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2024: Jul-Dec

With 600-odd albums across Q1 and Q2, I've gotten through marginally less than last year so far, let's see if I keep that up

Created by: musclassia | 05.07.2024

1. Blighted Eye - Agony's Bespoke
[8.5] - More excellent extreme prog in 2024, a fantastic and exhilarating effort for a debut - fantastic lead guitar work and a riff conveyor belt.
2. A Swarm Of The Sun - An Empire
[8.5] - The Pyre is fairly awe-inspiring, and this duo's bleak, emotionally heavy post-rock/metal borderline sound is great as ever, despite the hefty album length.
3. Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere
[8.5] - The Death Floyd answer to Enslaved's Black Floyd, a great evolution for them.
4. Anciients - Beyond The Reach Of The Sun
[8.0] - A grower, and a very welcome return from these sludgy prog giants.
5. Iotunn - Kinship
[8.0] - Strong successor to the debut, Aldara's vocals are the highlight, but there's a good balance of melodicism and extreme metal elements.
6. Laudare - Requiem
[8.0] - The latest chamber/hardcore/metal fusion, and a very accomplished one at that.
7. Piah Mater - Under The Shadow Of A Foreign Sun
[8.0] - Very Opethian prog-death, generally very solid.
8. Ubiquity - The Ascendant Travels Among The Stars
[8.0] - More excellent Opeth worship.
9. Delving - All Paths Diverge
[8.0] - More dreamy Elder-lite goodness from DiSalvo.
10. Kalandra - A Frame Of Mind
[8.0] - Fades out a bit, but some really nice stuff in the first two-thirds.
11. Schammasch - The Maldoror Chants: Old Ocean
[8.0] - An interesting evolution, a bit lighter and more use of clean vocals; not everything hits the mark, but there's a really particular atmosphere that they create that still pulls me in here.
12. Ott - Hiraeth
[8.0] - Good fun vibes to this, like with Heads.
13. Five The Hierophant - Apeiron
[8.0] - Solid extension of previous album's style.
14. Lowen - Do Not Go To War With The Demons Of Mazandaran
15. Oranssi Pazuzu - Muuntautuja
[8.0] - Slightly more cacophonic follow-up to Mesterin Kynsi.
16. Mother Of Graves - The Periapt Of Absence
[8.0] - Really nicely melodic death/doom.
17. Pincer Consortium - Geminus Schism
[8.0] - Frenetic, varied cacophony of black, death, industrial and other metal styles.
18. Luck Wont Save You - Through The Mountains Of Melancholia
[8.0] - Cool BTBAM-esque prog-deathcore.
19. Blindead 23 - Vanishing
[8.0] - Bit heavy on the ambience in the final track, but a great return from half of the Affliction-era Blindead line-up.
20. Octoploid - Beyond The Aeons
[8.0] - Olli-Pekka Laine resurrects the sound of Elegy-era Amorphis quite sumptuously here.
21. Assemble The Chariots - Ephemeral Trilogy Episode 1: Unyielding Night
[8.0] - Exuberant symphonic deathcore/melodeath with extravagant arrangements, one of the best albums in the style in the recent years.
22. A Wake In Providence - I Write To You, My Darling Decay
[8.0] - Very good symphonic deathcore/prog-death with very decent clean vocals.
23. Untervoid - Parasite
[8.0] - Strong black(ened) metal release with melodic and avant-garde hints.
24. Papangu - Lampi​ã​o Rei
[8.0] - Zeuhl metal still sounds great second time around.
25. Vile Rites - Senescence
[8.0] - Solid prog/techy death with punishing dissonance in the heavier moments.
26. Eye Eater - Alienate
[8.0] - Post-tinged dissonant blackened death with good riffs and strong atmospherics.
27. Kanonenfieber - Die Urkatastrophe
[8.0] - No-frills riff frenzy.
28. Defacement - Duality
[8.0] - Intense, exhilarating dissonant blackened death.
29. Norna - Norna
[8.0] - Nicely brooding and ominous post-metal.
30. Devenial Verdict - Blessing Of Despair
[8.0] - Strong dissonance-infused prog death.
31. Aluk Todolo - Lux
[8.0] - More cool hypnotic trippiness, with a bit more dissonance than e.g. Oranssi Pazuzu.
32. Officium Triste - Hortus Venenum
[8.0] - Very solid d/d with great melodic lead guitar parts.
33. Amiensus - Reclamation: Part 2
[8.0] - Strong melodicism and variety; much better than Abreaction and possibly the best since Restoration.
34. Dreamless Veil - Every Limb Of The Flood
[8.0] - Strong debut from quasi-supergroup playing disso-tinged black/death.
35. Siderean - Spilling The Astral Chalice
[8.0] - Proggier than Vile Rites, but this is unapologetically (and frequently dissonant) death metal around the progginess.
36. Other World - Tenebrous
[8.0] - Enjoyable ritualistic slant to parts of this solid black metal album.
37. Generation Of Vipers - Guilt Shrine
[8.0] - Tasty hardcore-leaning sludge, songs are angry and heavy but still have groove.
38. Sur Austru - Datura Străhiarelor
[8.0] - More Negura Bunget-esque than I remember their previous efforts being, I'm enjoying this quite a bit.
39. Akhlys - House Of The Black Geminus
[8.0] - Exquisitely intense and hellish atmosphere, strong use of guitar leads.
40. Shadow And Claw - Whereabouts Unknown
[8.0] - Blackened and stoner hints in an atmospheric sludge sound, it works really well together.
