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The Best Metal Albums* From A To # (J-K)

This list is meant to be an extensive, but by no means exhaustive, collection of the greatest (modern) metal albums and eps. Running the gamut from avant-garde to trve norweigan black metal. *As someone who is young in age, my tastes tend to revolve around the period of the 80s to the present.* Although certain metal albums from before will certainly be featured, the period of the 60s-70s will be under-represented. I refer you to this excellent list to gain a better appreciation for some of the best metal from that period:

All bands will be limited to one album unless they had a significant change in style (e.g. Amorphis and Katatonia). It goes without saying that as this is my personal list the genres that are included more than others expresses my bias and I am open to listening to any suggestions on additional albums to add. This list will be separated by letters as including them all in one list would make it overly long. Just to give you an idea: my personal collection is over 10,000 songs, most of them in the metal genre.

Most of the bands featured here have other great albums so if you like the album featured here be sure to peruse their other works. Artists whose names start with 'The' or A/An' will be included in whatever letter follows, e.g. ' A Forest of Stars' will be included in F. This list(s) contains the most well-known bands e.g. Opeth, to the most obscure e.g. Vanguard x Mortem.

The list(s) will be updated periodically. If you have trouble locating an album on this list or think I missed a particular album feel free to contact me, and share this list far and wide so that more people can benefit from the incredible array of musical experience metal has to offer.

You can find me on all of these other websites:

(Broke 10k songs!, onward to 20k...):

