Between The Buried And Me - Colors II Absolutely smashed my expectations of what a 'sequel' album could accomplish, resulting in the best album by the band since Parallax II. |
Dvne - Etemen Ænka The kind of 'Edge Of The Earth'-level sophomore record that makes a fantastic debut record look almost feeble in comparison; I've had no interest in listening to Asheran since this was released. |
Heliocentric - Ishmael I've enjoyed a lot of djent releases this year, but this is the one that had songs that really grabbed me throughout the whole record. |
Trivium - In The Court Of The Dragon An irresistible record that's hampered my ability to revisit some other great albums, because I can't get enough of it. |
Spaceslug - Memorial With this, Spaceslug well and truly take the crown from Weedpecker for my favourite Polish stoner metal band, I love their melancholic approach. |
LLNN - Unmaker Truly destructive sound that is pretty much unrivalled; I can't think of anybody that can match the sheer heaviness of LLNN, and they back it up with quality songs. |
Amenra - De Doorn Intensely atmospheric and admirable maturation of their sound. |
Cult Of Luna - The Raging River Not their greatest record, but still features some typically quality music from the band. |
Delving - Hirschbrunnen Where Eldovar missed the mark for me, this pulled through with plenty of that delectable Nick DiSalvo instrumental jamming. |
Dordeduh - Har Well worth the wait, it's a bit less folky than Dar De Duh but has much of the same charm. |
Decline Of The I - Johannes The greatest post-black rendition in 2021, and there were plenty of options on that front, but the atmosphere and writing of this band is hard to top. |
Thy Catafalque - Vadak Coming hot on the heels of Naiv, this is somehow even better than that album, going in a slightly more serious direction to great effect. |
Lorna Shore - ...And I Return To Nothingness New vocalist? No problem; the only problem with this EP is that it's too short. |
Hippotraktor - Meridian Very similar to Psychonaut, helped in no small part by sharing a vocalist with last year's list-topper, and similarly compelling to Unfold The God Man. |
Terminus - The Silent Bell Toll Really charming record that matches an at-times very chunky guitar tone with bright and moving vocals. |
Musk Ox - Inheritance Incredibly rousing string trio; the title track is mesmerizing in the manner that it develops and intensifies. |
Melancholia - Static Church The standout effort in this year's Clandestine Cuts; expect big things from this band. |
Wardruna - Kvitravn Probably helped by me beginning Skyrim for the first time when preparing to review this record, but damn such great atmosphere once again. |
Year Of No Light - Consolamentum It hasn't quite stayed with me as much as the #2 position in my July-December list would suggest, but more excellent instrumental post-metal from this group. |
Be'lakor - Coherence Not quite another Of Breath And Bone, but approaches those heights in its best moments. |
Noctambulist - The Barren Form Hard to separate this from Dormant Ordeal's latest, as both take a particularly rewarding spin on dissonant death, but the sheer quality of Infintesimal is hard to argue against. |
Teramaze - Sorella Minore Not huge on tracks 2-4, but the title track takes up well over half the record and is perhaps my most played song this year, what a majestic piece of music that song is. |
Wolvennest - Temple Love the gothic touches on Succubus and Disappear, and really dig the ritualistic atmosphere of the rest of it. |
Mastodon - Hushed And Grim Sags a bit in the middle, but the first few tracks are solid and the final trio are some of the best work by the band since Crack The Skye. |
Eidola - The Architect Like Dance Gavin Dance's latest, it opens with a hugely catchy song (Counterfeit Shrines), but unlike Afterburner, I continue to enjoy this the rest of the way through. |