41. Pure Reason Revolution - Coming Up To Consciousness
[8.0] - Bit too Porcupine Tree-y for me, and a bit short of the last couple of albums, but still a worthwhile listen.
42. Wintersun - Time II
[8.0] - Divorced from the drama surrounding its creation, this is a very good epic extreme power album, albeit with less memorable songwriting than the self-titled debut or Iron.
43. Bloody Valkyria - Kingdom In Fire
[8.0] - Very catchy, epic, satisfying folk/meloblack.
44. Trelldom - .​.​.​By The Shadows​.​.​.
[8.0] - Quite fascinating black-tinged jazz metal sound.
45. Black Sites - The Promised Land?
[8.0] - Clearly one of the most interesting new bands at present that falls under the 'heavy metal' umbrella, the progginess and general distinctiveness of the songwriting stand out.
46. Typhonian - The Gate Of The Veiled Beyond
[8.0] - Well-crafted death metal album with black metal hints and successful ventures into more expansive, progressive and melodic writing near the end of the album.
47. The Mantle - Violent Cosmic Fortune
[8.0] - Accomplished, compelling prog death album heavy on the prog.
48. Dungeon Crawl - Maze Controller
[8.0] - Really fun 'symphonic thrash' sound.
49. Nyktophobia - To The Stars
[8.0] - Typical-sounding but upper-tier Finnish-sounding melodeath from Germany.
50. In Aphelion - Reaperdawn
[8.0] - Perhaps a smidge hotter than this year's Necrophobic album.
51. Cold Cell - Age Of Unreason
[7.5] - Solid black metal with a very neat incursion into post-black territory with clean vocals on Meaningless.
52. The Flight Of Sleipnir - Nature's Cadence
[7.5] - Another impressive effort in genre-blending.
53. Leprous - Melodies Of Atonement
[7.5] - Somewhere between Malina and Aphelion in heaviness and complexity, finds a good balance of a more metallic edge with the band's recent exploration of electronics and art-pop stylings.
54. Kozoria - The Source
[7.5] - A few moments that go awry, but the Gojira/Trivium-influenced symphonic alt/prog sound produces some great moments.
55. Glare Of The Sun - TAL
[7.5] - Typical but very well-crafted post-metal.
56. Slomosa - Tundra Rock
[7.5] - Very solid stoner rock verging on stoner metal.
57. Winterfylleth - The Imperious Horizon
[7.5] - Another solid effort from this band with a good baseline level of enjoyment along with occasional great highlights.
58. Civerous - Maze Envy
[7.5] - Gnarly guitar tone elevates OSDM passages, but more interesting when it goes in blackened and atmospheric directions.
59. Ingurgitating Oblivion - Ontology Of Nought
[7.5] - Cacophonic, frenzied, oddball death metal; a bit too cacophonic for my liking at times, but the solos are a lot of fun, and the proggier inclinations (see middle of To Weave The Tapestry Of Nought) work well too.
60. Nile - The Underworld Awaits Us All
[7.5] - Pretty fierce and tasty, one of their better ones in a while.
61. Tellmarch - Tellmarch
[7.5] - Brief yet strong mix of doom, sludge, black and core sounds.
62. God Is An Astronaut - Embers
[7.5] - Classic GIAA, one of their best in a while; title track is a highlight.
63. Sans Froid - Hello, Boil Brain
[7.5] - Quirky but accessible and enjoyable art-rock.
64. Weather Systems - Ocean Without A Shore
[7.5] - Concerns over Daniel Cavanagh aside, it's a well-written and well-produced album in a similar vein to Weather Systems that shapes up quite favourably to the Anathema records that followed it.
65. Ensiferum - Winter Storm
[7.5] - Doesn't have the peaks of Thalassic, but it continues a relative revival for the group after the underwhelming 2010s they had.
66. Maitreya (CAN) - Auxesis
[7.5] - Bit thin in places, but overall found it to be a really nice modern prog/djent album with pleasant melodic textures.
67. Stoort Neer - Essensen Av Sm​ä​rta, Reflektion Och återh​ä​mtning
[7.5] - Brief but impactful atmospheric black-tinged hardcore onslaught.
68. Ceremony Of Silence - H​á​lios
[7.5] - Chonky dissonant blackened death with nice atmospheric aspects.
69. Sinistro - Vértice
[7.5] - Cool doomy post-metal with strong vocals and dramatic flair.
70. Ever Forthright - Techinflux
71. Favna Abisal - La Casa De Los Siete Espejos
[7.5] - Rather enjoyable proggy genre-fluid stuff with hints of Arcturus and nice melodic sensibilities.
72. Crimson Veil - Hex
[7.5] - Diverse, well-crafted sound spanning alternative metal with Julie Christmas hints, prog tendencies, and harsher moments, with quite an eerie vibe overall.
73. Envy - Eunoia
[7.5] - Quite brief, and missing the standout songs that The Fallen Crimson had, but the overall sound is very pleasant.
74. Post Luctum - Forced To Watch You Wither
[7.5] - Solid, evocative, occasionally dreary melodic death/doom.
75. Longhouse - III: N​ì​jw​à​swe
[7.5] - Solid post-y, sludge, sometimes melodic sound with strong lead guitar work.
76. Emu - Emu
[7.5] - Fun, exciting psych/stoner hard rock debut.
77. Bile Caster - Writhing Between Birth And Death
[7.5] - Thick and ugly debut EP.
78. Caffeine - The Threshold
[7.5] - Fun high-energy sludgy album with a bit of a Mastodon-lite vibe.
79. Sugar Horse - The Grand Scheme Of Things
[7.5] - Occasional metallic outbursts, but more shoegaze/space rock/ambient-oriented.
