Top 24 Hard Rock Albums
Part of my journey in discovering my passion for metal also involved discovering a lot of hard rock bands. My friends at school listened to a lot of Guns N' Roses (which I originally couldn't stand!) and my Mum told me about her brother listening to Led Zeppelin in the 70's. My curiosity and Kerrang! magazine lead me to albums such as AC/DC's Back in Black and Velvet Revolver's Contraband, both of which are some of my favourites of the genre to this day. Thanks to MS, I've discovered a load more hard rock bands over the past few years including Uriah Heep, Rainbow and Joe Satriani.
So here are my favourites of the subgenre with my rating and release year: (Score is an average of each album's song ratings, full list located here) If you discovered any new albums or like the same sort of hard rock, be sure to give this list a thumbs-up and leave a comment so more people can find these amazing bands! My other lists: Top 500 Albums (ordered & rated) Top 25 EPs (also ordered & rated) Top 200 Overlooked Albums (with genres) Top 200 Overrated Albums (trigger warning) So I Heard You Like Wintersun... (Time II find new bands)
Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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