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Karlabos' 2017 Top 100

Thumbs up: +3
If you were ever following my 2017 list in the beginning of the year and are wondering what happened to that one: well, basically MS deleted it itself. More like half of it. When I was in the mark of 120 albums or so and were updating the stuff, that bug which sometimes happens where some of the albums get cut from the preview happened... And I didn't see it. And I clicked on the submit button... So in the end only the first 50 albums of my original list were now showing and THE REST GOT ALL FUCKING DELETED, so yeah... I got pissed. And deleted the whole thing.
Later I remembered most of the albums on that list (some were never to be seen again because there were so many and my memory lacks for this kind of stuff... )
Note to self: Always have a copy of your list on your computer.

Anyway, let us forget the past. This time I present you what I think is a compilation of the 100 best albums I've listened to on this year. First the tier 3, the 60 ones among the 100 which are below the first 40, then the tier 2: the top second 30 ones, and finally, the tier 1: the best 10. And if that isn't enough, there are some stuff which are good but didn't make the cut because there was only space for 100.

Created by: Karlabos | 11.12.2017

1. ############# TIER 3: NUMBER 100 TO 41 ############## (in alphabetical order)
2. AdyS - Pretending
3. Ame To Kanmuri - Nou
(electronic/hip hop)
4. Ayame - Lumiere Ambree
5. Bathsheba - Servus
6. Bitplane - Alice EP
7. Burzukh - Drive
(avantgarde metal)
8. CashewCats - Gravitational Days
9. CashewCats - Pill Case
10. Celeste - Infidèle(s)
(post black)
11. CroissantChicago - Mono
(post pop)
12. Dan Terminus - Automated Refrains
13. Death Fortress - Triumph Of The Undying
(death metal)
14. Dyoxidon - Mechanobiotic Theosophy
(industrial death)
15. Emamouse - Build A Parallax
16. Emamouse - 50 Romantical Mice
17. Ex Eye - Ex Eye
(post metal)
18. Fen - Winter
19. Ghost Data - Magical Metamorphosis
20. Goreshit - Nrrv5
21. Goreshit - Stankface
22. If I Could Kill Myself - Ballad Of the Broken
23. Igorrr - Savage Sinusoid
(breakcore/extreme metal)
24. Imperceptum - The Eternal Path To Nothingness
(extreme doom)
25. Jordablod - Upon My Cremation Pyre
(psychedelic black)
26. Julie's Haircut - Invocation And Ritual Dance Of My Demon Twin
27. Jute Gyte - Oviri
(experimental black)
28. Kamiura et al - La Ragazza Di Verde E Il Baco Che Puo Parlare
29. Kartikeya - Samudra
30. Kassad - Faces Turn Away
(black metal)
31. Krallice - Go Be Forgotten
(black metal)
32. Lingua Ignota - All Bitches Die
33. Morpheus Tales - II
(psychedelic black)
34. Nagaarum - Homo Maleficus
(experimental black)
35. Negoto - Eternal Beat
36. Negoto - SOUK
37. Netra - Ingrats
(experimental black)
38. Occams Laser - Ascension
39. Persefone - Aathma
(prog metal)
40. Planning For Burial - Below The House
41. Psydoll - Machine Kingdom, chapter 3 "Machine Disk"
(industrial rock)
42. Q'uq'umatz - The Blistering Days
(extreme prog?)
43. Q'uqumatz - Well Of Sacrifice
(extreme prog?)
44. Schammasch - The Maldoror Chants: Hermaphrodite
(extreme metal)
45. Silent Descent - Turn To Grey
(trance metal)
46. Svart Loghin - Mörk Energy
(upbeat dsbm)
47. Tanpopo Crisis - Eterna
48. Tanpopo Crisis / Goth Clubs Split - 36 Reasons To Die
49. Tentenko - Diamond No Sasaki
(jpop/dungeon synth)
50. Tentenko - You Were Born
(jpop/dungeon synth)
51. The Birthday Massacre - Under Your Spell
(gothic rock)
52. The Great Old Ones - EOD: A Tale Of Dark Legacy
53. The Ruins Of Beverast - Exuvia
54. Turia - Dede Kondre
(black metal)
55. Violet Cold - Anomie
56. Witches Moon - A Swing of Sickle to Summers Dawn
(experimental black)
57. Woman Is The Earth - Thaw
58. Xexyz - Death Mountain
(chiptune/black metal)
59. Yellow Eyes - Immersion Trench Reverie
(black metal)
60. Yousei Teikoku - Flama Idolla
(gothic lolita/power metal)
61. Zadarpadov - Mikropolis
62. ############# TIER 2: NUMBER 40 TO 11 ############## (in alphabetical order)