80. Colmaar - Eternel
[7.5] - Very CoL-esque evolution from When Icarus Falls; it's a shame to see them lose some of their personality, but I also do love this particular sound through association with CoL.
81. Bent Knee - Twenty Pills Without Water
[7.5] - Nice, varied, fairly gentle prog sound - nothing crazy good, but also manages to avoid any of the annoying moments I've encountered before with Bent Knee.
82. Swampworm - Architeuthis
[7.5] - Evil, dissonant blackened grindcore.
83. Master Boot Record - Hardwarez
[7.5] - Same as usual, but still very entertaining.
84. Tigran Hamasyan - The Bird Of A Thousand Voices
[7.5] - 90 minutes is too long for me, but the djenty jazz piano style is certainly unique and intriguing.
85. Concrete Winds - Concrete Winds
[7.5] - Mad, frenzied fusion of death, grind and black metal.
86. Vestige - Janis
[7.5] - Gazey album, but also one that leans into heavier sounds from post-metal and metalcore.
87. Groza - Nadir
[7.5] - Solid pivot in a post-black direction.
88. Kingcrow - Hopium
[7.5] - Bit too emotionless classic prog at times, but also has some very solid writing on several tracks.
89. Mast Year - Point Of View
[7.5] - Compact, crunching sludge/noise rock/hardcore fusion.
90. Malconfort - Humanism
[7.5] - Black-tinged, jazzy avant-garde metal sound: takes a bit of time to warm up (and the shrieked vocals can be a bit grating), but when it's in its groove, the oddball flow, quirky riffs and unorthodox melody come together rather well.
91. Munarheim - Heimkehr
[7.5] - Rather enjoyable mix of folk, melodeath, power and symphonic metal.
92. Grava - The Great White Nothing
[7.5] - Bleak, groovy sludge with atmospheric elements.
93. Zemeth - Miren
[7.5] - From person behind Bloody Cumshot, not as balls-out insane as that band and not as fond of the J-pop vocal bits, but it's still a lot of fun.
94. The Other Sun - Daimon, Devil, Dawn
[7.5] - Fun mix of occult, western and surf rock.
95. Pohl - Mysteries
[7.5] - Cool sound straddling rock and metal, drawing from noise rock, alt metal, post-punk and arguably stoner, with elements of bands like Helms Alee and Jane's Addiction.
96. Orden Ogan - The Order Of Fear
[7.5] - Somewhere between Gunman and Final Days, another strong entry from one of power metal's strongest forces at present.
97. Conjuring - Odium
[7.5] - Another solid melody-heavy black metal release.
98. Run - True Heaviness Is Time
[7.5] - Strong metalcore EP with black and post- elements.
99. Zørza - Hellven
[7.5] - Solid blackened album with some melodic and post- elements.
100. Meer - Wheels Within Wheels
[7.5] - A mature and well-realized symphonic prog rock sound with modern and pop sensibilities.
101. Cemetery Skyline - Nordic Gothic
[7.5] - Really nice gentle gothic rock/metal album that carries over hints from the constituent members' main bands.
102. Giant Walker - Silhouettes
[7.5] - Solid heavy alt rock/metal sound with strong lead vocals and good degree of hookiness.
103. Helevorn - Espectres
[7.5] - Conventional but strong gothic doom.
104. Floating Points - Cascade
[7.5] - Good return to fun ravey music after the orchestral collab.
105. NightWraith - Divergence
[7.5] - Enjoyable Finnish-style melodeath with some impressive Coloradan guests.
106. Pyrrhon - Exhaust
[7.5] - Another chaotic onslaught of dissonant madness, found this perhaps marginally more approachable than my previous attempts at listening to them.
107. Modern Rites - Endless
[7.5] - Faintly melodic black metal with a good aura and high intensity.
108. Vower - Apricity
[7.5] - Solid prog/alt debut EP from band with ex-Palm Reader, Toska and Black Peaks members.
109. Seth - La France Des Maudits
[7.5] - Generally strong melody-tinged black metal.
110. Dead Sacraments - The Pale Temple And Others
[7.5] - Enjoyable stoner/sludge-leaning doom.
111. Apep - Before Whom Evil Trembles
[7.5] - Solid enough Nile worship.
112. i Häxa - Part Three
[7.5] - Nice range from dark ambient electronica to electro-prog rock.
113. Iress - Now, In Reverse
[7.5] - Nice Chelsea Wolfe-esque gloomy sound with a bit more of a metallic doom slant.
114. Alvar - R​é​miniscence
[7.5] - Strong doom debut with some occasional more extreme hints, including faint blackened touches.
115. Hail Darkness - Death Divine
[7.5] - Solid occult mesh of retro rock, doom and stoner sounds, good vocals and riffs.
116. State Faults - Children Of The Moon
[7.5] - Solid post-hardcore with great solos and clearly above-average writing.
117. Hell Is Other People - Moirae
[7.5] - Slightly murkier blackgaze sound, pretty good; final song is strong.
118. Interloper - A Forgotten Loss
[7.5] - Rather nice, if slightly inconsistent, prog/metalcore/melodeath mix.
119. Fleshgod Apocalypse - Opera
[7.5] - Bit 'all flair, no substance' to begin with, but grows into itself with some more memorable writing from Morphine Waltz onwards.
120. Hereisaropegoodluck - Nothing To Write Home About
[7.5] - Best grindcore so far this year, it's hectic but multi-dimensional, with some textures in the mix that go beyond pure savagery and some mathy hints.
121. Krosis - Infinite Circuitry
[7.5] - I like it in the moments where it goes more Fallujah-ish, like the closing track.
