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1-Track Albums

It is standard that albums contain several different songs that are separated by distinct track markers. Sometimes, these songs may contribute to one story, which is the case on concept albums. The next, more radical step is to include only one long song on an album, which may be presented as a single track. These one track albums provide a special kind of journey for the listener, demanding full commitment without the help and orientation that the separation in several tracks may have provided.

This list includes albums that consist of only one single song presented in one track.

Please feel free to suggest more one track metal albums.

[Updated 22.10.2024]

Created by: Plattner | 14.03.2024

1. Abruptum - In Umbra Malitae Ambulabo, In Aeternum In Triumpho Tenebrarum
In Umbra Malitae Ambulabo, In Aeternum In Triumpho Tenebrarum (60:10)
2. Abruptum - Vi Sonus Veris Nigrae Malitiaes
Vi Sonus Veris Nigrae Malitiaes (61:37)
3. Agalloch - Faustian Echoes
Faustian Echoes (21:35)
4. Alkerdeel - Dyodyo Asema [Collaboration]
Dyodyo Asema (19:07)
5. Bell Witch - Mirror Reaper
Mirror Reaper (83:15) [Note: digital version as one track; CD version in two tracks: Mirror Reaper (As Above) + Mirror Reaper (So Below)]
6. Bell Witch - Future's Shadow Part 1: The Clandestine Gate
The Clandestine Gate (83:15)
7. Black Boned Angel - Bliss And Void Inseparable
Bliss And Void Inseparable (60:25)
8. Black Boned Angel - The Endless Coming Into Life
The Endless Coming Into Life (63:14)
9. Black Boned Angel - Verdun
Verdun (51:55)
10. Bongripper - The Great Barrier Reefer
The Great Barrier Reefer (79:23)
11. Boris - Absolutego
Absolutego (60:15)
12. Boris - Boris At Last - Feedbacker
Feedbacker (42:28)
13. Boris - Flood
Flood (70:32)
14. Boris - Sun Baked Snow Cave [Collaboration]
Sun Baked Snow Cave (62:02)
15. Buckethead - Underground Chamber
Underground Chamber (30:43) [CD version as one track, iTunes version in ten tracks]
16. Buckethead - Footsteps
Footsteps (29:15)
17. Chryst - PhantasmaChronica
PhantasmaChronica (47:16)
18. Corrupted - El Mundo Frio
El Mundo Frio (71:39)
19. Corrupted - Paso Inferior
Paso Inferior (41:46)
20. Darkspace - Dark Space -II
Dark -2.-2 (47:12)
21. Darkestrah - Epos
Epos (33:34)
22. Deathspell Omega - Diabolus Absconditus
Diabolus Absconditus (22:30)
23. Dekadent - The Deliverance Of The Fall
The Deliverance Of The Fall (42:33)
24. Devil Doll - The Girl Who Was... Death
The Girl Who Was... Death (66:06)
25. Devil Doll - Eliogabalus
Eliogabalus (44:54)
26. Devil Doll - Sacrilegium
Sacrilegium (58:56)
27. Devil Doll - The Sacrilege Of Fatal Arms
The Sacrilege Of Fatal Arms (60:19)
28. Devil Doll - Dies Irae
Dies Irae (60:12)
29. Ea - Ea
Ea (47:38)
30. Ea - A Etilla
A Etilla (49:13)
31. Edge Of Sanity - Crimson
Crimson (40:00)
32. Edge Of Sanity - Crimson II
Crimson II (43:00)
33. Ekpyrosis - Mensch Aus Gold
Mensch Aus Gold (31:35)
34. Fates Warning - A Pleasant Shade Of Gray