63. Abstract Void - Into The Blue
64. Antiquus Scriptum - Imaginarium
(thrash black metal)
65. Ashenspire - Speak Not Of The Laudanunm Quandary
(avantgarde black)
66. Blut Aus Nord - Deus Salutia Meae
(avantgarde black)
67. Cashewcats - Chaos Logics
68. CashewCats - Fushigi Capsule
69. Combat Astronomy - Symmetry Through Collapse
(gorge/experimental metal)
70. Doug The Eagle - The Heresiarch's Breakfast
(prog rock)
71. Emptiness - Not For Music
(post punk)
72. Etsuka - Absent Days Asunder
(avantgarde death/grind/trip hop)
73. Ghost Bath - Starmourner
74. Ghost Data - Oishii Symphony - Final Movement
75. My Purest Heart For You - Isolation And The Ward Of Internal Abuse
76. Myrkur - Mareridt
(experimental black)
77. Nazorandom - Computer Music Expert
78. Nekrock - Our Summer II
79. Oddeeoo - Wesley Dreamers
80. Oranssi Pazuzu - Kevät / Värimyrsky
(psychedelic black)
81. Orbital Dawn - The Voyager
(experimental death)
82. P.E.E.E.P. - This Is Nats
83. Progenie Terrestre Pura - OltreLuna
(black metal)
84. Salqiu - To Whom It Serves The Triumphant Destiny
(avantgarde black)
85. 佐々木Kすけ - Mandara
(blues/breakcore/progressive pop)
86. Sataninchen - Panda Metal Party
(black metal)
87. Szarfaszú Vizelet - TapirLandia2 - The Dark Side Of Tapirs
(experimental grindcore)
88. The Faceless - In Becoming A Ghost
89. Valborg - Endstrand
(huh... some kind of metal?)
90. When Bitter Spring Sleeps - Star Thrown
(avantgarde metal)
91. Witches Moon - The Grim Botanical
(experimental black)
92. Wreche - Wreche
(experimental black)
93. ############# TIER 1: THE TOP 10 ############## (in alphabetical order)
94. Anwar Sadat - Ersatz Living
(post punk) This is one of the reasons I think post-punk is probably one of the most promising genres at this point of time. This record experiments blending some sort of power electronics
95. Chaos Moon - Eschaton Mémoire
(black metal) I think this oughta be the best Chaos Moon album yet. Maybe I'm biased because it was only recently released but that's the impression I have now. Nothing extremely original here but it's all about the songwriting
96. CroissantChicago - Jirai Denshi
(world/post pop) After CroissantChicago released the masterpiece "Swimmylib" last year I kept expecting a lot, until they released Mono early this year. While it was a very good record (tier 3) it quite didn't match the expectations, so I felt kinda lacking until the end of the year. Then this came... And I am still on a binge here, gotta say this is more like what I was expecting as a follow-up. I still can't decide the aoty yet, but CC is definitely a contender for doing it again
97. Denkare - Carnaval The Abyss
(trancecore/power metal/gothic rock) Definitely the best album with jpopesque vocal style released this year. Yui just can't do wrong.
98. Dreadnought - A Wake In Sacred Waves
(extreme prog) This was maybe my most anticipated album this year aside CroissantChicago's. And they delivered. Hell yeah they did
99. E Ticket Production - E Ticket Rap Show
(denpa) Oh you guys wouldn't understand...
100. Nokturnal Mortum - Verity
(folk symphoblack) It is the long awaited followup to the masterpiece released in circa 2011. It's basically another Nokturnal Mortum album. If you've listened to them you don't need words to get to this one
101. Parov Stelar - The Burning Spider
(pop/electroswing) Probably the most spinned one of this year. There's something about the songwriting that makes the songs ridiculously good. Serves to show not all pop music is shit even nowadays
102. Suiyoubi No Campanella - Superman
(world/jpop/hip hop) Well it's the new Suiyoubi no Campanella album. It was bound to be one of the top 10s
103. Szarfaszu Vizelet - Tapirlandia
(grindcore) While totally a not serious record it was still one of my most spinned ones. The first thing I reminded when I listened to those weird vocals was !T.O.O.H.!, that together with all that sample nonsense makes it one of the most enjoyables of '17
104. ############# Honorable mentions ##############
105. 夢遊病者 - 5772
(black metal)