122. Arkona (POL) - Stella Pandora
[7.5] - Nicely melodic, atmo-leaning black metal.
123. Decimals - Convergence
[7.5] - Delicate, dreamy instru-djent.
124. Malevich - Trembling And Dowsed
[7.5] - Not really any grindcore as advertised, but core-tinged sludgy post stuff with an interesting style.
125. Dawn Treader - Bloom & Decay
[7.5] - Blackgaze with a slight distinct flavour to it, really like the artwork.
126. Godspeed You! Black Emperor - "NO TITLE AS OF 13 FEBRUARY 2024 28,340 DEAD"
127. Marche Funèbre - After The Storm
[7.5] - Nice catchy melodic death/doom.
128. Swamp Coffin - Drowning Glory
[7.5] - Occasionally brings out the hardcore, but is tastiest when unleashing nasty sludge riffs.
129. Demon Head - Through Holes Shine The Stars
[7.5] - Solid doomy occult rock.
130. Teeth - The Will Of Hate
[7.5] - Cavernous doomy dissodeath.
131. Spectral Wound - Songs Of Blood And Mire
[7.5] - This band's still a bit too 'straight raw BM' for my tastes, but songs do have good riffs.
132. Kanaan & Ævestaden - Langt, Langt Vekk
[7.5] - Pleasant folk/prog mesh.
133. Axamenta - Spires
[7.5] - Long-awaited comeback after Ever-Arch-I-Tech-Ture; I like the symphonic prog melodeath sound reasonably well, gives vibes of Teramaze, Wilderun and a couple of other groups coming together.
134. Occulta Veritas - Irreducible Fear Of The Sublime
[7.5] - Very Voidhanger-esque dissonant black/death.
135. Void Witch - Horripilating Presence
[7.5] - Feisty, crunching death/doom.
136. Glacial Tomb - Lightless Expanse
[7.5] - Nasty brutal-leaning sludgy death.
137. Agrypnie - Erg
[7.5] - Feels more meloblack than blackgazey, it's good enough post-black for sure.
138. Respire - Hiraeth
[7.5] - The mix of post-hardcore/screamo, indie, blackgaze and some other eclectic sounds is a compelling one overall.
139. The Blacktones - The Longest Year
[7.5] - Intriguing mesh of alternative, sludge, post- and post-black metal, perhaps slightly leans more towards the former overall, while fluctuating track by track.
140. The Black Dahlia Murder - Servitude
[7.5] - Very typical TBDM; Trevor left a void that Brian can't fill vocally, but he does well enough to no undermine the solid instrumentals.
141. Asarhaddon - Êra
[7.5] - Arguably overlong songs, but solid blackgaze/atmo-black.
142. Vanessa Funke - Void
[7.5] - Quite a lot of variety on this album, from blackgaze to melodeath and sorrowful atmo-black; generally I like the different approaches.
143. Turin - The Unforgiving Reality In Nothing
[7.5] - Modern death sound with some deathcore, industrial and symphonic elements, and a bit of a Hevy Devy feel to the semi-melodic harsh vocal moments.
144. Copse - MMXXIV
[7.5] - Basically just their EPs repackaged, but a solid blackgaze debut.
145. Mother Of Millions - Magna Mater
[7.5] - Pleasantly melodic alt/prog stuff.
146. Föhn - Condescending
[7.5] - Not sure how beneficial the saxophone is overall, but the general gloomy funeral doom writing is above-average and evocative.
147. Black Lava - The Savage Winds To Wisdom
[7.5] - Pretty solid and engaging blackened death.
148. Bloodcross - Gravebound
[7.5] - Frenetic, full-pelt meloblack debut with some trad/speed hints.
149. Uniform - American Standard
[7.5] - Rather enjoy the slow, monolithic nature of the trudging title track.
150. Vision Divine - Blood And Angels' Tears
[7.5] - Above-average power metal in another underwhelming year for the genre.
151. Raat - Enchantment
[7.5] - Blackgaze/atmo-black/meloblack with some dreamy and some intense moments.
152. King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - Flight B741
[7.5] - Fun retro visit to 70s Southern rock.
153. Gargantura - Primary Pulse
[7.5] - Cool Gojira-esque pre-debut EP from groove/prog/death French band.
154. Heriot - Devoured By The Mouth Of Hell
[7.5] - Mean sludgy hardcore with some brief alt/industrial detours; I can vibe with this a bit more than Malevolence or Code Orange.
155. Defiled Embrace - The Nether Earth
[7.5] - Fairly solid death/doom with some satisfying riffs and guitar leads.
156. Oldd Wvrms - Abysséphale
[7.5] - Decent two-long-song instrumental post-metal album with quite a crunchy tone.
157. Anubis - The Unforgivable
[7.5] - Nice modern melodic prog rock, hints of heavier Dear Hunter in it.
158. Sidewinder - Talons
[7.5] - Stoner-heavy bluesy heavy rock with good vocals, riffs and writing.
159. Missouri Executive Order 44 - Salt Sermon
[7.5] - Brief, tense, manic mathcore bordering on grindcore/powerviolence.
160. Cabiria - How Long's The Drive?
[7.5] - Impressive modern addition to the congested instru-post scene.
161. Blackstaff - The Storyteller
[7.5] - Nasty sludge with occasional leanings towards extremity, although the primitiveness occasionally causes it to drag.
162. Vuur & Zijde - Boezem
[7.5] - Rather interesting mix of blackened elements with alternative rock styles, it's a fusion that's been done before but this is quite a distinctive example due to the low prominence of black metal.
