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Andy's top Scandinavian black metal albums

My favourite black metal albums all from Scandinavia (Norway, Sweden, Finland) listed and ranked, with all varieties from within the black metal genre.

Created by: AndyMetalFreak | 26.04.2021

1. Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter
1999 - (Black) 1. Withstand The Fall Of Time, 2. Tragedies Blows At Horizon, 3. Solarfall.
2. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
1994 - (Black) 1. Freezing Moon, 2. De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, 3. Life Eternal.
3. Bathory - Hammerheart
1990 - (Viking/1st Wave) 1. Valhalla, 2. One Rode To Asa Bay, 3. Home Of The Once Brave.
4. Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
1994 - (Symphonic) 1. Cosmic Keys To My Creations And Times, 2. Inno A Satana, 3. Into The Infinity Of Thoughts.
5. Burzum - Filosofem
1996 - (Ambient) 1. Dunkelheit, 2. Jesus Tod. 3. Erblicket Die Tochter Des Firmnents.
6. Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane
1995 - (Melodic) 1. Nights Blood, 2. Thorns Of Crimson Death, 3. Where Dead Angel's Lie.
7. Immortal - Sons Of Northern Darkness
2002 - (Black) 1. In My Kingdom Cold, 2. Within The Dark Mind, 3. Sons Of Northern Darkness.
8. Satyricon - Nemesis Divina
1996 - (Black) 1. Mother North, 2. Forhekset, 3. The Dawn Of A New Age.
9. Taake - ...Doedskvad
2005 - (Black) N/A.
10. Darkthrone - A Blaze In The Northern Sky
1992 - (Raw Black) 1. Where Cold Winds Blow, 2. In The Shadow Of The Horns, 3. Paragon Beliel.
11. Bathory - Blood Fire Death
1988 - (Viking/1st Wave) 1. Blood Fire Death, 2. A Fine Day To Die, 3. For All Those Who Died.
12. Windir - 1184
2001 (Viking/Melodic) - 1. Heidra, 2. The Spiritlord, 3. Journey To the End.
13. Dimmu Borgir - Enthrone Darkness Triumphant
1997 - (Symphonic) 1. In Deaths Embrace, 2. Spellbound, 3. Mourning Palace.
14. Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence
1993 - (Melodic) 1. Ancients gate, 2. Awakening, 3. Inborn Evil.
15. Unanimated - Ancient God Of Evil
1995 - (Melodic) 1. Life Demise, 2. Oceans Of Time, 3. Ruins.
16. Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk
1997 - (Symphonic) 1. Thus Spake The Night Spirit, 2. With Strength I Burn, 3. Alsvartr (The Oath).
17. Ulver - Bergtatt - Et Eeventyr I 5 Capitler
1995 - (Folk/Atmospheric) 1. I Troldskog Faren Vild, 2. Bergtatt - ind i fjeldkamrene 3. Soelen gaaer bag aase need.
18. Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter
1996 - (Black metal) 1. A Castle So Crystal Clear. 2. As I Behold the Dying Sun, 3. Wings Of Sorrow.
19. Satyricon - The Shadowthrone
1994 - (Black) 1. In The Mist By The Hills, 2. Dominions Of Satyricon, 3. Woods To Eternity.
20. Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times
1993 - (Black/Folk) 1. Walk The Path Of Sorrow, 2. Into The Mighty Forest, 3. Dark Medieval Times.
21. Aeternus - ...And So The Night Became
1998 - (Blackened death) 1. As I March, 2. Blodsverging, 3. ...And So The Night Became.
22. Taake - Nattestid...
1999 - (Raw Black) - N/A
23. Mistur - Attende
2009 - (Black/Viking) 1. Slaget, 2. Armod, 3. Svartsyn.
24. Havukruunu - Uinuos Syömein Sota
2020 - 1. Vähiin Päivät Käy, 2. Ja Viimein On Yö, 3. Kunnes Varjot Saa. (Black/folk)
25. Draugnim - Northwind's Ire
2008 - (atmospheric black) - 1. Will Dawn Rise Again, 2. Craionhorn, 3. Towards The Dusk.
26. Diabolical Masquerade - Nightwork
1998 - (Avant-garde black metal) 1. All Onboard The Perdition Hearze!, 2. Rider On The Bonez, 3. Haunted By Horror.
27. Sworn - A Journey Told Through Fire
2023 - (Melodic Black) - 1. A Godless Domain, 2. Grand Eclipse, 3. The Forsaken.
28. Sacramentum - Far Away From The Sun
1996 - (Melodic black) 1. Beyond All Horizons, 2. Blood Shall Be Spilled, 3. The Vision and the Voice.
29. Djevel - Naa Skrider Natten Sort
2022 - 1. Naa Skrider Natten Sort, 2. Naar Taaken Tetner, 3. Mitt Tempel Av Stierner Og Brennende Maaner (Black metal)
30. Bathory - Twilight Of The Gods
1991 - (Viking/1st Wave) 1. Bond Of Blood, 2. To Enter Your Mountain, 3. Twilight Of The Gods.
31. Burzum - Hvis Lyset Tar Oss
1994 - 1. Hvis Lyset Tar Oss, 2. Det Som En Gang Var, 3. Inn I Slottet Fra Drømmen.
32. Bathory - Under The Sign Of The Black Mark
1987 (1st Wave Black) - 1. Enter The Eternal Fire, 2. Chariots Of Fire, 3. 13 Candals.
33. Dissection - The Somberlain
1993 - (Melodic) 1. The Somberlain, 2. Black Horizons, 3. In The Cold Winds Of Nowhere.
34. Immortal - Northern Chaos Gods
2018 - 1. Mighty Ravendark, 2. Grim And Dark, 3. Gates To Blashyrkh.
35. Enslaved - Vikingligr Veldi
1994 - 1. Lifandi Lif Undir Hamri, 2. Midgards Elder, 3. Norvegr.
36. Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
1994 - (Raw Black) 1. Transilvanian Hunger, 2. Graven Takeheimens Saler, 3. Slottet I Det Fjerne.
37. Darkthrone - Under A Funeral Moon
1993- 1. To Walk The Infernal Fields, 2. Under A Funeral Moon, 3. The Dance Of Eternal Shadows.
38. Watain - Sworn To The Dark
2007 - 1. Legions Of The Black Light, 2. The Light That Burns The Sun, 3. Stellarvore.
39. Necrophobic - Hrimthursum
2006 - 1. Blinded By Light, Enlightened By Darkness, 2. Age Of Chaos, 3. I Strike With Wrath.
40. Burzum - Det Som Engang Var
1993 - 1. Lost Wisdom, 2. En Ring Til Å Herske, 3. Key To The Gates.
41. Necrophobic - Dawn Of The Damned
2020 - 1. Tartarian Winds, 2. Mirror Black, 3. Darkness Be My Guide.
42. Bathory - Nordland I
