Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3309  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3309 
Great list overall, except for Deftones, Satan, System Of A Down and Totenmond. The fuck are those 4 doing in a Thrash metal list? I'm sure you can figure out 4 other actual Thrash releases to swap those lol. Otherwise the rest is fine.
Edit: I mean I see you're a fan of Exodus and Celtic Frost. There's easy picks just with those two bands.
Posts: 10  |
The thing about a Top 20 List is : You can only put twenty in it . The four albums/bands you mentioned mean a lot to me personally . Plus : What is all the fuzz about genres ? I like Thrash / Death / Doom / Black - Metal . Some bands even mix those genres in their style . As long as it ''kicks ass'' that's totally fine with me...
Posts: 5237  |
Written by doombringer on 01.05.2024 at 10:45
The thing about a Top 20 List is : You can only put twenty in it . The four albums/bands you mentioned mean a lot to me personally . Plus : What is all the fuzz about genres ? I like Thrash / Death / Doom / Black - Metal . Some bands even mix those genres in their style . As long as it ''kicks ass'' that's totally fine with me...
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3309  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3309 
Written by doombringer on 01.05.2024 at 10:45
The thing about a Top 20 List is : You can only put twenty in it . The four albums/bands you mentioned mean a lot to me personally . Plus : What is all the fuzz about genres ? I like Thrash / Death / Doom / Black - Metal . Some bands even mix those genres in their style . As long as it ''kicks ass'' that's totally fine with me...
Well you literally called it your all time top 20 "THRASH METAL" albums. If you didn't want to talk about genres or to mislead by introducing albums that aren't thrash, perhaps you should've called it something else. That is the fuss.
Labels are there to help folks find stuff similar to what they like. It's a complete Utopia to believe that we'll stop doing that lol. Of course some bands mix genres, the those specific ones don't apply to that genre of metal.
So yeah the bands I mentioned in your list aren't Thrash and they're misleading because that is what your list is supposedly about. I think it's pretty obvious.
Posts: 10  |
Well then...i renamed my List for all the users who got confused about which genre i should have chosen . Sorry to everyone who felt offended .
( In german we call this ''Erbsenzähler'' )
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3309  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3309 
Written by doombringer on 19.05.2024 at 11:26
Well then...i renamed my List for all the users who got confused about which genre i should have chosen . Sorry to everyone who felt offended .
( In german we call this ''Erbsenzähler'' )
No one was offended lol, just pointing out facts. But it's good that you did because now it is not misleading anymore.
Cynic Metalhead Ambrish Saxena
Posts: 7754  |
Written by Guib on 19.05.2024 at 14:12
Written by doombringer on 19.05.2024 at 11:26
Well then...i renamed my List for all the users who got confused about which genre i should have chosen . Sorry to everyone who felt offended .
( In german we call this ''Erbsenzähler'' )
But it's good that you did because now it is not misleading anymore.
I was about to recommend albums that he needs to replace and saw the title get renamed, I'll reserve it now.
Posts: 10  |
Excuse me i'm into extreme music ( that includes EBM/Industrial as well ) since the early 80's . And before i post another list i'd rather ask which band fits into which genre....
Is Mgla Black - Metal ?
Is Celtic Frost Death / Thrash / Proto-Black-Metal or even Doom ?
...and where does ''Triptykon'' fit in 
Where to put ''Type 0 Negative''  Goth- ? Doom ?
What about ''Ministry'' ? ''Samael '' ? '' Prong'' ?
Is ''Reverend Bizarre'' Funeral- Doom or just Clean Vocal Doom ? or none at all ?
Help me ...pleaaaseee....
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3309  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3309 
Written by doombringer on 22.05.2024 at 10:26
Excuse me i'm into extreme music ( that includes EBM/Industrial as well ) since the early 80's . And before i post another list i'd rather ask which band fits into which genre....
Is Mgla Black - Metal ?
Is Celtic Frost Death / Thrash / Proto-Black-Metal or even Doom ?
...and where does ''Triptykon'' fit in 
Where to put ''Type 0 Negative'' Goth- ? Doom ?
What about ''Ministry'' ? ''Samael '' ? '' Prong'' ?
Is ''Reverend Bizarre'' Funeral- Doom or just Clean Vocal Doom ? or none at all ?
Help me ...pleaaaseee....
Some bands may have multiple genres just use those already on MS under the band page. Really not that complex.