163. Dragony - Hic Svnt Dracones
[7.5] - Cheesy but pleasantly catchy.
164. Mothman And The Thunderbirds - Portal Hopper
[7.5] - Vibrant melodic prog metal with slightly underwhelming vocals holding it back a bit.
165. Aurora (NOR) - What Happened To The Heart?
[7.0] - A bit too stripped-down at times compared with The Gods We Can Touch, and lacking the memorability factor, but still impressively arranged with the harmonizing.
166. Partholón - The Ocean Pours In
[7.0] - Heavily Cult Of Luna-influenced, but still very enjoyable.
167. Taur-Im-Duinath - Verso Casa
[7.0] - Conventional but enjoyable atmoblack.
168. Orme - No Serpents, No Saviours
[7.0] - Gnarly, droning sludge/stoner doom 20-minute single-song EP with a hench production.
169. Invernoir - Aimin' For Oblivion
[7.0] - Good Peaceville gothic doom metal revivalism.
170. Krilloan - Return Of The Heralds
[7.0] - It's just power metal, but it's fairly good.
171. Together To The Stars - The Fragile Silence
[7.0] - Conventional but solid blackgaze.
172. Kosmodome - Ad Undas
[7.0] - Retro-psych/prog rock.
173. Jon Hopkins - Ritual
[7.0] - It's an achingly long ambient build to the album's central climactic minutes, but when those middle tracks arrive, it's just about worth it in terms of payoff.
174. AK//47 - Menari Dalam Abu Algoritma
[7.0] - Pretty solid grindcore, fairly ballistic but also has some brief lighter post-hardcore moments that expand its pallette.
175. Earth Ship - Soar
[7.0] - Fun stoner/sludge combo with good riffs and guitar work on both ends of the spectrum.
176. And So I Watch You From Afar - Megafauna
[7.0] - Bit more taken with this one than their previous album, kinda quirky and bouncy with the math rock vibes.
177. Lord Buffalo - Holus Bolus
[7.0] - Bit of a Wovenhand understated Plains folk rock sound.
178. Krvl - Donkere Paden
[7.0] - Reasonably good post-black effort, nice Sharon Shazzula cameo.
179. Ophidian Memory - Carrion Lord
[7.0] - Fun thrash/melodeath one-man project.
180. Dominia - Timeless
[7.0] - Solid but flawed reprise of their Divine Revolution style.
181. Grendel's Sÿster - Katabasis Into The Abaton / Abstieg In Die Traumkammer
[7.0] - Quite unique-sounding folk-influenced heavy/doom sound.
182. Admiral Angry - Albania
[7.0] - A chaotic avantgarde mix of grindcore, polyrhythmic grooves, classic thrashing riffs, and a host of disparate sounds.
183. Fostermother - Echo Manor
[7.0] - Understated stoner rock/metal vibe, vocals are a bit soporific at times but overall feel is enjoyable.
184. Naisian - Melting Man
[7.0] - Good instrumental post-rock/metal EP.
185. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Wild God
[7.0] - Nick Cave isn't my jam, but I do quite like this quite symphonic, uplifing effort.
186. Evilyn - Mondestrunken
[7.0] - Discordant, dissonant, cavernous avant-garde death metal; impressive but difficult to engage with.
187. Kurokuma - Of Amber And Sand
[7.0] - Has good moments still, but fundamentally lacking the character that made the debut so strong.
188. Kiva - An Elegy Of Scars And Past Reflections
[7.0] - Bleak, brooding post-metal, generally enjoyable but found it slightly lacking in impact.
189. Grid - The World Before Us
[7.0] - Relatively intriguing post-metal sound, has some nice riffs and soundscapes, but also a slight oddness to it at times that doesn't entirely gel.
190. Mourners Lament - A Grey Farewell
[7.0] - Soporific gothic d/d, nice melodies and uses of keys, a greater presence would have elevated the album a tad.
191. Hell:On - Shaman
[7.0] - Reasonably solid Dyscarnate-esque modern groovy death sound with some World music elements.
192. Monument Of Misanthropy - Vile Postmortem Irrumatio
[7.0] - Above-average for brutal death, but is also a bit more dynamic and at-times melodic than usual for the genre.
193. Atavistia - Inane Ducam (I Will Lead Into Nothingness)
[7.0] - Fine EP, but does feel like a downgrade from Cosmic Warfare.
194. Conglaciation - Conglaciation
[7.0] - Tech/disso-death that's a bit too busy but quite often fun.
195. Grimgotts - The Time Of The Wolfrider
[7.0] - Surprisingly endearing and entertaining.
196. Oxygen Destroyer - Guardian Of The Universe
[7.0] - Vicious balls-to-the-wall death/thrash, well executed.
197. Wolfheart - Draconian Darkness
[7.0] - Like their previous album, generally decent, has some impressive moments but balanced out by some dry parts.
198. Nails - Every Bridge Burning
[7.0] - I don't quite understand what makes this band so popular compared to other grindy acts, but it's fine for what it is.
199. Myrdal - Helv​í​ti
[7.0] - Solid black metal EP.
200. Nihilect - Tapestry
[7.0] - Promising debut EP, dissonant and hectic core-leaning tech-death.
201. Fucked Up - Another Day
[7.0] - Indie punk sound, for lack of a better word, quite fun and melodic.
202. The Otolith - Legends Of The Desert: Volume 4
[7.0] - Good songs from The Otolith, not quite as keen on Eagle Twin's contributions.
203. Blitzkrieg - Blitzkrieg
[7.0] - Couple of duffer songs, but overall some very decent classic heavy metal.
