Favorite bands:
Aara, Abandoned By Light, Abazagorath, Abduction, Abkehr, Acid Witch, Afsky, Agalloch, Agoine, Alcest, Alestorm, Alienation, Alldrig, Along Memories, Altars Of Grief, Alvheim, Amon Amarth, Am I In Trouble?, Anagnorisis, Apeiron, Argwaan, Arkhtinn, Arngrim, Arrebol, As Long As I Can, Ascese, Ashbringer, Astral Altar, Astrurda, At The Gates, Atra Mors, Atten Ash, Aureole, Auriel, Australasia, Autumn's Dawn, Avtmn, Awenden, Bathory, Beauty's Gone, Bell Witch, Bio-Cancer, Biowarefare, Black Pyre, Black Sabbath, Blackbraid, Bleakwinter Shrine, Blind Guardian, Bloodbark, Bloody Valkyria, Bonded By Blood, Caladan Brood, Can Bardd, Carnivore, Celaphais, Celestial Crown, Cepheide, Chambre Froide, Child Of Ash, Children Of Bodom, The Choir Of Mouthless, Circadian, Cradle Of Filth, Crescent Days, Cross Examination, Cruachan, Darkhma, Dark Fortress, Dark Tranquility, Darkeater, Darkthrone, Darkwell, Darkyo, Dawn Treader, Death, Death In Your Yard, Decapitated, Demons And Wizards, Despondent Moon, Det Eviga Leendet, Devourer, A Diadem Of Dead Stars, Diamond Plate, Disparaitre, Dodsrit, Dr. Living Dead, Dracionian, Dratna, Dreadrealm, Drumal, Earthless, Echoes Of The Moon, Evoke Efrits, Elderwind, The Eldritch Grimoire, Eluveitie, Elvenking, Endlichkeit, Ensiferum, Enslaved, Ertheogen, Epica, Epiphanie, Equilibrium, Ethereal Shroud, Evildead, Evoking Winds, Excantation, Exiled From Light, Exmortus, Falaise, Falchion, Falkenbach, Fallujah, Faunalord, Feminazgul, Fen, Finntroll, Frienholt, Fleshgod Apocalypse, The Foetal Mind, Folkearth, Forefather, Forgotten Tales, Frigoris, Frowning, Fuath, Fueled By Fire, Galloglass, Gaoth, Gitrog, Gloosh, Gorgorath, The Great Cold, Hagal, Haggard, Harrow, Havok, Häxenzijrkell, Heidevolk, Hellripper, Help, Hermodr, Hexen, Hollenthon, Horna, Houle, Hymn of Hoarfrost, Iced Earth, Immortal, In Autumnus, In Flames, Irdorath, Iron Maiden, Iron Reagan, Isenordal, Isgalder, Iskald, It Only Ends Once, Judas Priest, Kadaver, Kalmah, Kamelot, Kassad, Kauan, Kintsukuroi, Korpiklaani, Korrosive, Kortirion, Krigsgrav, Kruk, Kval, Kvelertak, Lacrimosa, Lake Of Blood, Laster, Leegte, Left Alone..., Lerna, Lich King, A Light In The Dark, Liminial Shroud, Lonely Star, Loth, Magogaio, Mare Cognitum, Mavradoxa, Melankoli, Metallucifer, Midnartiis, Misturus, Mispyrming, Moon, Moonsorrow, Morknatt, Mortemare, Morteminence, Morwinyon, Municipal Waste, Mutard, Myrdod, Myrkur, Mysticisme, Narziss, Nazgul, Negative Voice, Nightgrave, Nightwish, Noltem, None, Nord Frost, Nordligblast, Norot, North Black, Norther, Northland Wolves, Nortt, Nostalghia, Novembers Doom, Oathbreaker, Obsidian Tongue, Old Grave, Old Growth, Olhava, An Open Letter, Opeth, Oppobre, Orphans Of Dusk, Oskoreien, Ov Hallowness, Ovnev, Per Aspera, Poroniec, Porosl, Poisonblack, Powerwolf, Rammstein, Raven Throne, Rhapsody, Rhapsody Of Fire, Robes Of Snow, Ronces, Rosemount Hills, Sadness, Saevitia Monumentum, Saor, Sargeist, Satyricon, Sertaline, Shade of Empire, Shape Of Despair, Shock Metamorphism, Siebenburgen, Silvanthrone, Silver Knife, Sinery, Skaldr, Skyforest, Slayer, Sonata Arctica, Spectral Lore, Spectral Wound, Starkill, Stormlord, Stratovarius, Stream Of Passion, Sturmwächter, Suhnopfer, Summoning, Sunsunmoon, Sviatibor, Svrm, Sylvan Awe, Tarot, Theoden's Reign, Therion, Thronar, Time Lurker, Tod Huetet Ubel, Toxic Holocaust, Turisas, Type O Negative, Tyr, Ulg, Ulgard, Ulven, Ungeheuer, Underdark, Uroarmani, Utstott, Vallendusk, Vandod, Véhémence, Veldes, Venom, Verlies, Vilsen, Violator, Visions Of Atlantis, Voak, Void Tendril, Vvilderness, Waldeinsamkeit, War Saw, Warbringer, Windbruch, Windir, Winds Of Sorrow, Wintersun, Witchaven, Witcher, Wode, Wolves In The Throne Room, Womb, Woods Of Ypres, Wormlust, Y A K U T I A, 1349 |