106. Alstroemeria - Ignition Dancehall
107. Alstroemeria - Loud Speaker
108. Alstroemeria - Pop Culture 6
109. Amocualli - Xiuhcoatl
(folk metal)
110. Author and Punisher - Pressure Mine
(industrial metal)
111. Bernis - Until The End Of The World
112. Bubblegum Octopus - Decent Company
113. Caput Mortuum - Cold Winds On The Bare Mountain
(experimental black)
114. CashewCats - Horoscope Garden
115. Cody And Danz - Only The Hits
116. Coraxo - Sol
117. Cosmic Reef Temple - Age Of The Spaceborn
(surf doom metal)
118. CroissantChicago - Yurerulicareli
(post pop)
119. Cunninlynguists - Rose Azura Njano
(hip hop)
120. Dälek - Endangered Philosophies
(hip hop)
121. Daoko - Gravity Aratame
(hip hop)
122. De Magia Veterum - Naked Swords Into The Wombs Of The Enemy
(black metal)
123. Der Blutharsh and the Church of the Leading Hand - Sucht & Ordnung
124. Elisile - Dead Generation
125. Enslaved - E
(progressive metal)
126. Esmectatons - Foul
(avantgarde post metal)
127. Especia - Wizard
128. Eye Of Nix - Black Somnia
(post metal)
129. Fjoergyn - Lvcifer Es
(folk metal)
130. Fleurety - The White Death
(black metal)
131. Fullmoon Bongzai - Reshaping The Symbols
(industrial black)
132. Gelding Moon - Martian Butchery
(black metal)
133. Gomma - Toska
134. Haru Yasumi - Dragon's Triangle
135. Imperceptum - Aeons Of Saturnine Desolation
(extreme doom)
136. Jane Weaver - The Silver Globe & The Amber Light
137. Kanashimi - Inori
138. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Flying Microtonal Banana
(lofi western influenced surf rock?)
139. Klabautamann - Smaragd
(black metal)
140. Kodemari Koruri - Be Myself
141. Kuunatic - Kuurandia
(world/psychedelic rock)
142. Laster - Ons Vrije Fatum
(black metal)
143. Lemo - 未来の色相
144. Limbs - Body Without
145. Lolishit - My So Called Lolicore
146. Lugubrum - Wakar Cartel
(black metal)
147. Macross 82-99 - Sailorwave
148. Malokarpatan - Nordkarpatenland
(folk metal?)
149. Masayoshi Minoshima - Structured Dancehall
150. Necrocannibal Machinery - Fractures
(djent/grind/folk/death metal)
151. Necronomidol - Deathless
(kawaii metal)
152. Neocafe - Vivian Girl Jams
153. Nine Treasures - Wisdom Eyes
(folk metal)
154. Nishino Kana - Love it
155. No One Gets Out Alive - Hidden Bloodiness
(experimental brutal death)
156. Occams Laser - Grid
157. Occams Laser - Occult 87
158. Otrembu Eio - Microwave Nation
159. Owtn. - フロイデンベルクの森
160. Oxbow - Thin Black Duke
161. Oyasumi Hologram - 17
162. Pichalka - Suicide For
163. Prevenge - New Anatomy
(post black metal)
164. Psudoku - Deep Space Psudokument
(experimental grindcore)
165. Religious Girls - Pure Energy
(gothic rock? witchhouse? i dunno...)
166. Scythe of Luna × Yakui The Maid - Ugly Witchery
(trance metal/melodeath)
167. Servant Girl Annihilator - 0% GOLDEN // GRO5 JAW
168. Shiftdown - Какой​-​то День Изменит Что​-​то
(post metal)
169. Shinka Miyabi - Secret
170. Show Of Bedlam - Transfiguration
171. Slagmaur - Thill Smitts Terror
(black metal)
172. Södermann - Nova
(sludge metal)
173. Sólstafir - Berdreyminn
(post rock)
174. Subterranean Masquerade - Vagabond
(prog metal)
175. Sugar Wounds - Sugar Wounds
176. Tentenko - Kiken Na Anata
(jpop/new wave)
177. Tentenko - Midnight Paradise
(experimental jpop)
178. Tjoltjar - Vugruun
(black metal)
179. The Body & Full Of Hell - Ascending The Mountain Of Heavy Light
(sludge/black metal)
180. The Bunny The Bear - The Way We Rust
(post hardcore)
181. The Chats - Get This In Ya
182. The Will of Tiamat - Чёрный Яд
(black metal)
183. Todesstoß - Ebne Graun
(avantgarde black)
184. Ulver - The Assassination Of Julius Caesar
185. Vulture Industries - Stranger Times
(avantgarde metal)
186. Wederganger / Urfaust - Wederganger / Urfaust[Split]
(experimental black)
187. Yuragi - Nightlife

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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29.12.2017 - 03:00
Account deleted
Lel, you listen to weird and odscure shit, Karlybus, to the point where a lot of it is barely metal.

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