204. Mountaineer - Dawn And All That Follows
[7.0] - Now fully into heavy shoegaze territory; the couple of harsh vocal moments seem a bit unnecessary but otherwise a pleasant listen.
205. Eldrvak - Shadows And Ash
[7.0] - Dainty soundtracky folk stuff, but a tad lightweight in terms of memorable and impactful material.
206. Keitzer - Pandemonium Humanitas
[7.0] - Crunchy, at times technical death metal with teeth.
207. Wormwitch - Wormwitch
[7.0] - Crusty black metal with faint melodic elements.
208. Deadscape - State Of Decline
[7.0] - General decent and mostly enjoyable melodeath with some very tasty lead guitar stuff (particularly near end of album), but not sold on some of the clean vocal parts.
209. Delta - Gemini
[7.0] - Reasonably good prog with solid vocals.
210. Al-Namrood - Al Aqrab
[7.0] - Quite sinister-sounding Arabian black metal.
211. Charlotte Wessels - The Obsession
[7.0] - Not spectacular, but catchy, pleasant and at-times quite touching.
212. Pergamo - Altar
[7.0] - Full-on Amenra/CoL worship, too similar to stand on its own but still very enjoyable to listen to (sans some roughness with the vocals).
213. Sylosis - The Path
214. Galneryus - The Stars Will Light The Way
[7.0] - Not too shabby power metal, got some zest to it.
215. New Money - Dinero Nuevo
[7.0] - Nasty sludge-core debut EP from ex-LLNN guitarist/vocalist.
216. Vanhelgd - Atropos Doctrina
[7.0] - Decent death metal with doom and black elements.
217. Arx Atrata - A Reckoning
[7.0] - Atmospheric meloblack with nice melodies and evocative vibes.
218. The Archaic Epidemic - Infinite Exile
[7.0] - Slam-tinged, blast-heavy deathcore, but surprisingly likeable and textured.
219. FØES - Endless Exile
[7.0] - Slightly grindy hardcore, lots of venom and distorted rage.
220. Oceans Of Slumber - Where Gods Fear To Speak
221. Öxxö Xööx - + (The Opening Of The Hypercube)
[7.0] - Quirky, theatrical and elaborate, but not chaotic; it's not a sound I can enjoy for nearly 80 minutes straight.
222. Oneiros - Ruminations
[7.0] - Fine melo/atmo-black.
223. Blind Monarch - The Dead Replenish The Earth
[7.0] - Grim sludge death/doom, slightly one-dimensional.
224. Jade - The Sempiternal Wound
[7.0] - Jade songs are very good, Sanctuarium ones are pretty bad.
225. Occult Witches - Sorrow's Pyre
[7.0] - Fun retro occult rock with a stoner rock edge.
226. Born In The Purple - Purple-Born
[7.0] - Good-quality debut melodeath EP.
227. Exosphere - Autonomy
[7.0] - Interesting off-kilter sludge sound with some melodic/clean vocal bits alongside dissonant chords and trudges, just doesn't quite all work together for me.
228. Visions Of Atlantis - Pirates II - Armada
[7.0] - Solid enough and suitably bombastic symphonic metal album, although I'm just not that into the songs.
229. Kryptos - Decimator
[7.0] - Solid speed metal-leaning classic heavy sound with strong riffs and solos.
230. Forgotten Tomb - Nightfloating
231. Dark Tranquillity - Endtime Signals
[7.0] - DT are clearly better than this, but based on the last 15 years of gradual regression, it's hard to expect too much better going forward.
232. Mayhemic - Toba
[7.0] - Reasonably fun, frenetic thrash.
233. De Mannen Broeders - Sober Maal
[7.0] - Basically CHVE material but with spoken word and not quite as powerfully atmospheric.
234. Undeath - More Insane
[7.0] - Reasonably good OSDM.
235. Endonomos - Endomonos II - Enlightenment
[7.0] - Bit plodding, but generally interesting doom sound.
236. Glacier (USA-BO) - A Distant, Violent Shudder
[7.0] - Fairly solid and heavy instrumental post-metal, but a bit too long to remain consistently engaging.
237. The Gates - .​.​.​Of The River Styx
[7.0] - Fairly fun gothicky occult rock with blackened vocals.
238. Scald - Ancient Doom Metal
[7.0] - Classic-sounding epic doom.
239. Saturn's Husk - Hourglass Of Human Ash
[7.0] - Decent post-y stuff with occasional stoner/psychedelic elements.
240. Liminal Shroud - Visions Of Collapse
[7.0] - Still a decent effort from the band, but I found it a bit less engaging their 2022 album - perhaps a bit OTT with the blasting.
241. Thousand Limbs - The Aurochs
[7.0] - Respectable instrumental-only post-metal.
242. Tantrum - No Place For The Damned
[7.0] - Surprisingly enjoyable trad heavy with solid vocals and riffs, albeit the occasional bland song.
243. Lunage - Tales From The Forgotten Lands
[7.0] - Pleasant Ensiferum-lite power metal-oriented folk metal.
244. Odious - Equilibrium Tool
[7.0] - Arabian symphonic metal, bit of a Septicflesh feel.
245. Adorior - Bleed On My Teeth
[7.0] - Relentless lo-fi first wave black/thrash/death evilness.
246. HammerFall - Avenge The Fallen
[7.0] - Bit ballad-heavy, some run-of-the-mill tracks, but some decent PM efforts.
247. Berenice - Berenice
[7.0] - Brutal grind debut EP.
248. Eldamar - Astral Journeys Pt. I: Creation
[7.0] - Dreamy ambient atmo-black.
