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Best Albums To Fall Asleep To

SPOILER ALERT: This is mostly just black metal.
****Alphabetical Order

Created by: me<3mertl | 18.03.2015

1. Abigor - Nachthymnen (From The Twilight Kingdom)
2. Agalloch - The Mantle
3. Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain
4. Arckanum - Fran Marder
5. Arckanum - Antikosmos
The album,not this EP
6. Burzum - Filosofem
7. Burzum - Burzum
8. Burzum - Det Som Engang Var
9. Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
10. Caladan Brood - Echoes Of Battle
11. Cor Scorpii - Monument
12. Dark Forest - Aurora Borealis
13. Darkspace - Dark Space I
14. Darkspace - Dark Space II
15. Darkspace - Dark Space III
16. Darkspace - Dark Space III I
17. Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
18. Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
19. Darkthrone - Panzerfaust
20. Dordeduh - Dar De Duh
21. Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
22. Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk
23. Enslaved - Frost
24. Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
25. Immortal - Pure Holocaust
26. Kampfar - Fra Underverdenen
27. Limbonic Art - Ad Noctum - Dynasty Of Death
28. Limbonic Art - Moon In The Scorpio
29. Limbonic Art - In Abhorrence Dementia
30. Limbonic Art - Epitome Of Illusions
31. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
32. Myrkgrav - Trollskau, Skrømt Og Kølabrenning
33. Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay
34. Nachtmystium - Silencing Machine
35. Negură Bunget - OM
36. Nokturnal Mortum - Lunar Poetry
37. October Tide - Rain Without End
38. Panopticon - Roads To The North
39. Saor - Aura
40. Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
41. Sólstafir - Köld
42. Sólstafir - Svartir Sandar
43. Summoning - Dol Guldur
44. Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
45. Summoning - Stronghold
46. Summoning - Oath Bound
47. Sun Of The Blind - Skullreader
48. Swallow The Sun - New Moon
49. Taake - Nattestid...
50. Ulver - Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr I 5 Capitler
51. Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter
52. Vreid - Kraft
53. Wodensthrone - Loss
54. Wolves In The Throne Room - Two Hunters
55. Woods Of Desolation - Torn Beyond Reason

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 1   Visited by: 51 users
29.09.2022 - 07:53
Good shit

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