Created by: Uxküll | 14.12.2020

1. Jacobs Dream - Jacobs Dream
2. Jambinai - Onda
3. James LaBrie - Static Impulse
4. Jason Becker - Perpetual Burn
5. Jassa - Lights in the Howling Wilderness
6. Jeff Loomis - Zero Order Phase
7. Jelonek - Revenge
8. Jesu - Ascension
9. Jinjer - King Of Everything
10. Job For A Cowboy - Sun Eater
11. John Gallow - Violet Dreams
12. John Haughm - 1865 // 1895: Cast​.​Iron.​Blood.
13. John Petrucci - Suspended Animation
14. Jordablod - The Cabinet Of Numinous Song
15. Joseph Magazine - Night Of The Red Sky
16. Jucifer - L'Autrichienne
17. Judas Iscariot - To Embrace The Corpses Bleeding
18. Judas Priest - Painkiller
19. Judicator - Let There Be Nothing
20. Julie Christmas - The Bad Wife
21. Jumalhämärä - Resignaatio
22. Junius - Reports From The Threshold Of Death
23. Jupiterian - Terraforming
24. Jute Gyte - Perdurance
25. Kaamos - Lucifer Rising
26. Kaatayra - Só Quem Viu O Relâmpago À Sua Direita Sabe
27. Kadenzza - The Second Renaissance
28. Kaeck - Stormkult
29. Kafirun - Eschaton
30. Kahtmayan - Virtual Existence
31. Kaiserreich - Cuore Nero
32. Kaleikr - Heart Of Lead
33. Kalisia - Cybion
34. Kall - Brand
35. Kalloused - Damn You Believer
36. Kalmah - Swampsong
37. Kalmankantaja - Tyhjyys
38. Kalmen - Course Hex
39. Kälter - Spiritual Angel
40. Kamelot - The Black Halo
41. Kamijo - Royal Blood ~Revival Best~
42. Kampfar - Kvass
43. Kankar - Dunkle Millennia
44. Kaoteon - Damnatio Memoriae
45. Kardashev - The Baring Of Shadows
46. Karg - Dornenvögel
47. Karmakanic - Who's The Boss In The Factory
48. Karnivool - Sound Awake
49. Kartikeya - Mahayuga
50. Kassad - Faces Turn Away
51. Kataklysm - Serenity In Fire
52. Katatonia - Brave Murder Day
53. Katatonia - The Great Cold Distance
54. Katavasia - Magnus Venator
55. Kataxu - Hunger Of Elements
56. Kathaarsys - Anonymous Ballad
57. Katharos XIII - Palindrome
58. Katharsis - VVorldVVithoutEnd
59. Katla. - Allt Þetta Helvítis Myrkur
60. Kauan - Sorni Nai
61. Kawir - Ισόθεος
62. Kayo Dot - Hubardo
63. Keep Of Kalessin - Armada
64. Keeper - MMXIV
65. Kehlvin - To Deny Everything That's Mundane
66. Kekal - Deeper Underground
67. Keldian - Journey Of Souls
68. Kells - Lueurs
69. KEN Mode - Entrench
70. Kenn Nardi - Dancing With The Past
71. Kenoma - The Tides Will Prevail
72. Keor - Petrichor
73. Ketha - #!%16.7
74. Ketzer - Satan's Boundaries Unchained
75. Kevel - Mutatis Mutandis
76. Keys Of Orthanc - A Battle In The Dark Lands Of The Eye?
77. Khanate - Things Viral
78. Khandra - There Is No Division Outside Existence
79. Khanus - Flammarion
80. Khemmis - Desolation
81. Khonsu - Anomalia
82. Khors - Mysticism
83. Khthoniik Cerviiks - Æequiizoiikum
84. Khuda - Palingenesia
85. Kiko Loureiro - No Gravity
86. Killer Be Killed - Reluctant Hero
87. Killing Joke - Hosannas From The Basements Of Hell
88. Killswitch Engage - Alive Or Just Breathing
89. Kimaera - The Harbinger Of Doom
90. King Diamond - Abigail
91. King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard - Infest the Rats' Nest
92. King Goat - Conduit
93. The King Is Blind - We Are The Parasite, We Are The Cancer
94. King Of Asgard - Fi'mbulvintr
95. King Woman - Created In The Image Of Suffering
96. Kingcrow - Eidos
97. King's X - Gretchen Goes To Nebraska
98. Kjeld - Skym
99. Klabautamann - Merkur
100. Klimt 1918 - Dopoguerra
101. Klone - The Dreamer's Hideaway
102. Knights Of The Abyss - The Culling Of Wolves
103. Kobong - Kobong
104. Koldbrann - Moribund
105. Kongh - Shadows Of The Shapeless
106. Kontinuum - No Need To Reason
107. Korgonthurus - Marras
108. Korovakill - A Kiss In The Charnel Fields
109. Korpiklaani - Voice Of Wilderness
110. Kosmogyr - Eviternity
111. Kosmovorous - Glorification Sermons
112. Kostnatění - Hrůza Zvítězí
113. The Kovenant - Animatronic
114. Kraken Duumvirate - The Stars Below, The Seas Above
115. Kraków - Minus
116. Krallice - Years Past Matter
117. Krampus - Survival Of The Fittest
118. Krater - Urere
119. Kreator - Enemy Of God
120. Kriegsmaschine - Enemy Of Man
121. Krisiun - Southern Storm
122. Kroda - Schwarzpfad
123. Kronos - Arisen New Era
124. Krux - II
125. The Kryptik - Behold Fortress Inferno
126. Krypts - Unending Degradation
127. Kull - Exile
128. Kultika - The Strange Innerdweller
129. Kuolemanlaakso - Tulijoutsen
130. Kval - Laho
131. Kvaen - The Funeral Pyre
132. Kvelertak - Kvelertak
133. Kvist - For Kunsten Maa Vi Evig Vike
134. Kylesa - Static Tensions
135. Kyomdarak - 夢の焦土
136. Kypck - Черно
137. Kyuss - Kyuss
138. KZOHH - Rye. Fleas. Chrismon.

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by Uxküll ]


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Comments: 3   Visited by: 32 users
15.12.2020 - 08:45
Wouldn't be my first pick for a Killing Joke album, but otherwise great list!
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
01.01.2021 - 01:59
Written by RaduP on 15.12.2020 at 08:45

Wouldn't be my first pick for a Killing Joke album, but otherwise great list!

Which one would you pick?
"Nullum unquam exstitit magnum igenium sine aliqua dementia [there was never great genius without some madness]."

Best of Metal A-Z:
01.01.2021 - 02:01
Written by Uxküll on 01.01.2021 at 01:59

Written by RaduP on 15.12.2020 at 08:45

Wouldn't be my first pick for a Killing Joke album, but otherwise great list!

Which one would you pick?

Cant go wrong with the debut
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?

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