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Top lists
The Best Metal Albums* From A To # (X-#) | +5 | 23.03.2021 |
The Best Metal Albums* From A To # (W) | +5 | 14.03.2021 |
The Best Metal Albums* From A To # (U-V) | +3 | 04.03.2021 |
The Best Metal Albums* From A To # (T) | +3 | 24.02.2021 |
The Best Metal Albums* From A To # (S) | +4 | 17.02.2021 |
The Best Metal Albums* From A To # (R) | +2 | 08.02.2021 |
The Best Metal Albums* From A To # (P-Q) | +3 | 01.02.2021 |
The Best Metal Albums* From A To # (O) | +1 | 25.01.2021 |
Recent favorites
Thy Catafalque - XII: A Gyönyörű Álmok Ezután Jönnek | 9 |
Veilburner - The Duality Of Decapitation And Wisdom | 9 |
Iotunn - Kinship | 9 |
Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere | 9 |
Firtan - Ethos | 9 |
Anciients - Beyond The Reach Of The Sun | 9 |
Ulcerate - Cutting The Throat Of God | 9 |
Dvne - Voidkind | 9 |
Civerous - Maze Envy | 9 |
Vitriol - Suffer & Become | 9 |