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Thumbs up: +10
2013: Prze-zaje-kurwa-dobry-rok

Here are my top 20 metal albums of this year (without any order).

* The list's title in eng means: "decent year".
** To create the thumbnail I used Sky Ferreira's cover art for…

1.Gris - À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Äme Constellée...
2.Obscure Sphinx - Void Mother
3.SubRosa - More Constant Than The Gods
4.Tribulation - The Formulas Of Death
5.Funeralium - Deceived Idealism

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Created by Paz on 22.12.2013

Thumbs up: +4
My Favorite Death Metal Albums Of 2013

Have been a big fan of Death Metal in a while. Been listening to Post-Black Metal and other forms of Black Metal, but as of lately this years Death Metal exploded in many ways! So in album alphabetical…

1.Antediluvian - λόγος
2.Aeternus - ...And The Seventh His Soul Detesteth
3.Vasaeleth - All Uproarious Darkness
4.Denouncement Pyre - Almighty Arcanum
5.Alley - Amphibious

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Created by A Misanthropist on 12.12.2013

Thumbs up: +10
My Top 100 Albums

My top 100 Albums, sorted in descending order of favorites. Pretty rough list, I may update if I become un-lazy sometime. One album per band only. Some explanation and description provided for those who…

1.Lykathea Aflame - Elvenefris
2.Moonsorrow - Kivenkantaja
3.Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
4.Opeth - Still Life
5.!T.O.O.H.! - Order And Punishment (Řád A Trest)

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Created by MetalDoomMaster on 09.11.2013

Thumbs up: +79
Dark, Harrowing, And Ravaging Albums To Ruin Your Day

These obviously won't ruin your day. Chances are if you are into these styles you'll love this selection. No stylistic borders, but I'm limiting myself to one album per band. These aren't…

1.Ævangelist - De Masticatione Mortuorum In Tumulis
2.Abruptum - Potestates Apocalypsis
3.Absolutus - Pugnare In Iis Quae Obtinere Non Possis
4.Abyssal - Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius
5.Aderlating - Spear Of Gold And Seraphim Bone Pt. 1

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Created by Alex F on 11.09.2013

Thumbs up: +18
२०१३ - Ex Mea Sententia

All Studio releases including Full lengths, EPs, Collaborations and Splits.

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1.Intronaut - Habitual Levitations (Instilling Words With Tones)
2.Gris - À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Äme Constellée...
3.Shade Empire - Omega Arcane
4.Obliteration - Black Death Horizon
5.Dream Death - Somnium Excessum

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Created by 3rdWorld on 08.09.2013

Thumbs up: +1

Albums that I've enjoyed the most this year.

1.Abyssal - Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius
2.Antediluvian - λόγος
3.Eibon - II
4.Funeralium - Deceived Idealism
5.Lesbian - Forestelevision

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Created by PowerThrash on 28.06.2013

Thumbs up: +8
2013: A Culling

Compiled for personal recollection as much as it is for public scrutiny, I hope this list leads you somewhere you want to go. No Order whatsoever. I'm using ♦ to rate the albums, there's really…

1.The Ruins Of Beverast - Blood Vaults (The Blazing Gospel Of Heinrich Kramer)
2.Gris - À L'Âme Enflammée, L'Äme Constellée...
3.Witherscape - The Inheritance
4.Wormlust - The Feral Wisdom
5.Ulcerate - Vermis

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Created by Mikyz on 20.05.2013

Thumbs up: +16
Gems From 2013, Now with Pad Thai!

Track of the year: Prayer for Ascetic Misery- Ævangelist
Runners-up: Dyodyo Asema- Gnaw Their Tongues & Alkerdeel / Hereditaria- Lords of Bukkake /In Silence - The Prophecy/ Overcome- Hacride/ Atlas…

1.Ævangelist - Omen Ex Simulacra
2.Cult Of Occult - Hic Est Domus Diaboli
3.Lords of Bukkake - Desagravio
4.Eloa Vadaath - Dead End Proclama
5.Haken - The Mountain

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Created by Diverge on 29.03.2013

Thumbs up: +6
My Top Albums Ov 2013

Last Update 20-6-2014…

1.Progenie Terrestre Pura - U . M . A.
2.Battle Dagorath - Cursed Storm Of Ages
3.Abyssal - Novit Enim Dominus Qui Sunt Eius
4.Lychgate - Lychgate
5.Deafheaven - Sunbather

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Created by Ab.Victor on 13.01.2013