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2025: Albums I'm Interested In

This is just my way of keeping track of metal albums throughout the year, same as I've been doing every year since 2022. The oldest albums are at the top and newest at the bottom. I'm picking fewer albums this time because I only want to keep my absolute favorites or heavily anticipated releases in here (I'm expecting to have 200 albums by the end of the year).

Created by: Dbh 20 | 05.03.2025

1. The Halo Effect - March Of The Unheard
2. Veil Of Conspiracy - Shape Of Grief
3. Hazzerd - The 3rd Dimension
4. Harakiri For The Sky - Scorched Earth
5. The Great Old Ones - Kadath
6. Labyrinth - In The Vanishing Echoes Of Goodbye
7. The Ferrymen - Iron Will
8. Danefae - Trøst
9. The Night Flight Orchestra - Give Us The Moon
10. Dream Theater - Parasomnia
11. Ereb Altor - Hälsingemörker
12. Jinjer - Du​él
13. Unreqvited - A Pathway To The Moon
14. Majestica - Power Train
15. Saor - Amidst The Ruins
16. Obscura - A Sonication
17. Lacuna Coil - Sleepless Empire
18. Apocalypse Orchestra - A Plague Upon Thee
19. Dawn Of Solace - Affliction Vortex
20. Hangman's Chair - Saddiction
21. Dynazty - Game Of Faces
22. Vermilia - Karsikko
23. Decline Of The I - Wilhelm
24. Retromorphosis - Psalmus Mortis
25. Amon Sethis - Part III - Dawn Of An Apocalyptic World
26. Grima - Nightside
27. Avantasia - Here Be Dragons
28. Havukruunu - Tavastland
29. Naxatras - V
30. Arion - The Light That Burns The Sky
31. Mercury Tide - Walls Of Confusion
32. Fractal Universe - The Great Filters
33. The Unguided - Hellven
34. Cryptosis - Celestial Death
35. Sadist - Something To Pierce
36. Whitechapel - Hymns In Dissonance
37. Dawn Of Ouroboros - Bioluminescence
38. Spiritbox - Tsunami Sea
39. Destruction - Birth Of Malice
40. Istapp - Sól Tér Sortna
41. Warbringer - Wrath And Ruin
42. Trold - I Skovens Rige
43. Nite - Cult Of The Serpent Sun
44. Dessiderium - Keys To The Palace
45. Rwake - The Return Of Magik
46. Soulspell - Act V - Spirits Of Ghosts
47. Midnight Odyssey - Master Of The Nebulous Reach
48. Charlie Griffiths - Gods Of Pangaea
49. Disarmonia Mundi - The Dormant Stranger
50. Tower - Let There Be Dark
51. Bloodywood - Nu Delhi
52. Drudkh - Shadow Play
53. Wythersake - At War With Their Divinity
54. Cradle Of Filth - The Screaming Of The Valkyries
55. Euphrosyne - Morus
56. Imperial Triumphant - Goldstar

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by Dbh 20 ]

Hits total: 65 | This month: 65