A Pleasant Shade Of Gray (53:46) [one track with parts I - XII marked on the back cover]
35. Fantômas - Delìrium Còrdia
Delìrium Còrdia [a.k.a. Svrgical Sovnd Specimens From the Mvsevm of Skin] (74:17)
36. Fauna - The Hunt
The Hunt (79:57)
37. Gorguts - Pleiades' Dust
Pleiades' Dust (32:59)
38. Gravetemple - The Holy Down
The Holy Down (60:15)
39. Green Carnation - Light Of Day, Day Of Darkness
Light of Day, Day of Darkness (60:06)
40. Hlidolf - V01D
V01D (60:10)
41. Impiety - Worshippers Of The Seventh Tyranny
Worshippers of the Seventh Tyranny (38:32)
42. Insomnium - Winter's Gate
Winter's Gate (40:02)
43. Jesu - Infinity
Infinity (49:31)
44. Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick
Thick As A Brick (43:46) [The song had to be split between the A and the B side of the original LP. Therefore, the CD version lists "1. Thick As A Brick" (22:40) and "2. Thick As A Brick" (21:06) as separate parts on the back cover, even though the song is presented as one single continuous track on the CD.]
45. Kayo Dot - Stained Glass
Stained Glass (19:56)
46. Krokmitën - Alpha-Beta
Alpha-Beta (46:32)
47. Lesbian - Forestelevision
Forestelevision (44:09)
48. Massemord (POL) - The Madness Tongue Devouring Juices Of Livid Hope
The Madness Tongue Devouring Juices Of Livid Hope (35:06)
49. Melvins - Lysol
“Untitled” (31:32) [some CD versions have only one track, others have track markers for the parts Hung Bunny, Roman Dog Bird, Sacrifice, Second Coming, The Ballad Of Dwight Fry and With Teeth]
50. Meshuggah - I
I (21:01)
51. Mike Oldfield - Amarok
Amarok (60:02)
52. Monolithe - Monolithe I
Monolithe I (51:58)
53. Monolithe - Monolithe II
Monolithe II (50:26)
54. Monolithe - Monolithe III
Monolithe III (52:01)
55. Monolithe - Monolithe IV
Monolithe IV (57:01)
56. My Dying Bride - The Barghest O' Whitby
The Barghest O' Whitby (27:05)
57. Nadja - Thaumogenesis
Thaumogenesis (61:44)
58. Oak - Disintegrate
Disintegrate (44:28)
59. Ogre - Plague Of The Planet
Plague Of The Planet (37:16)
60. Orthrelm - Ov
Ov (45:39)
61. Overmars - Born Again
Born Again (39:26)
62. Pensées Nocturnes - Ceci Est De La Musique
Ceci Est De La Musique (54:55)
63. Pig Destroyer - Natasha
Natasha (37:36)
64. Rorcal - Heliogabalus
Heliogabalus (70:33)
65. Sabbat (JPN) - The Dwelling
The Dwelling - The Melody Of Death Mask (59:49)
66. Senmuth - με oν
με oν (41:30)
67. Sleep - Dopesmoker
Dopesmoker (63:31) [reworked version of Sleep`s song "Jerusalem"]
68. Sunn O))) - Veils It White
Veils It White (21:16)
69. Transatlantic - The Whirlwind
The Whirlwind (77:42)
70. Ufomammut - Eve
Eve (44:43)
71. Voidless Form - I, Nihilist
I, Nihilist (62:22)
72. Wormphlegm - In An Excruciating Way Infested With Vermin And Violated By Executioners Who Practise Incendiarism And Desanctifying The Pious
In an Excruciating Way Infested with Vermin and Violated by Executioners Who Practise Incendiarism and Desanctifying the Pious (32:07)
73. Wyrd - Heathen
Heathen (51:11)
74. Ysengrin - To Endotaton
To Endotaton (40:06)