249. I Ya Toyah - Drama
[7.0] - Generally fun and catchy electronic pop/rock album.
250. Torrefy - Necronomisongs
[7.0] - Rather decent black/thrash.
251. Daedalia - Dream Of A Manikin
[7.0] - Oddball psych black metal EP.
252. Scarcity - The Promise Of Rain
[7.0] - Cacophonic, freeform discordance: I appreciate aspects of the approach, although it can get a bit fatiguing to listen to.
253. Gormoth - Mes​é​l A T​á​j
[7.0] - Dainty ambient BM.
254. 40 Watt Sun - Little Weight
[7.0] - Bit more up my street than the last effort.
255. Harvestman - Triptych: Part Two
[7.0] - Folk-tinged ambience, above-average for ambient music.
256. Feind - Ambulante Hirnamputation
[7.0] - 15-minute rampage through 17 grindcore songs, has a bit of personality and fun to it amidst the onslaught.
257. Smashing Pumpkins - Aghori Mhori Mei
[7.0] - Reasonably good effort for this band in 2024.
258. Zetra - Zetra
[7.0] - Reasonably good kinda gazey, slightly gothicky, sorta heavy sound.
259. The Radicant - We Ascend
[7.0] - Interesting first taste of Vincent Cavanaugh's new project, quite electronics-focused.
260. Luca - Azelea
[7.0] - Pleasant instru-prog/djent debut EP in the Sithu Aye vein.
261. Uttertomb - Nebulas Of Self-Desecration
[7.0] - Bleak, murky, abhorrent death metal; some of it I find a bit unengaging, but a couple of tracks with some Nile-ish 'melodic' moments and bleak atmospheres sound cool.
262. Korrosive - Katastrophic Creation
[7.0] - Would benefit from going a bit more hyperthrash or leaning more into the death metal rather than throwing out the 'flat thrash' riffs it's prone to, but reasonably good.
263. Tenebrae Annex - Conditioning
[7.0] - Creepy industrial electronica.
264. Votive - Towards The Pillory
[7.0] - Decent, directly intense screamo.
265. Krallice - Inorganic Rites
[7.0] - The horror synths add an interesting dynamic to the music, which on the whole I struggle a bit to engage with.
266. Brian Gibson - Thrasher
[6.5] - Bit too scattered stylistically, but some good entrants from techno, IDM and other electronic styles.
267. Endless Chain - Agony
[6.5] - Reasonable goth/alt/melodeath mesh, dragged down slightly for me by the cheesier alt-metal elements.
268. Summoning The Lich - Under The Reviled Throne
[6.5] - B-side TBDM - fine, but lacking the same memorability of TBDM on form.
269. Erronaut - The Space Inbetween
[6.5] - Fairly typical doomy stoner with some slightly tougher moments; has moments where it shines a bit above average.
270. Nightwish - Yesterwynde
[6.5] - Less so than the last album, but still a bit bloated and boring.
271. Bríi - Camaradagem P​ó​stuma
[6.5] - Some nice sounds, but a bit directionless and impactless compared with previous releases.
272. Kwakisurpiniku - Nowhere Songs
[6.5] - Diverse, oddball mathcore/grindcore, includes things from a few different genres; bit hit and miss, but quite appealing when on song.
273. Chat Pile - Cool World
[6.5] - Not sure I'm ever going to like this band.
274. Ice Ages - Parasiting Dreams
[6.5] - Overlong but quite enjoyable darkwave.
275. Obsidian Mantra - As We All Will
[6.5] - Reasonably good groove death metal.
276. Blue Heron - Everything Fades
[6.5] - Decent but slightly unremarkable sludge-lite.
277. Drom - Pustina
[6.5] - Perfectly fine but slightly forgettable post-metal.
278. Oceano - Living Chaos
[6.5] - Nothing great, but some tasty parts to this deathcore.
279. Cäbränegrä - Karoshi
[6.5] - Decent grindcore with a nice oddball edge.
280. Cyborg Octopus - Bottom Feeder
[6.5] - More prog-metalcore, this time around a bit djentier; it has some more cool ideas, but less standout moments and the vocals (particularly harsh) are quite grating.
281. Phantom Hound - From Boom Town To Ghost Town
[6.5] - Decent desert rock/stoner metal album that does the basics well without going much beyond this.
282. Houkago Grind Time - Koncertos Of Kawaiiness: Stealing Jon Chang's Ideas, A Book By Andrew Lee
[6.5] - Frenetic tongue-in-cheek grind, decent but insufficient variety to remain interesting across 18 tracks.
283. Culled - Psycles
[6.5] - Moderately interesting grindy sludge EP.
284. Isle Of The Cross - Faustus: The Musical
[6.5] - Ambitious symphonic prog concept album, has some satisfyingly soaring power metallic parts, also has a few iffy tracks and parts.
285. Powerwolf - Wake Up The Wicked
[6.5] - Some decent catchy tracks here, some underwhelming cheesy ones too.
286. Lamašhtu - Längtan
[6.5] - Symphonic prog that has elements I appreciate, but I must confess I find it leaves me feeling dry too often for my liking.
287. Leila Abdul-Rauf - Calls From A Seething Edge
[6.5] - Airy, ethereal ambient stuff.
288. Simone Simons - Vermillion
[6.5] - Very Ayreon-esque, but more enjoyable than the last couple of Ayreon albums at least.
289. Wind Rose - Trollslayer
[6.5] - Perfectly listenable but overly cheesy and unremarkable power/folk metal.
290. Orpheus Omega - Emberglow
[6.5] - Slightly above-average melodeath of a metalcore persuasion; not huge on the clean choruses.