Posts: 10  |
Are you familiar with sarcasm ? I bet you are...
I have been a long time member of a (now defunct ) Forum where there was one user who always berated other users what Progressive-Rock was and still is ,and which band fitted into whichever genre . For him ''Tool'' was not progressive , ditto for ''Rush'' . He also ''created'' new terms : Like Neo-Prog ; Classic-Prog or Art-Progressive . Or that only the 1970's generated Progressive Music at all....Totally annoying , kept my synapses spinning in vertigo...
I really thought that Metal-Heads were a slight more open-minded and knew how to deal with sarcasm and iron(y) (...pun intended...)
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3309  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3309 
Written by doombringer on 31.05.2024 at 13:15
Are you familiar with sarcasm ? I bet you are...
I have been a long time member of a (now defunct ) Forum where there was one user who always berated other users what Progressive-Rock was and still is ,and which band fitted into whichever genre . For him ''Tool'' was not progressive , ditto for ''Rush'' . He also ''created'' new terms : Like Neo-Prog ; Classic-Prog or Art-Progressive . Or that only the 1970's generated Progressive Music at all....Totally annoying , kept my synapses spinning in vertigo...
I really thought that Metal-Heads were a slight more open-minded and knew how to deal with sarcasm and iron(y) (...pun intended...)
I'm familiar with sarcasm, also with smartasses. I wasn't berating you in the slightest, just pointing out facts but hey I can start if that's how you intend to play along, I can fit the shoe no issue. Seems like you prefer it rough.
If it hurts you so much when people criticize your views, point out facts about genres, argue your ideas or tell you when you're straight up wrong (because you were) maybe don't make genre lists or perhaps name them properly right away if that wasn't the intent. Even better, stop using internet altogether. For someone who has been around for a while, you seem unfamiliar with its ways.
You expect everyone to think the same way you do and agree with your every word? C'mon man, no one here is paid to manoeuvre around your fickle triggers. Just accept when you're wrong. I couldn't care less about a guy you met on another forum who was bullshitting you. What I did was telling you facts, and I wasn't the only one. Yet you still act butthurt days later. Get a grip buddy.
Redel ModeratorPosts: 2399  |
RedelModeratorPosts: 2399 
Guys, come on, you are not going to take this into a fight now, are you?
Guib, dont let this get close to you, please, I bet it wasnt even intended to.
doombringer, yes, there are quite a few people here who do care about genres, so not everybody will immediately identify genre talk as sarcasm.
Posts: 10  |
Well i never intended to put up a fight , plus i also accept Guib (Thrash-Talker) as a gatekeeper of the internet and analyzing me. (Unpaid of course.)
Sorry for spending so little time here on this otherwise brilliant webside.
Guib Thrash Talker
Posts: 3309  |
GuibThrash TalkerPosts: 3309 
Written by doombringer on 10.06.2024 at 13:14
Well i never intended to put up a fight , plus i also accept Guib (Thrash-Talker) as a gatekeeper of the internet and analyzing me. (Unpaid of course.)
Sorry for spending so little time here on this otherwise brilliant webside.
Lol "gatekeeper". For what? Telling you how you mislead people with your list naming? Proposing solutions so you don't get offended when being called out for it? Get your definitions right or avoid using words you don't get. Seems like you don't only struggle with genres.
Damn I guess you're right though, why bother with genres, I'll make a list called " Best Death Metal Albums Of The 00's" but only include ABBA & Louis Armstrong records and then I'll cry and complain that everyone's a gatekeeper and analyzing me for calling me out, afterwards. Sounds legit as fuck. Why do I even bother with you is the worst part. At this point I'm almost convinced you're a clown/troll.
Posts: 10  |
LMFAO - seems you are an expert in Psychoamalysis , my dear ''Trash - Writer'' ( damn i never get that right , it is ''Thrash-Talker'' ( which by the way is also a non-existing word . Or is it ? You have to explain that i guess... It would be a bold move to include ABBA & Armstrong on your personal List , i wouldn't mind . Now that's called tolerance .... Yours truly Clowntroll ( i like that , i call my next band by that name ) We play Electronic -Death- Folk a la Deep Zeppelin or was it Black Purple , i don't know ....i'll let you judge that . Kisses and Huggies.....Like Frank Zappa said ''Don't eat te yellow cake''