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Slayer666 - album votes


   Total votes: 316
   Average rating: 6.61

Order by:

   Year | Rating | Band
10 3 votes
9 40 votes
8 74 votes
7 65 votes
6 54 votes
5 40 votes
4 19 votes
3 12 votes
2 6 votes
1 3 votes

Cradle Of Filth - The Principle Of Evil Made Flesh 10
Cradle Of Filth - Dusk... And Her Embrace 10
Cradle Of Filth - Cruelty And The Beast 10
Astarte - Rise From Within 9
Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss 9
Burzum - Filosofem 9
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger 9
Cradle Of Filth - Godspeed On The Devil's Thunder 9
40 Watt Sun - The Inside Room 9
Nortt - Gudsforladt 9
Cradle Of Filth - Damnation And A Day 9
Cradle Of Filth - Bitter Suites To Succubi [EP] 9
Rotting Christ - Theogonia 9
Agalloch - The Mantle 9
Gorgoroth - Under The Sign Of Hell 9
Gorgoroth - Pentagram 9
Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas 9
Moonspell - Wolfheart 9
Agalloch - Marrow Of The Spirit 9
Thergothon - Stream From The Heavens 9
Moonspell - Sin / Pecado 9
Satyricon - Nemesis Divina 9
ColdWorld - Melancholie² 9
Slayer - Reign In Blood 9
Katatonia - Brave Murder Day 9
Katatonia - Dance Of December Souls 9
Warning - Watching From A Distance 9
Arcana Coelestia - Le Mirage De L'Idéal 9
Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane 9
The Foreshadowing - Days Of Nothing 9
Drudkh - Кров У Наших Криницях (Blood In Our Wells) 9
Ulver - Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr I 5 Capitler 9
Fields Of The Nephilim - Mourning Sun 9
Paradise Lost - Draconian Times 9
Bekhira - L'Élu Du Mal 9
Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao 9
Shining - III - Angst, Självdestruktivitetens Emissarie 9
Shining - V - Halmstad 9
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora 9
Xasthur - Subliminal Genocide 9
Arizmenda - Within The Vacuum Of Infinity... 9
The Stone - Magla 9
Moonspell - Irreligious 9
Blut Aus Nord - Memoria Vetusta II - Dialogue With The Stars 8
Moonspell - Night Eternal 8
Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay 8
Fields Of The Nephilim - Elizium 8
Gorgoroth - Antichrist 8
My Dying Bride - The Angel And The Dark River 8
My Dying Bride - Turn Loose The Swans 8
Slipknot - Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses 8
Abonos - Abonos 8
Xasthur - Nocturnal Poisoning 8
Moonspell - The Antidote 8
Amon Amarth - With Oden On Our Side 8
Blut Aus Nord - The Work Which Transforms God 8
Slumber - Fallout 8
Dissection - The Somberlain 8
Dark Funeral - Attera Totus Sanctus 8
Nortt - Ligfærd 8
Shining - II - Livets Ändhållplats 8
Slipknot - Slipknot 8
Paradise Lost - In Requiem 8
Tiamat - A Deeper Kind Of Slumber 8
Tiamat - Wildhoney 8
Slipknot - Iowa 8
Shining - IV - The Eerie Cold 8
Funeral - In Fields Of Pestilent Grief 8
Burzum - Burzum 8
Darkthrone - Sardonic Wrath 8
Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain 8
Burzum - Det Som Engang Var 8
Gallhammer - Gloomy Lights 8
Barathrum - Eerie 8
Rammstein - Reise, Reise 8
Drudkh - Лебединий Шлях (The Swan Road) 8
Xasthur - The Funeral Of Being 8
Agalloch - The Serpent & The Sphere 8
In Flames - The Jester Race 8
Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses 8
Type O Negative - World Coming Down 8
Cradle Of Filth - Vempire Or Dark Faerytales In Phallustein [EP] 8
Cradle Of Filth - From The Cradle To Enslave [EP] 8
Rammstein - Sehnsucht 8
Dark Funeral - The Secrets Of The Black Arts 8
Dark Funeral - Diabolis Interium 8
Lifelover - Sjukdom 8
Cradle Of Filth - Midian 8
Paradise Lost - Symbol Of Life 8
Ash Borer - Ash Borer 8
Blind Guardian - Imaginations From The Other Side 8
Arizmenda - Without Circumference Nor Center 8
Rammstein - Herzeleid 8
Rammstein - Mutter 8
Ulver - Nattens Madrigal - Aatte Hymne Til Ulven I Manden 8
Drudkh - Вічний Оберт Колеса (Eternal Turn Of The Wheel) 8
Heretoir - Heretoir 8
Paradise Lost - Gothic 8
Paradise Lost - Shades Of God 8
Paradise Lost - Icon 8