291. A Night In Texas - Digital Apocalypse
[6.5] - Slightly above-average deathcore, not overly memorable.
292. Act Of Creation - Moments To Remain
[6.5] - Generally decent Arch Enemy-esque material.
293. Korpituli - Pohjola
[6.5] - Kinda fine folk stuff, didn't notice anything especially noteworthy about it.
294. Myles Kennedy - The Art Of Letting Go
[6.5] - Listenable but forgettable rock.
295. Doedsmaghird - Omniverse Consciousness
[6.5] - Quite irritating, lots of wackiness but low on entertainment.
296. Flotsam And Jetsam - I Am The Weapon
[6.5] - Perfectly competent, almost a bit power metally at times, but overall slightly dull.
297. Phaëthon - Wielder Of The Steel
[6.5] - Good trad heavy instrumentation undermined by the 'epic' vocal style.
298. I, Cursed - Death Holograms
[6.5] - Brief furious deathgrind onslaught from duo better known for post-metal.
299. Deceased - Children Of The Morgue
[6.5] - Deathly thrash with a trad heavy edge, it's fine but nothing too exciting.
300. Nuclear Tomb - Terror Labyrinthian
[6.5] - Reasonably decent techy death-thrash.
301. Detach The Islands - A Highly Magnified History
[6.5] - Reasonably good mathy, posty hardcore with positive moments but also some underwhelming or tedious moments.
302. K.Y.M.I. - Liha
[6.5] - Moderately enjoyable deathcore/grind outing.
303. Ashtar - The Return Of The Frozen Souls
[6.5] - Unremarkable black/doom stuff.
304. Circle Of Sighs - Ursus
[6.5] - Wacky and erratic EP but at times quite interesting.
305. Sick/Tired - Whip Hand Paranoia
[6.5] - Straight grindcore aggression, reasonably satisfying for such a straight-nosed approach.
306. Black Capricorn - Sacrifice Darkness And .​.​. Fire
[6.5] - Initially starts off with an above-average ominous atmosphere for stoner doom, but regresses a bit after that point.
307. Duel - Breakfast With Death
[6.5] - Stonerish, rambunctuous heavy rock, decent fun without being particularly noteworthy.
308. Unto Others - Never, Neverland
[6.0] - Some good stuff, but too over the shop and some tracks really not for me.
309. High Parasite - Forever We Burn
[6.0] - The more gothic tracks and moments are fine, the more metallic portions (e.g. My Syndrome) are a bit tedious and the raspy vocals are really not doing it for me.
310. Zeal & Ardor - Greif
[6.0] - Kudos for continuing to try and innovate their sound, but I found this a bit boring on first listen.
311. Death Racer - From Gravel To Grave
[6.0] - Lots of raw blackened thrash energy, a bit primitive and limited though.
312. Eremit - Rise Of The Ruan​~​Angh
[6.0] - An Eremit song with subpar production that isn't truly heavy is just a bit pointless, and the first track in particular suffers from this.
313. Sickrecy - Sickrecy / SlothPhantomMoth [Split]
[6.0] - Just 5-10 min of pretty decent grindcore.
314. Satan - Songs In Crimson
[6.0] - Boring, dead NWOBHM.
315. Fulci - Duck Face Killings
[6.0] - A band/album I don't really understand the hype for, it just brings together brutal death and OSDM in a way that doesn't improve either.
316. Alleviate - DMNS
[6.0] - Competent but somewhat bland djent metal/deathcore.
317. Valkiria - Embrace The End
[6.0] - Overlong album; at its best when it sounds close to modern-day Katatonia, some of the more baritone gothic bits are a bit lacklustre.
318. Anna Pest - You And Me At The End Of The Fucking World
[6.0] - The technical, djenty, extreme slant of this metal/deathcore is generally pretty good but not great; not convinced by some of the dabblings with e.g. turn-of-the-millennium catchy clean choruses.
319. In Hearts Wake - Incarnation
[6.0] - Metalcore with good moments but cheesy electronics.
320. Wormed - Omegon
[6.0] - Better than some brutal death, still too close to brutal death for my tastes.
321. Against Evil - Give 'Em Hell
[6.0] - Some fun riffs on here for the genre, unfortunately the vocals aren't great and the choruses don't land.
322. Within The Ruins - Phenomena II
[5.5] - Found this a bit tedious and boring despite some good moments.
323. Dampf - No Angels Alive
[5.5] - Amaranthe-lite, better than their worst but worse than their best, and with a couple of oddball songs such as a folk shanty venture.
324. Trollcave / Putridarium - Swallowed By Rottenness
[5.5] - Boring lo-fi OSDM.
325. Gravemind - Introsphere
[5.5] - Listenable enough, but a fairly effective microcosm of the more tedious trends in the current x-core scenes.
326. Mushroomhead - Call The Devil
[5.5] - Rather bland, but not inherently bad, alt metal.
327. Blues Pills - Birthday
[5.5] - Competent but boring retro rock.
328. Allt - From The New World
[5.0] - Wet djent-lite metalcore, letdown from the previous EP.
329. Ad Infinitum - Abyss
[5.0] - It took 3 albums, but they've finally got rid of everything that made the debut worth listening. There's still decent songs or elements, but on the whole this is pop-metal tedium.
330. Warm Gadget - Sorrows
[5.0] - Boring writing and bad vocals.

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
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Comments: 2   Visited by: 77 users
11.07.2024 - 14:24
You've linked to the metal band Aurora.
Liebe ist für alle da.
21.09.2024 - 02:42
Great list!

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