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We're getting a cyclone this week, no one. Want me to send you some of the water?
22:46 - Illusion's_Void
17:52 - Boxcar Willy
Supreme x Aphex Twin [link]
07:51 - Cynic Metalhead
She still going to lot of gigs. Not returning to MS as it has "lost its touch", but she'd great to get in touch with folks around of her time. May be Erik met her?
07:50 - Cynic Metalhead
This is for Bad English and for ol accounts who may remember Elodie Artour. I was recently got in touch with her(Instagram) and she felt absolutely amazing to see folks still using accounts.
07:47 - no one
Fuck we ran out of water, no water is way worse than no electricity.
06:19 - M C Vice
Is there a cooldown on that feature, or does listening to the song 3 times in 3 years count the same as 3 times in a day?
Guests: 666