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The Best Metal Albums* From A To # (W)

This list is meant to be an extensive, but by no means exhaustive, collection of the greatest (modern) metal albums and eps. Running the gamut from avant-garde to trve norweigan black metal. *As someone who is young in age, my tastes tend to revolve around the period of the 80s to the present.* Although certain metal albums from before will certainly be featured, the period of the 60s-70s will be under-represented. I refer you to this excellent list to gain a better appreciation for some of the best metal from that period:

All bands will be limited to one album unless they had a significant change in style (e.g. Amorphis and Katatonia). It goes without saying that as this is my personal list the genres that are included more than others expresses my bias and I am open to listening to any suggestions on additional albums to add. This list will be separated by letters as including them all in one list would make it overly long. Just to give you an idea: my personal collection is over 10,000 songs, most of them in the metal genre.

Most of the bands featured here have other great albums so if you like the album featured here be sure to peruse their other works. Artists whose names start with 'The' or A/An' will be included in whatever letter follows, e.g. ' A Forest of Stars' will be included in F. This list(s) contains the most well-known bands e.g. Opeth, to the most obscure e.g. Vanguard x Mortem.

The list(s) will be updated periodically. If you have trouble locating an album on this list or think I missed a particular album feel free to contact me, and share this list far and wide so that more people can benefit from the incredible array of musical experience metal has to offer.

You can find me on all of these other websites:

(Broke 10k songs!, onward to 20k...):