2002 - 1. Dragons Breath, 2. Nordland, 3. Foreverdark Woods.
43. Windir - Arntor
1999 - 1. Svartesmeden Og Lundamyrstrollet, 2. Saknet, 3. Byrjing.
44. Kampfar - Mellom Skogkledde Aaser
45. Lord Belial - Enter The Moonlight Gate
1997 - (Black) 1. Realm of a Thousand Burning Souls, 2. Lamia, 3. Unholy Spell of Lilith.
46. Dawn - Slaughtersun (Crown Of The Triarchy)
1998 - 1. The Knell And The World, 2. Ride The Wings Of Pestilence, 3. Malediction Murder.
47. Hades - The Dawn Of The Dying Sun
1997 - 1. Alone Walkyng, 2. The Tale Of A Nocturnal Empress, 3. Awakening Of Kings.
48. Burzum - Burzum
1992 - 1. Ea, Lord Of The Deeps, 2. Feeble Screams From Forests Unknown, 3. Black Spell Of Destruction.
49. Armagedda - Only True Believers
2003 - (Raw Black) 1. Only True Believers, 2. F.T.W, 3. For I Am His Slave.
50. Gorgoroth - Pentagram
1994 - 1. Måneskyggens Slave, Crushing The Scepter, 3. Katharinas Bortgang.
51. Sargeist - Let The Devil In
2010 - 1. Twilight Breath Of Satan, 2. Empire Of Suffering, 3. A Spell To Awaken The Temple.
52. Taake - Noregs Vaapen
2011 - 1. Myr, 2. Nordbundet, 3. Orkan.
53. Enslaved - Below The Lights
2003 1. A Darker Place, 2. As Fire Swept Clean The Earth, 3. Queen Of Night.
54. Vredehammer - Viperous
55. Thorns - Thorns
2001 - 1. Interface To God, 2. Stellar Master Elite, 3. World Playground Deceit.
56. Darkthrone - Panzerfaust
1995 - 1. Quintessence, 2. En Vind Av Sorg, 3. Beholding The Throne Of Might.
57. Gorgoroth - Under The Sign Of Hell
1997 - 1. The Devil Is Calling, 2. Blood Stains The Circle, 3. Profetens Åpenbaring.
58. Bathory - Bathory
1984 - 1. Raise The Dead, 2. Sacrifice, 3. Hades.
59. Carpathian Forest - Black Shining Leather
- 1. Death Triumphant, 2. Lunar Nights, 3. Sadomasochistic.
60. Immortal - Pure Holocaust
61. Gorgoroth - Antichrist
62. Dimmu Borgir - Stormblåst
1996 - 1. Dødsferd, 2. Broderskapets Ring, 3. Da Den Kristne Satte Livet Ti.
63. Enslaved - Frost
1994 - 1. Loke, 2. Svarte Vidder, 3. Isöders Dronning.
64. Burzum - Belus
2010 - 1. Glemselens Elv, 2. Belus' Død, 3. Kaimadalthas' Nedstigning.
65. Dark Funeral - Where Shadows Forever Reign
2016 - 1. Unchain My Soul, 2. As I Ascend, 3. Beast Above Man.
66. Eldamar - The Force Of The Ancient Land
2016 - 1. Travel In Woods, 2. The Border Of Eldamar, 3. Spirit Of The North.
67. Mayhem - Ordo Ad Chao
2007 - 1. Illuminate Eliminate, 2. Key To The Storms, 3. Wall Of Water.
68. Sargeist - Satanic Black Devotion
2003 - 1. Sargeist, 2. Satanic Black Devotion, 3. Frowning, Existing.
69. Marduk - Opus Nocturne
1994 - 1. Deme Quaden Thyrane, 2. Sulphur Souls, 3. Materialized In Stone.
70. Impaled Nazarene - Ugra-Karma
1993 - 1. Hate, 2. Soul Rape, 3. Sadistic 666.

