPSENS VITA DIMMA!
34. The Great Old Ones - Al Azif
Atmospheric Black Metal [8.5] Lovecraft+french+post+black metal=EPIC WIN.
35. There Are No Words - Pando
Post-Rock [8.0] The guy from Oak Pantheon's band. Decent record.
36. Verdunkeln - Weder Licht Noch Schatten
Atmospheric/Psychedelic Black Metal [8.5] Black metal infused psychedelic with clean vocals. Fantastic.
37. Verwüstung - Soft Hands, Pale Moon
Ambient Black/Drone Doom Metal [6.5] Pretentious stuff that goes nowhere IMO.
38. Wilds Forlorn - We, The Damned
Atmospheric Black Metal [7.5] Good stuff that offers nothing new to black metal.
39. Wildernessking - The Writing Of Gods In The Sand
Progressive Black Metal [6.5] Decent, but very derivative with bad vocals.
40. Winterfylleth - The Threnody Of Triumph
Atmospheric Black Metal [8.5] Marvelous guitar tone. An entrancing experience.
41. Wodensthrone - Curse
Atmospheric Black Metal [8.5] Fast, relentless and dynamic. With an ode to the ancient gods of course.

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 7   Visited by: 92 users
14.08.2012 - 22:39
Account deleted
I take it you're into the whole "black goes with everything" phenomenon?
14.08.2012 - 22:54
Written by [user id=109200] on 14.08.2012 at 22:39

I take it you're into the whole "black goes with everything" phenomenon?

Well, kind of, I'm not limiting the list to black metal, but it just happens that most of what I listen to is atmospheric black metal.
Thanks for the thumbup
In that case, man is only air as well.
17.08.2012 - 17:31
Alex F
Check out Wildernessking, based on everything here i'd say they're a perfect fit
18.08.2012 - 01:15
Did you check out Hail Spirit Noir's Pneuma? I didn't like it at first, but it's shaping up to me one of my favorite black metal records of the year, alongside A Forest of Stars, Alkerdeel and Sigh (if that counts as BM).
18.08.2012 - 21:21
X-Ray Rod
Written by IronAngel on 18.08.2012 at 01:15

Did you check out Hail Spirit Noir's Pneuma? I didn't like it at first, but it's shaping up to me one of my favorite black metal records of the year, alongside A Forest of Stars, Alkerdeel and Sigh (if that counts as BM).

Would call Alkerdeel Sludge... Just a blackened kind or like I said before in my review, played sludge with a blanket of black sound. Do't feel much BM on HSN let alone Sigh.

I can call the latest AFOS black though.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

25.08.2012 - 01:42
Written by Alex F on 17.08.2012 at 17:31

Check out Wildernessking, based on everything here i'd say they're a perfect fit

I listened to "Rubicon" a month ago, but the progressive elements put me off. I assure I'll pick it up again. Soon enough

Written by IronAngel on 18.08.2012 at 01:15

Did you check out Hail Spirit Noir's Pneuma? I didn't like it at first, but it's shaping up to me one of my favorite black metal records of the year, alongside A Forest of Stars, Alkerdeel and Sigh (if that counts as BM).

I'm going to check it out soon enough
In that case, man is only air as well.
29.10.2012 - 18:32
Alex F
Some albums with the same ratings have descriptions that would imply that they should have different ratings. An example would be Drapsnatt and Netherion.

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