Created by: Uxküll | 14.03.2021

1. W.A.S.P. - The Crimson Idol
2. Wachenfeldt - The Interpreter
3. Wake - Devouring Ruin
4. Waldgeflüster - Femundsmarka - Eine Reise In Drei Kapiteln
5. Walknut - Graveforests And Their Shadows
6. The Wandering Midget - I Am The Gate
7. Waning - The Human Condition
8. Warbringer - Waking Into Nightmares
9. Warcrab - Damned In Endless Night
10. Warforged - I: Voice
11. Warlord - Deliver Us
12. Warning - Watching From A Distance
13. Warrel Dane - Shadow Work
14. Waste Of Space Orchestra - Syntheosis
15. Wastefall - Soulrain 21
16. Watain - Lawless Darkness
17. Watchtower - Control And Resistance
18. Wayd - Barriers
19. Wayfarer - A Romance With Violence
20. We All Die (Laughing) - Thoughtscanning
21. We Lost The Sea - The Quietest Place On Earth
22. Weakling - Dead As Dreams
23. Weapon - Embers And Revelations
24. Wedard - Wo Die Ewigkeit Die Zeit Berührt
25. Weedeater - God Luck And Good Speed
26. Weedpecker - Weedpecker
27. Weeping Silence - Opus IV Oblivion
28. Wehmut - Wehmut
29. Weird Fate - Cycle of Naught
30. Well Of Night - The Lower Planes of Self​-​Abstraction
31. Weltenbrandt - Schöpfung
32. Wesenwille - II: A Material God
33. What Mad Universe - A Cosmic Chapter With Gaia
34. Wheel - Moving Backwards
35. Wheelfall - Glasrew Point
36. When Icarus Falls - Circles
37. When Mine Eyes Blacken - When Mine Eyes Blacken
38. When Nothing Remains - Thy Dark Serenity
39. While Heaven Wept - Vast Oceans Lachrymose
40. Whispered - Shogunate Macabre
41. Whispering Gallery - Shades Of Sorrow
42. White Arms Of Athena - Astrodrama
43. White Medal - Yorkshire Steel
44. White Skull - Tales From The North
45. White Walls - Escape Artist
46. White Ward - Love Exchange Failure
47. Whitechapel - The Valley
48. Whoredom Rife - Dommedagskvad
49. Whoresnation - Mephitism
50. Why Angels Fall - ...To The Sun
51. Whyzdom - Symphony For A Hopeless God
52. Wide Eyes - Volume
53. Widek - Outside The Universe
54. Wiegedood - De Doden Hebben Het Goed
55. Wigrid - Hoffnungstod
56. Wildernessking - Mystical Future
57. Wilderun - Veil Of Imagination
58. Wilds Forlorn - We, The Damned
59. Wills Dissolve - The Heavens Are Not On Fire...
60. Wilt - Ruin
61. Windbruch - No Stars, Only Full Dark
62. Windhand - Windhand
63. Windir - 1184
64. Winds - The Imaginary Direction Of Time
65. Windswept - The Onlooker
66. Wine From Tears - Through The Eyes Of A Mad
67. Winter - Into Darkness
68. Wintercult - The Last Winter
69. Winterfylleth - The Mercian Sphere
70. Winterhorde - Maestro
71. Wintersun - Wintersun
72. Witch Mountain - Cauldron Of The Wild
73. Witchrist - The Grand Tormentor
74. Withem - The Point Of You
75. Withered - Folie Circulaire
76. Witherfall - Nocturnes And Requiems
77. Witheria - Painful Escape
78. Witherscape - The Northern Sanctuary
79. Within Temptation - The Silent Force
80. Within The Fall - Where Sorrow Grows
81. Woburn House - Message To Ourselves Outside The Dreaming Machine
82. Woccon - Solace in Decay
83. Wode - Wode
84. Wodensthrone - Curse
85. Woe - Withdrawal
86. Wolf Counsel - Destination Void
87. Wolfheart - Winterborn
88. Wolvennest - Void
89. Wolverine - Still
90. Wolves Den - Deus Vult
91. Wolves In The Throne Room - Two Hunters
92. Wolvserpent - Perigaea Antahkarana
93. Woman Is The Earth - This Place That Contains My Spirit
94. Woods Of Belial - Deimos XIII
95. Woods Of Desolation - Torn Beyond Reason
96. Woods Of Ypres - Woods 5: Grey Skies & Electric Light
97. Woomera - Caustics Of A Tidal Spirit
98. Words Of Farewell - The Black Wild Yonder
99. Wormed - Exodromos
100. Wormlust - The Feral Wisdom
101. Wormphlegm - Tomb Of The Ancient King
102. Wormwitch - Heaven That Dwells Within
103. Wormwood - Ghostlands - Wounds From A Bleeding Earth
104. Worsen - Cursed To Witness Life
105. Worship - Dooom
106. The Wounded - Atlantic
107. Wovoka - Saros
108. Wrath Of Echoes - Progeny Of The Fallen One
109. Wrathchild America - 3-D
110. Wrathprayer - The Sun Of Moloch: The Sublimation Of Sulphur's Essence Which Spawns Death And Life
111. Wrekmeister Harmonies - Light Falls
112. Wren - Groundswells
113. The Wretched End - Inroads
114. Writhing - Eternalised In Rot
115. Wuthering Heights - The Shadow Cabinet
116. WuW - Rétablir L'éternité
117. Wyrd - Heathen

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by Uxküll ]


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Comments: 4   Visited by: 39 users
14.03.2021 - 12:11
Oh, we're almost there!

Gotta start going through these more thoroughly once they're all uploaded
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
14.03.2021 - 18:02
Written by RaduP on 14.03.2021 at 12:11

Oh, we're almost there!

Gotta start going through these more thoroughly once they're all uploaded

I have a ton to add to previous lists as well that I've built up since making them. I'll DM you of all the additions once they are added.
"Nullum unquam exstitit magnum igenium sine aliqua dementia [there was never great genius without some madness]."

Best of Metal A-Z:
25.04.2023 - 01:41
Was looking through Wode's discography and found this list, some cool picks here!
Nice to see Whispered and Witherscape for example, I wouldn't mind new albums from both😅
27.04.2023 - 04:37
Written by Jaro on 25.04.2023 at 01:41

Was looking through Wode's discography and found this list, some cool picks here!
Nice to see Whispered and Witherscape for example, I wouldn't mind new albums from both😅

There are many more! Check them out.
"Nullum unquam exstitit magnum igenium sine aliqua dementia [there was never great genius without some madness]."

Best of Metal A-Z:

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