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 11   Visited by: 127 users
22.10.2021 - 13:59
Account deleted
Well, good list, very diverse, which is good. Some bands still I need to check. I listened yesterday Varathron and it was very similar to old Rotting Christ, sounded old school. I would recommend Abigor "Nachthymnen", Limbonic Art "In Abhorrence Dementia" and Weakling "Dead as Dreams". These are all classics and very unique albums.
22.10.2021 - 14:11
A Nice Guy
Written by [user id=280669] on 22.10.2021 at 13:59

Well, good list, very diverse, which is good. Some bands still I need to check. I listened yesterday Varathron and it was very similar to old Rotting Christ, sounded old school. I would recommend Abigor "Nachthymnen", Limbonic Art "In Abhorrence Dementia" and Weakling "Dead as Dreams". These are all classics and very unique albums.

Thanks, I will be sure to check out those recommended
31.12.2021 - 19:13
A Nice Guy
Another list updated
28.06.2022 - 14:14
Nocturnal Bro
As to be expected, we have very similar taste (at least, based on the albums I recognize), although my ordering would be slightly different. I've not really considered my own ranking within a certain genre, but I'd say that my top ten would be:
1. Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane
2. Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter
3. Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence
4. Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk
5. Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
6. Lord Belial - Enter The Moonlight Gate
7. Summoning - Oath Bound
8. Summoning - Minas Morgul
9. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
10. Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract
28.06.2022 - 14:47
A Nice Guy
Written by F3ynman on 28.06.2022 at 14:14

1. Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane
2. Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter
3. Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence
4. Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk
5. Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
6. Lord Belial - Enter The Moonlight Gate
7. Summoning - Oath Bound
8. Summoning - Minas Morgul
9. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
10. Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract

That's a very good list
06.07.2022 - 16:04
AndyMetalFreak - A lot of great albums here. Thumbs up from me!

Written by F3ynman on 28.06.2022 at 14:14

As to be expected, we have very similar taste (at least, based on the albums I recognize), although my ordering would be slightly different. I've not really considered my own ranking within a certain genre, but I'd say that my top ten would be:
1. Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane
2. Immortal - At The Heart Of Winter
3. Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence
4. Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk
5. Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
6. Lord Belial - Enter The Moonlight Gate
7. Summoning - Oath Bound
8. Summoning - Minas Morgul
9. Mayhem - De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
10. Rotting Christ - Thy Mighty Contract

Nice list, although I struggled to get into Immortal, Mayhem or Rotting Christ.

I think mine would probably be:
1. Agalloch - The Mantle
2. Caladan Brood - Echoes of Battle
3. Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane
4. Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk
5. Windir - 1184
6. Deathspell Omega - Kénôse
7. Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
8. Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter
9. Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain
10. Drudkh - Кров У Наших Криницях (Blood In Our Wells)
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06.07.2022 - 21:29
A Nice Guy
Written by nonZero on 06.07.2022 at 16:04

I think mine would probably be:
1. Agalloch - The Mantle
2. Caladan Brood - Echoes of Battle
3. Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane
4. Emperor - Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk
5. Windir - 1184
6. Deathspell Omega - Kénôse
7. Emperor - In The Nightside Eclipse
8. Vinterland - Welcome My Last Chapter
9. Agalloch - Ashes Against The Grain
10. Drudkh - Кров У Наших Криницях (Blood In Our Wells)

That's a very good list too
06.07.2022 - 22:40
Roman Doez
I once again find myself with a somewhat different list from everyone else, which would look something like this (keeping it at only one entry per band):
1. Windir - Arntor
2. Sigh - Hangman's Hymn
3. La Torture Des Ténèbres - IV: Memoirs of a Machine Girl
4. Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
5. Ulver - Nattens madrigal: Aatte hymne til ulven i manden
6. Xothist - Simulacrum
7. Darkspace - Dark Space II
8. Burzum - Filosofem
9. Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
10. Graal - Sigullum Naturae
06.07.2022 - 23:03
A Nice Guy
Written by Roman Doez on 06.07.2022 at 22:40

1. Windir - Arntor
2. Sigh - Hangman's Hymn
3. La Torture Des Ténèbres - IV: Memoirs of a Machine Girl
4. Dissection - Storm of the Light's Bane
5. Ulver - Nattens madrigal: Aatte hymne til ulven i manden
6. Xothist - Simulacrum
7. Darkspace - Dark Space II
8. Burzum - Filosofem
9. Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger
10. Graal - Sigullum Naturae

Very interesting list, and a few I've not yet listened to
06.05.2024 - 19:14
You've got Enslaved's Below The Lights twice
06.05.2024 - 21:09
A Nice Guy
Written by Bjamm on 06.05.2024 at 19:14

You've got Enslaved's Below The Lights twice

Thanks for noticing

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