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by Plattner ]


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Comments: 15   Visited by: 33 users
14.03.2024 - 22:09
Please feel free to suggest more one track metal albums.
14.03.2024 - 22:12
I found another list with one-song albums (by Hex_Omega) shortly before completing this 1-track album list. As these list have different approaches to the topic, you might also have a look here:

The best of 'One Song Only' albums
15.03.2024 - 13:14
Virtue and Vice
Great List There is some more

Gorguts - Pleiades' Dust [EP]
Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick
Skeep - Dopesmokers
Bell Witch - Mirror Reaper
Fates Warning – A Pleasant Shade Of Gray
Fantômas – Delìrivm Còrdia
Invisible To telescopic eye,
Infinity. The star that would not die.

Slayer vs. Slayer: 1,000 MPH or Death

15.03.2024 - 13:21
Written by Blackcrowe on 15.03.2024 at 13:14

Great List There is some more

Gorguts - Pleiades' Dust [EP]
Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick
Skeep - Dopesmokers
Bell Witch - Mirror Reaper
Fates Warning – A Pleasant Shade Of Gray
Fantômas – Delìrivm Còrdia

Thank you very much for your suggestions, Blackcrowe. I will have a look at them.
18.03.2024 - 21:03
Written by Blackcrowe on 15.03.2024 at 13:14

Great List There is some more

Gorguts - Pleiades' Dust [EP]
Jethro Tull - Thick As A Brick
Skeep - Dopesmokers
Bell Witch - Mirror Reaper
Fates Warning – A Pleasant Shade Of Gray
Fantômas – Delìrivm Còrdia

Thank you again for your interesting suggestions, Blackcrowe. I have added them to the list.
20.03.2024 - 13:42
Virtue and Vice
Invisible To telescopic eye,
Infinity. The star that would not die.

Slayer vs. Slayer: 1,000 MPH or Death

19.10.2024 - 21:12
Hi !
I have a doubt would mike oldfield tubular bells would fit in there ? Its TB part i and II at a time where albums where out as LP'S so one part on each side ^^.
20.10.2024 - 12:50
Written by jeffster69 on 19.10.2024 at 21:12

Hi !
I have a doubt would mike oldfield tubular bells would fit in there ? Its TB part i and II at a time where albums where out as LP'S so one part on each side ^^.

Thank you for your suggestion, jeffster69. At the moment, I do not know, if "Tubular Bells" Part 1 and Part 2 were intended as one single song (like in the case of "Thick As A Brick" by Jethro Tull) or if they were indeed thought as two related but separate songs. We will see.
In any case, this is a very interesting example.
20.10.2024 - 16:01
It's even more strange with Marillion misplaced childhood. It was conceived as a single song, Fish anounced the first time he played the album : 'tonight we are going to sing one song and that song is called : misplaced childhood'. I know that the song was separated in parts for money reason due to Us laws. But misplaced childhood was conceived has a single song. Maybe it could have a place here^^
20.10.2024 - 16:11
Written by jeffster69 on 20.10.2024 at 16:01

It's even more strange withe Marillion misplaced childhood. It was conceived as a single song, Fish anounced the first time he played the album : 'tonight we are going to sing one song and that song is called : misplaced childhood'. I know that the song was separated in parts for money reason due to Us laws. But misplaced childhood was conceived has a single song. Maybe it could have a place here^^

I've never heard this story, MC is a concept album and like any album of this kind, songs are all tied up, completing each other.
Also kind of a two songs album (1-5 & 6-10).
I thought the two primary purposes for the internet were cat memes and overreactions.
20.10.2024 - 18:21
Written by jeffster69 on 20.10.2024 at 16:01

It's even more strange with Marillion misplaced childhood. It was conceived as a single song, Fish anounced the first time he played the album : 'tonight we are going to sing one song and that song is called : misplaced childhood'. I know that the song was separated in parts for money reason due to Us laws. But misplaced childhood was conceived has a single song. Maybe it could have a place here^^

This would be an interesting additional information. So far I only knew that this is a concept album with several tracks that can be combined to two groups.
Where did you read the story about the possible original concept of one single song/track for this album?
20.10.2024 - 18:43
Well we discussed about it with john doe and i guess it won(t fit your list, It's always difficult with albums out before the cd period
Since LP's are split in side one and side two.
20.10.2024 - 19:11
For this one there is no ambiguity : Mike oldfield - AMAROK just one track of 60mins^^
20.10.2024 - 19:15
Written by jeffster69 on 20.10.2024 at 18:43

Well we discussed about it with john doe and i guess it won(t fit your list, It's always difficult with albums out before the cd period
Since LP's are split in side one and side two.

Thank you for sharing this interesting information with us, jeffster69. I have noticed the references you mailed to me.
Even though the official "final version" of this album does not fit to the criteria of this list, it is a valuable information that it was originally intended to be one song/track.
22.10.2024 - 19:44
Written by jeffster69 on 20.10.2024 at 19:11

For this one there is no ambiguity : Mike oldfield - AMAROK just one track of 60mins^^

Thank you very much for your suggestion, jeffster69.
Even though Mike Oldfield is not included in the MS database I decided to add this album to the list. This album in particular is a very interesting listening experience. Thank you for posting this here.

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